Withdrawing from NJ State Retirement Plan

Withdrawing from NJ State Retirement Plan

For 403(b) Plans

  • Contact your investment advisor directly. Investment Company contact information can
    be found here.
  • If 403(b), you may fax (856-256-4714) or email completed forms to É«ÀÇÉçÇø
    University Human Resources (hr@rowan.edu). The plan administrators at our
    location will be able to complete and forward to the appropriate company.

For 401(a) Plans

  • Contact your investment advisor directly. Investment Company contact information can
    be found here.
    • If 401(a), you will have to complete the Withdrawal Request Acknowledgement
      Receipt ABP/DCRP.
    • Send completed forms to the Division of Pensions and Benefits. You can mail or
      email the forms. Their contact number is 609-292-7524.
      • Address: 50 West State Street (One State Street Square)
                     Trenton, NJ 08608.
      • Email abp@treas.nj.gov

For PERS Plans

If you have ended your New Jersey public employment, are not planning to return, and are not eligible to retire, you may withdraw your pension contributions. To withdraw the balance in a lump sum, you must no longer be working in any covered position.

If you are a "multiple member”, you cannot withdraw until you have terminated all jobs covered by the pension fund. By law, if you are on a leave of absence granted by your employer, withdrawal is not allowed. If you have a Workers' Compensation claim or litigation pending or if you have been dismissed and you have an appeal pending, your application cannot be processed until we receive required information from your employer.

To withdraw, you must complete the Application for Withdrawal through MBOS. Paper withdrawal applications are not accepted.

Once you apply for withdrawal, your former employer will be contacted to complete the Employer's Certification for Withdrawal. Your withdrawal claim cannot be paid until your former employer has completed this form.