Corrigenda Chronicles: HOPE by SiobhantheWriter | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

Chapter 73

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Sebastian woke to find the room empty.  Where is everyone?  He has never felt so alone in a place so full of people.  Sending out his senses he located most up in the library, a couple in the kitchen, but there was no sign of Eldrick.  Did something happen to him?   Last he knew there were assassins roaming the castle, could one have gotten him?  The only thing he could do was reach out to someone.  The closest minds were in the kitchen.

"Hello?" he thought tentatively to one of the people in the kitchen.  He recognized the life energy but he had no idea of who it may be.  "This is Sebastian, no you are not going crazy.  I can speak telepathically.  I would prefer to speak face to face if that is possible."  He cut off the communication and tried to flex his wing.  The joint was stiff and moving, but it still hurt so he stopped.  He waited for a few moments before a young woman entered the room.

"Hello Sebastian, how are you doing today?  I am Jane.  What did you want to talk about?"  She was drying her hands on her apron.

"Where is Eldrick?  Has something happened to him?"

"Ellie is just fine.  Left with Sergei a few days ago to continue on to the conclave.  She didn't want to leave, but he insisted."

Sebastian could see the concern in her eyes.  Why was she calling Eldrick, Ellie?  Had something happened to the spell?  Was Eldrick now in danger for his life?  "Why are you referring to him as Ellie?   Is there something I should know?"  He could feel the muscles of his chest tightening.  He could feel the conflicting ties of his word fighting for control.  He had given his word to protect Eldrick, but he had also given his word to stay until his wing joint had healed properly.  He needed to find a way to fulfil both those pledges. He couldn't think of a way to do that though.  Jane's voice brought him out of his reverie.

"Oh I am sorry, there was a development while you were fevered.  We were all instructed to refer to Eldrick as Ellie and use the female pronouns while she was here.  I guess I have not been able to drop it.  She made a perfectly fine woman and was so genuine and happy as Ellie.  There are quite a few of us who still refer to her that way.  Cait has redoubled her staff work practice because Ellie made her look like a fool.  Lugh too, she took both of them on at the same time just before leaving.  Cait's cousin came to join us here and figured she could help Cait and Lugh while they were putting on a display.  She didn't fare well and then Ellie dropped both Cait and Lugh nearly at the same time."  A grin spread across her face at the memory. 

"She taught all of us quite a bit and honestly the person who learned the most from Ellie was, well there were four maybe five of us, Caitlyn, Amy, Scathach, Lugh and Henry.  Scathach is Caitlyn's cousin and only had a couple of hours in Ellie's presence but what she learned was humility.  I never thought anyone could teach her that."  She gave Sebastian a look. 

"Oh by the Eldritch, when was the last time you ate?  You are all skin and bones.  You can't heal properly without a decent diet.  I will go see what we have and be right back."  Curtsying she left the room.

Sebastian relaxed a bit knowing that the spell hadn't failed.  It had been a ruse, likely to throw the assassins off his trail.  How could Eldrick have built so much influence here that they were willing to do anything to protect him?  He did seem to have a way about himself that was undeniable.  He wasn't the type of person to put on airs even when he was better than someone, he was more likely to try to help them reach the same level as he was.  He let his mind wander to the past and his experiences with Eldricvk at the farm and on the journey. 

He remembered the bandit attack and how Eldrick had frozen. Panic all over his face because he didn't know what to do.  It was a new situation, one he had never considered ever having to be in.  Could that be why he became so good with the staff?  He felt he needed to be better prepared to defend himself and those around him?  As he brought up memories he couldn't help but bring up his visions of the alabaster female dragon which seemed to be hiding deep within his beloved.  Was there something more to Eldrick than even he knew?

Jane returned carrying a huge side of beef with the help of another. He could smell her fear as she brought in the meat.  "Scathach, I would like to introduce Sebastian.  Sebastian this is Caitlyn's cousin Scathach."  She placed the meat in front of Sebastian and stepped back.  Reaching out she grabbed Scathach's gown and pulled her away from Sebastian. 

"Scathach, he isn't going to harm you or anyone here.  He is Amaryliss' patient, not because he is dangerous but because she has the skills to ensure he heals.  I have been working with her so I could learn those skills as well.  There are not enough healers who can mend wings with any skill."

Sebastian watched Scathact's eyes widen in surprise.  Her hands trembling at her sides.  "You are not afraid of dragons?  But everyone knows dragons eat people."

"And just who is this everyone you speak of?"  Sebastian's soft voice caused her to jump.  Spinning to look at him in shock.

"It speaks, Amar preserve us, it can speak."

"Of course, I can speak.  I am not some stupid beast.  I do not think a dragon has ever eaten anyone."

"B..B..But the druids who come through our village have been telling tales of dragons eating people in other lands.  They need to be destroyed or there will be no safety.  Dragons are nothing but beasts ruled by instinct."

Sebastian was about to speak when he saw the anger flash in Jane's eyes.  With lightning-fast motions, her hand came up and struck Scathact across the face. 

"I know we have been taught that the druids know best but here is the problem.  Sebastian is the companion of a well-respected druid and his apprentice.  Not to mention Ellie and Sebastian are what are called soulbound.  Not to mention Ellie is twinsouled."  Sebastian was confused by the term.  He watched Scathach's jaw drop.

"Twinsouled?  Are you certain?"

"Yes, Scathact.  If you had been here longer you would have been able to see it for yourself.  We both know how our people treat those who are twinsouled.  I never did explain it all to Ellie.  I only told her they were respected."

"But Jane, they are more than respected.  They are revered.  They understand everyone and have a special place in our society.  Why wouldn't you tell Ellie that?"

"Scathact, Ellie already has a path to follow.  She was not born to our people, though she could influence them when the time comes.  But telling her now won't help her.  She is still trying to understand herself.  You know how hard that can be for some."

"Are you referring to Gran?  He thought he was going crazy even though he was raised in Thormalk."  Scathact's eyes held a worried look while she was watching Jane.  Jane just nodded.  Sebastian was listening intently as he ate.  This was information that could be beneficial.  Though he wasn't sure how to apply it. 

"Too bad Gran couldn't reconcile both halves of his soul."  This last part made Sebastian start.

"Wait, does that mean Eldrick has an issue?  What type of issue?" his voice was shaky as he spoke.  Fear was creeping into his voice.  He really needed to know.  This was his soulbonded they were referring to in some aspect.

Jane turned to look at Sebastian, the expression on her face said that she had forgotten he was there. 

"Sebastian, not all twinsouled have the issue of not being able to accept both sides of themselves.  In fact, it is rather rare, but those who cannot usually suicide.  The ones who do accept it are stronger for it.  Sometimes the pressure of knowing that you will be looked to for leadership and guidance is more than someone can bear.  Ellie has already shown that the burden of leadership and guidance is one she can carry.  Eileen was chosen to succeed and assist Amarna but when she became ill it was Ellie who stepped up."  She stopped, pursing her lips a moment before continuing. 

"Once Eileen did step up into her role was when Scathact arrived with a very disrespectful attendant.  He wouldn't acknowledge Eileen's position and struck her.  Ellie came unglued on him.  Had him arrested and taken to the King for striking a healer in the house of healing.  I don't think he ever had someone stand up to him who was both younger and in a higher position of authority."

"Jane, the only person who has ever disagreed with him that he would listen to is the chief.  He had never come face to face with a druid before.  In fact, I think the fact that Ellie would deign to speak to him in that tone shocked him.  He struck Eileen who is larger than Ellie but the attitude Ellie threw off was a challenge.  After seeing her in action with the staff I doubt he would have appreciated the outcome had he raised his hand to her."  Her eyes held a look of hero-worship when talking about Eldrick. 

"I mean not only did she defeat me in single sparring, but she also defeated three of us all together.  How does she move like that?"

"I honestly have no clue.  I think Cait may know.  After all, she faced Ellie in sparring or Lugh who got his butt handed to him multiple times by her.  And she was a rank amateur."  Glancing over to Sebastian, she made a hand motion and left, Scathact not far behind.

Sebastian ate the whole side of beef, feeling replete, he drifted off to sleep, sleep.

The next time he woke there was food ready and waiting.  Amaryliss sat on the stool, a knuckle in her teeth and her brow furrowed. 

"Amaryliss what's wrong?  Is it my wing?  Please tell me it isn't my wing?"

"No young whippersnapper it isn't your wing.  I am feeling lost lately.  The only thing keeping me sane is that I have work to do."  Sebastian could see the glint of light on the tears she was trying to hide.

"Wait where is Petal?  Has something happened to him?  I can't smell him nor can I sense his presence."  Sebastian was now getting worried, Petal was a permanent fixture when it came to Amaryliss.

"Petal has gone off with Ellie.  He volunteered to guide Sergei and Ellie through the Faelands.  They have been gone for more than a week.  Petal has been with me for nearly three hundred years.  His presence is the only thing let helped me keep a sense of humour.  I didn't think I would miss him this much.  The students here have become much more attentive to their studies since Ellie left.  I think she instilled a joy of learning into them in the short time she was here.  I know for a fact she learned a lot more in the couple weeks than most learn in a couple years."  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. 

"She discovered that Lugh didn't know how to read.  No one here had noticed but she did.  She taught him to read and now he won't leave the library.  We have all found him in there with his face planted in a book snoring away.  He'll be sent to bed and a couple of hours later he is in there again reading.  Amarna and I have discussed locking the library at dinner time so people can get proper rest because if there is an emergency we need everyone at peak awareness."

"I didn't know Eldrick could be that influential.  How does one cause that to happen?"

"My boy, that is easy.  By showing the desire and inclination to learn when there are other things which could be done, like discussing fashion with the other girls."  She was looking at Sebastian like a butcher looking at a side of meat. 

"You see she led by example and now that she has left the house of healing due to duty the others have learned that duty can be a motivator.  They all seem to want to finish their studies so they can return home so they can be there when she is on her journeyman quest."

Sebastian considered this thought and wished he was there as well.  The thought of not being able to keep his word to Sergei to be there to protect Eldrick caused his chest to tighten. 

"Amaryliss, I have a problem."  His breath caught in his chest.  "I have given my word to conflicting issues.  Before I arrived I gave my word to be there for Eldrick during his journeyman quest.  I don't even know where he will be when I finish healing how am I going to keep my word.  Because I still have my word to you not to leave until my wing is properly healed." 

He could feel tears rolling down his snout.  He wanted to try to leave but he knew he wouldn't be able to pass through the doors of the building.  He had failed.  He failed himself, he failed Eldrick, he failed Sergei, and now he was likely to fail Amaryliss too.

"Oh boy, I hadn't thought of that.  Conflicting oaths can kill a dragon either from the knowledge that they have failed in one, or by the act of breaking one to fulfill the other.  This is not good.  You can already feel your chest constricting can't you?" 

Climbing off the stool she began poking and prodding to see just how well the wing was healing.  Pressing her ear to his chest she listened to his breathing.  He was aspirating.  She had to help him find a way to fulfill both oaths and soon. 

"Sebastian, there may be a way for you to fulfill both, don't give up hope.  I think I have a plan but it will all depend on the capricious nature of some of my kind."  With her hand on his chest, she could feel the muscles relaxing.

"Thank you."  His breathing easier.  He hadn't failed, just been delayed.  "What do you have in mind?"

"I am thinking the sprites could be a message relay for you so you can find Ellie as soon as you are healed.  It will take time for you to reach her but nothing travels faster than gossip.  With Petal already by her side, he can pass along where they are to you.  All I need to do is find a sprite willing to travel with you.  This way it is a sprite to sprite network.  And if they say Ellie no one who hears the message other than those who know the source will be able to use it against her or you."  Her eyes were bright with excitement.  "How does that sound to you?  The only drawback is that you will not be able to travel the Faelands to catch up.  But with wings, you can fly faster than she can travel across land."

Sebastian grinned a very toothy grin as he nodded.  "I like that very much.  How soon is the Feast of Servalin?"

"Oh Dear Eldritch, it is only two weeks away.  Your wing is nearly healed but you are going to need to work the muscles to regain strength.  We will start those exercises on the morrow."  Sebastian was excited to be able to stretch the wing muscles again as he felt he hadn't done much with them and that could be part of the pain twinges he felt when he had tried to move it.

"I look forward to the exercises if it means I can fly again.  I have felt so vulnerable just laying in this room."   Standing up he stretched his back and legs.  Amaryliss let out a chuckle watching him prance around like a show horse.  He couldn't help himself he just felt really good about being on the mend.  He didn't think anything could ruin his mood.

"Well, you're in better spirits.  Now I need to go see if I can find a sprite to accompany you when the time comes.  I should warn you though, sprites if they take a particular liking to you they won't leave you alone.  Petal can be a pain sometimes but I really miss him."

"Happy hunting, fair lady."  Bowing with his front legs he looked even more like a showhorse.  Amaryliss laughed gaily as she left the room.

Not long after Amaryliss had left there was a tentative knock.  Looking over to the door Sebastian saw Scathach standing there with a grin on her face. 

"Welcome young Scathact.  How can I help you today?"  He couldn't smell the fear he had the last time they had encountered each other.  "I see you have gotten over your fear or was it my frolicking which put you at ease?"

"I came to talk to you about things.  You looked so much like a yearling colt that I couldn't help be reminded of the herds of horses back home.  I think that is what made me realize you are not some vicious beast.  Is it true you foiled an assassination attempt an Amarna?"

"Yes, it is true.  That act has landed me in this prison until my injuries have healed to Amaryliss' satisfaction."

"Do you really consider this a prison?  I sometimes feel that way myself if I am being honest.  I never wanted to come here.  I was ordered to come train with my cousin and the other Thormalkians so we could form our own cadre."  Holding her hands behind her back, her head down, she was making circles on the floor with the toes of her right foot.  \

"I mean, I really want to be in a cadre, they are the most important people in Thormalk.  It's the healing studies I didn't want to do.  Cait and Jane made sure I understood that having knowledge of healing would be benefit everyone.  I didn't understand how useful it could be to take care of injuries in the field."  She began to blush. 

"I didn't realize that the bathing room was coed.  The first time I was in there the guys showed up just as we were all getting out of the tubs.  They just stripped right in front of us.  I thought I was going to die of embarrassment."

Sebastian cocked his head.  "Why would you be embarrased?  Feel free to tell me NO if it makes you uncomfortable."

Turning a deeper shade of red Scathach glanced around.  Stepping further into the room she closed the door.  Sitting on the stool she looked directly at Sebastian. 

"I.. uh, I have never been with a guy.  To make things worse, I have had a crush on Lugh for as long as I could remember," she giggled nervously. 

"I mean there I was, naked and wet as he slipped out of his clothes to stand there in all his glory.  I couldn't stop staring.  He noticed.  Oh by the Eldritch he saw me staring so he struck a pose and winked.  Cait barely got me out of there before I did something I may have regretted."  Sebastian could hear the frustration in her voice.  Her heart was beating fast, and her breathing was shallow.

"I think I can understand your dilemma Scathach.  I felt the same way when I met Ellie."  That name felt weird to say.  "I kept making a fool of myself in front of her."  Why did that feel right but the name felt wrong? 

"The funny thing is, she felt the same and was struggling as well.  Neither of us thought it would be possible to be together.  I have no idea what it's like in Thormalk or what his feelings may be?" 

"Caitlyn could you and Jane please come visit.  I have a very cautious visitor and could use your help," Sebastian sent mentally

"How are you finding your studies otherwise?  I know book learning can be rather dull."

"Oh I don't mind the book learning so much.  Amy has been working with me and it seems she learned the technique from Ellie.  She nearly got kicked out because she thought she was better than Ellie."  She stopped apparently thinking about what to say when there was a light knocking on the door.

"Enter ladies."  The door opened and in walked all four of the Thormalkians.  Scathact tried to hide in the corner.

"Scathact why are you here.  I thought you were afraid of Sebastian."  Jane looked from Sebastian to Scathact.

"She wanted someone to talk to.  I have no idea what to tell her, could you help?  I didn't know you would bring her crush with you."

Jane looked at her companions, confusion written across her face.  "Lugh, Yosef could you wait outside for a moment this is girl talk."

"But he isn't a girl," Lugh complained indicating Sebastian.

"He also isn't human.  Scathact came here to talk to him about something and he called for Cait and I.  Now I know why and it is not something which will interest either of you.  In fact, it may cause you some discomfort.  Please close the door behind you."  Yosef grabbed Lugh by the collar and hauled him from the room a quick hand motion and Lugh nodded.  Once the door was closed, Jane looked at Scathach. 

"Now which one are you crushing on?"  Scathact looked shocked and turned red again.  Before she could answer Cait made a hand gesture and Jane nodded.  "Lugh??  You still have a crush on him?  I thought you had gotten over him before we left Thormalk."

Scathact nodded.  With a flurry of their hands, Cait broke out into laughter.  "Why didn't you tell me?  You're my cousin for crying out loud.  You tell my girlfriend and not me.  Why?"

"Cait," her voice plaintive, as she thrust her head towards Sebastian.  "I thought you would think bad of me.  You were always so happy with Jane.  But, should we be discussing this in front of..."  She paused a quizzical look on her face, "I'm sorry, Sebastian are you male or female?  I know Sebastian is normally a male name but I know nothing about dragons really, other than what I have been told."

"Scathach, I am male.  I understand your dilemma.  Remember you came to talk to me about it originally."

With a blush, she looked over at her cousin and friend.  "To be honest Cait, I thought you would be disappointed in me because I wasn't into women like you are.  I thought you would give me a lecture.  I should have known better since you have always been there for me.  That is until you left home with Lugh and Jane."  She looked at her hands folded in her lap.  "You left and there was no one left at home for me to talk to.  When I got here and saw Lugh I was giddy again because I thought now I would finally have a chance with him.  Then when he and you were sparring with Ellie and it looked like she was going to either hold you to a draw, or worse beat you I decided to jump in to help.  Only it didn't work out the way I was hoping.  I literally walked right into her staff.  Then she took you both out like you were amateurs."

"Scathact, Lugh and I knew there was the possibility that she would be able to defeat both of us.  She had already defeated each of us individually.  If you had noticed we were communicating with each other the entire time.  Ellie goes into a battle trance when she fights.  For her it is like we are telegraphing our moves three moves ahead of where we currently are.  You stepping into the match only caused it to end that much quicker.  But, she would have won anyway."

"Wait, did you say battle trance?  The only hunters who have ever done that are rare and usually twinsouled."

"Exactly, now you see how we knew she was twinsouled."  Caitlyn brushed her hair out of her face.  "She made a better woman than a man too," looking over at Jane for confirmation.  Jane nodded, a slightly dreamy look in her eye. 

"So why has seeing Lugh here sent you into such a blush?  Oh, wait, no, it couldn't be.  Your first bath here?  You were just getting out of the tub when the guys walked in.  Oh, we never warned you.  They seem to always time their arrival to our getting out of the tubs."  

"You could have warned me.  I almost fainted at the sight of him."

"But did you like what you saw?"

"Mhmm."  Scathact's face turned a deeper scarlet, as she bit her lower lip.  "I know I am going to have to get used to the sight of a naked male body if I am going to be a healer.  It was just a shock, that's all."

"You should have seen Ellie's reaction when she first got out of the tub with all of us getting out at the same time.  She closed her eyes.  Hoo boy was it fun teasing her.  She walked right up and placed both hands on my breasts.  When she opened her eyes to see, she turned a deeper shade of red than you are right now.  She pulled her hands back as if my breasts were red hot coals in her hands.  She couldn't apologize fast enough or more if her life depended on it." 

Laughing she looked over at Jane, "it didn't help that I stepped directly into her path so that she would.  You see she was trying to get to the towels while surrounded by dripping wet female bodies."

Jane was trying to stifle the laughter that threatened to escape.  "We were trying to get her to become accustomed to seeing the naked female form.  After a few days, she didn't react that way.  But in the meantime, it was fun to bug her."  No longer able to stifle it she let out a guffaw of laughter. 

"That is, until Amy was washing her hair and she opened her eyes to have Amy's breasts inches away from her face."  She could no longer hold any of the laughter in.  "I think she was trying to drown herself."

With everyone laughing including Sebastian the tension in the room eased.  Scathact was laughing so hard she fell off the stool.  Sebastian made a motion to the door, Jane catching it opened the door to have both guys fall into the room.  All this did was make the room laugh harder.  Getting up Lugh and Yosef looked at each other, the indignation clear for anyone to see.

"What do you find so funny?"  Yosef glared at everyone, except Sebastian.

"We were just talking about something that happened in the bathing room weeks ago." Caitlyn was chuckling.  "Nothing for you to worry about."

"But you were talking for a while and we couldn't hear anything."  Lugh snarled.

"I know, which is why you were told to shut the door.  It is warded against sound and magic."  Sebastian winked at Scathact.  "I am glad you came here to talk.  It ensures privacy.  If ever you need to talk again and I am here you are welcome to come."

"Come on, it's practice time."  Caitlyn waved to her cousin.  "Let's see if there has been any improvement.  If we are going to form a cadre we had better be better than everyone else or we could end up separated.  That's something I do not wish to see."  Bowing to Sebastian, "Thank you for allowing us to speak freely here."

"Always a pleasure.  I don't get the opportunity to speak with others lately.  I'm sequestered in here and bound by my word."  Sebastian returned the bow.

As they filed out of the room Amaryliss returned.  "Are you ready to head to the courtyard for some rehabilitation?"

"Oh yes, please.  I think I have been cooped up in here long enough."

"Good, good, if you will wait out in the foyer so I can remove the wards in here, then we will be on our way."

"If you wouldn't mind please leave the wards.  Scathach feels comfortable knowing she has a place that she can go and speak without certain people eavesdropping."

"Ah ok I can do that."

"Plus, to be honest I am still having nightmares and I do not wish to scare anyone during the night."

"Why didn't you say anything before this?"  Her eyes narrowed on Sebastian.  "We may have to postpone the rehabilitation because of them."

"Oh no, please.  The nightmares are about losing Eldrick, and that is only because I will not be there when he needs me most.  I had a dream of Alie while I was here and she told me I would have to leave him."

"Oh by the Eldritch.  I'll leave the sound wards up, but, I am taking the others down.  They are no longer needed."  Sebastian nodded as he left the room.  Moments later she returned to his side. 

"Well, shall we go to the courtyard?"

Sebastian was prancing again.  Oh for crying out loud, he thought, I am not some yearling.  I really need to get control of myself.  She isn't going to let me fly yet.  It is just working the muscles and making sure things have aligned properly.  I can't even change forms yet.

Opening the front doors she led Sebastian out into the courtyard.  He noticed it had been cleared of people and there were guards at every entrance and on the walls. 

"What is going on?  Why all the guards?" he was starting to get nervous.

"Sebastian while you were out of commission, there were several assassination attempts on members of the house of healing.  This is to ensure everyone is safe.  The king knows that the Thormalkians need space to practice and I cannot very well help you get better if there is nowhere for you to stretch your wings." 

She sighed, "I wish this wasn't all necessary but it is.  While I was gone I spoke with Francine.  She is helping me find you a sprite companion for your travels when the time comes."

"Ah, thank you.  I appreciate it.  I was wondering if I could have access to the library when i am not working my muscles and joints.  I was supposed to be coming here to learn after all."

"Oh dear heavens, you are right.  I will talk to Amarna or Eileen about making sure you get the books."

Two hours of work with Amaryliss in the courtyard had the sweat pouring off Sebastian.  He could feel the burn in muscles he had forgotten he had.  He wasn't sure he could take many more of these workouts.  Knowing these sessions were going to happen every day until he was ready to leave left him breathless.  Slowly making his way back to his room he heard cheerful laughter coming in from the courtyard.  Stopping, he turned to see who it was.  He should have known it would be the Thormalkians returning from their practice.

"Cait, how do you balance on your spear like that?  Aren't you afraid it will warp it?"

"Scathach, have you noticed how I am always shifting it in my hands as we practice?  There are many things that I do that no one seems to notice.  Besides, when we join a cadre we will have more than one spear each.  I am considering speaking with the arms master about getting a few more made up."  Caitlyn's grin split her face and brightened her eyes.

"Now that isn't fair.  How are we going to train properly if you have several spears plus the khopesh?  None of the rest of us will be on the same footing as you."  Scathach looked rather perturbed at the thought.  "You are already better than the rest of us."

"Exactly, if you want to get better you need to go up against someone more skilled.  Maybe tomorrow you and I can work on your staff and spear work one on one.  Or you could work with Lugh instead."

"Caitlyn quit teasing her.  I may not be as good as you or Lugh in that area but I will work with her if you will work with Yosef." Jane chuckled.

Sebastian watched amused as they bantered, his pain all but forgotten.  He stood there watching and listening until he could no longer hear them.  Turning he finished making his way to his room to rest.  His wing muscles were twinging.  The sooner he made to his room the happier he would be.  Flopping down on the floor he rolled to let the cold stone relieve some of the aches he was feeling.

He hadn't realized he had dozed off until the aroma of fresh food brought him awake.  His stomach growled.  Seeing the food to one side and a large pile of books on the other, reminded him that he had asked for library access while he was healing.  He was torn between which he wanted to dive into first, the books or the food.  In the end, the food won out.  He noticed it wasn't just meat, there were vegetables as well.  The scent of roast potatoes, carrots, and onions were enough to make his mouth water.  The sight of the spinach, brussel sprouts, and cabbage nearly undid him.  The variety was enough to make him giddy.  He hadn't had a decent meal with greens in quite some time.  He was going to enjoy this.

As he was finishing the food and getting ready to settle down to study the books there was a tap at the door.  Looking up he saw Amarna. 

"Lady Amarna, how may I help you?"

"I was just making my rounds and realized I hadn't been by to see you in a while.  Eileen filled me in on what has been going on around here."  Glancing around the room she noticed the window still hadn't been closed.  "Would you like the window left open or shall I close it?"

"Ah leave it, please.  I have some books to read but I do not have any candles in here to read by."

"I don't think candles will work well in here as the breeze from the window is likely to blow them out.  I see we still have torch sconces in here so I will fetch a few torches so that you can have light.  Do you need them lit or can you do that yourself?"

"I can take care of lighting them myself.  Thank you for considering that I may not be able to." Sebastian eyed the sconces with curiosity, how many would be enough to light the room enough for him to read?  Would he need replacement torches for the night or should he just read until they gutter out on their own?  Or he could read until he grew tired enough to sleep again.  He considered the options and chose the sleep one.

While he waited for the torches, he perused the volumes brought.  Noticing that the vast majority were on magical healing he frowned.  He had been warned that magical healing was a last-ditch choice.  The use of magic in healing was frowned upon because the injury could recur because magic used in healing could fail.  Deciding he would study them anyway, he made the decision to request books on healing that weren't dependant on magic.

Amarna returned with Eileen and Henry.  Both of which had armloads of torches.  Amarna directed them to set the torches into the sconces around the door.

"Lady Amarna, I noticed these are all texts on magical healing I thought you said magical healing was unreliable.  Is there any chance I could get other books as well?"

"I think that can be arranged." She turned to look at Henry, "could you gather up books on herbs and anatomy please, and bring them down.  If Sebastian studies like Ellie, I would hate to see him try to get to the library."

"Yes Ma'am I will get right on it.  Basic stuff for now?"

"Better make it basic and intermediate.  He may get through the advanced before he leaves and if that is the case we may have to bring out the books on massage techniques and surgery."

Nodding he turned and left.  Sebastian could hear him calling for help with the books.  Once the torches were set, Eileen turned to Sebastian.

"I am glad to see you are doing much better.  You were at death's door not that long ago.  If it hadn't been for Ellie, you and Amarna would have died.  It was her use of magic in your healing that did it."  She was looking at the pile of books, "Those are good texts, but she did something that isn't in the books.  I need to remember what she did.  I fear it isn't going to be easy, she could do something none of us can."

"Are you talking about the ability to sense life energies?"

She nodded, "She tried to explain it to us but none of us could figure it out."

"Hmm, I think only some people can learn how to do it.  I don't know why that is because all dragons can."

"Ah, okay.  I should take those dishes to be washed.  Everyone has been given the task of washing their own dishes lately.  Can you believe it was Ellie who set that up?  She refused to leave her dishes for the servants.  To be truthful, when she was cooking she made a point of doing the cooking dishes as she was done with them."

Chuckling to herself, "she even had Caitlyn helping in the kitchen though she was banished from the kitchen.  Every time she spent time in the kitchen she burnt the food.  Ellie had her on prep and away from the actual cooking.  She has quite the skill with a knife.  She is going to make a fine surgeon.  I was surprised to see Scathach was quick to pick up the one thing Ellie was able to teach us.  If she is capable of teaching that would be an asset.  As a Thormalkian you know they retire from the hunters at age forty didn't you?"

"Isn't that too old to bear children?"

"Not there, it seems.  The oldest woman to give birth in Thormalk was in her mid-fifties.  In fact, it isn't uncommon for Thormalkian women to have children well into their late forties.  It has something to do with lifestyle from what I know."  She shrugged, then gathered up Sebastian's dishes.  Giving him a nod on her way out.

Well, there is nothing for it but to settle down and start studying.  Careful not to singe the walls or the door he lit the torches with his breath.  Four torches blazed along the wall giving him plenty of light.  Settling himself into the draconic learning trance he began to read.  Finishing each book quickly.  When started to feel his energy flagging he brought himself out of the trance and extinguished the torches.  He curled up on the floor and was quickly asleep.  He kept waking up throughout the night, a feeling of dread so pervasive he woke in cold sweats every time.  He couldn't put a claw on what was causing his dread but he thought it may have something to do with Eldrick.  He couldn't be sure but his gut was telling him it was Eldrick.  He had to leave, he just had to, but his damned oaths.  His telepathy wouldn't work to reach Eldrick.  How was he ever going to find out?  Amaryliss hadn't found a sprite to travel with him yet so he couldn't find out what was going on that way.

Looking out the window he could see the red and orange of approaching dawn.  Well, I guess I might as well start my day.  Relighting the torches he once again settled down to study.

He was unaware of the passage of time until he smelled the food being brought in.  Stretching he eyed the food hungrily.  There was meat and vegetables and eggs.  With his stomach rumbling he watched as Scathach and Yosef brought in the food.

"That smells divine, thank you.  What time is it?  I awoke near dawn.  So I figured there was no point trying to sleep anymore and I do have this pile of books to study."

"Well Sebastian, I think you need more books," Scathach said pointing at the pile all on the left-hand side while giggling. 

"Sheesh, it seems like Ellie is infectious.  You chew through books as quickly as she does.Yosef looked impressed.  "None of us here can go through the books at that speed.  Some of us seem to be getting faster but we have to do it in shifts.  We found that if we didn't we would just stay in trance.  Ellie tried to warn us but I think we all forgot."  Wiping his forehead at the memory. 

"We got thoroughly reamed out by Amaryliss when she brought us out of the trance.  All of us had entered the library at different times during the day and sat down to study.  Amaryliss discovered us there when dinner wasn't ready and it was nearing midnight."

"Hoo boy was she mad.  I mean if she hadn't been worried about Amarna having eaten she wouldn't have found us until the morning.  I remember how stiff I was when I came out of the trance."  Scathact rubbed her legs in sympathy.  Yosef nodded at the statement.

"You were the first in the library I believe.  When did you get there?"

"I was there right after breakfast.  I am so far behind the rest of you I figured I could try to catch up if I got an early start that day.  I didn't know that it should be taken in multiple short sessions," blushing she looked at the floor.  "So now we have started going in with timed chores for others.  That way when one group is done with the chores they come in and bring those of us in trance out so we can attend to our chores."

"Yeah, it has been working well.  The only difference is that Scathach has double study time.  We all agreed so she could catch up.  This means she only has two chores in the day, and unlike her cousin, she can cook. Unfortunately for her, that means she has dinner duty," nudging her with his elbow and grinning. 

"She also spent time talking to the royal chef.  How she managed that without getting yelled at like everyone else I have no idea.  But the thing is she was able to discuss the dietary requirements of dragons.  She was there yesterday when I went to find her.  The two of them were sitting at the big table laughing and chatting about food.  She was taking notes.  When he saw me he rose with a large wooden spoon to threaten me for entering his domain."

Scathact was giggling, listening to Yosef telling the tale. 

"That is until I said you were there to fetch me so I could cook dinner.  So now my task today is to get more recipes.  Stuff for other cultures like fae food for Amaryliss.  Can you believe poor Greta hasn't had anything from her homeland in like three years."  She shuddered at the thought of what it was that Greta ate. 

"I don't know if I would have the stomach to eat the kinds of food they do in Shay.  I am not even sure I could get the ingredients here, not unless I raided the royal pantry.  Oh but I need to get to the library so I can get my studying done before it is too late."  Bowing she left.

"Now that she is gone, my first task today is to make sure you are clean.  It seems we have neglected your care.  After you eat, I will take care of it.  I found out that we have soap-sand, perfect for scouring dragon scales."

The thought of a deep scouring almost caused him to purr.  He hadn't had a good scouring of his scales in a while.  Maybe that would help with his mobility as well. 

"Then I had best eat.  I wouldn't want to keep you away from your studies any longer than necessary."  Eyeing his food, he started eating.

"Ok, I will get what I need.  Enjoy your meal."  Yosef bowed himself out.

As he ate, he started thinking.  Why are the Thormalkian's bowing to him when they leave?  Is this something new?  He would have to ask Yosef when he returned.  Just as he was finishing his meal there was a knock on the door.  Looking up he saw a chubby healer, he couldn't remember her name, or maybe he just hadn't met her yet.  He hated thinking of others by how they looked. 

"May I help you?"

"Actually, I am here to gather your dishes if you are done with them."  Her voice was like sunshine on a field of meadow flowers.  "Oh I'm sorry, I am Greta," curtsying before entering the room.  "I know you haven't met me before but I have been tending to you as I can here and there while you were ill.  If I may?"  she gestured to the dishes.  "Oh, I will be changing your books out while you are working with Yosef." 

Sebastian liked her personality, she was bubbly and full of life.  She seemed content with who she was which was nice to see.  As she was leaving he heard a gruff, familiar voice in the atrium.  The only one whose voice was like that was Sigmund. 

"Well, Uncle finally come to see the invalid?" his mental voice full of mirth for the jibe.

"You young prat.  How are you?  Nice to hear your voice again.  On the mend, I hope?" the return was just as full of mirth.  "About time you recognized me.  Your mother is worried you know.  You left without even a goodbye.  I just let her know that I had found where you were and that you were okay.  I didn't say anything about you having been injured that would have sent her into a panicked frenzy, and she would have flown straight here."

"Oh Eldritch no.  I could just see the fuss she would make.  Thank you."

Standing in the doorway was Sigmund in his human form.  "I need to find Amaryliss so I can check on your recovery."

Sebastian paused a moment letting his senses roam the building. 

"I do believe she is coming to find you," he chuckled as Sigmund jumped when a hand landed on his shoulder.

"By the Eldritch woman, don't do that?"

"Oh, come on Siggy.  We need to talk about this youngster.  He has been nothing but trouble since you left," she threw a wink to Sebastian as she said it. 

"Let's take this to my office.  I am afraid I have some disturbing news."  She grabbed him by the sleeve to lead him away.

"Sebastian," Yosef's voice called through the door.  "Can you join me in the courtyard please?"

Sebastian rose and stretched.  He could feel his joints popping as he moved.  Oh, that felt good.  He hadn't realized just how stiff he was.  The workout with Amaryliss yesterday had more effect on his muscles than he had realized.  This recovery seemed like it was going to take more time than he thought.  Putting those thoughts aside he entered the courtyard.  There were several buckets of steaming water, a bucket of sand and a brush.  Sebastian walking into the area between the buckets looked around the courtyard.

"Ok, let's do this."  Yosef grabbed one of the buckets of water, as a boisterous group came out of the hall.  Attacking Sebastian's scales with vigour.  Sebastian found himself purring under their ministrations.  After several hours they backed off, letting the sun dry him off.

"Wow!  I didn't know there were two different colours on your scales," Greta admired.  "Those copper highlights are gorgeous.  I wish I could be a dragon.  Then Papa wouldn't be embarrassed by me.  Oh, I love it here, but papa says if I come home I have to set up my own place.  But a girl can't own property in Shay.  Not unless she inherits it, and papa has already told me that Kevin is getting the land and house."

"Greta, you never mentioned that before.  You always talk of home with such cheer.  You even said you would have the old healer's place."  Eileen said coming out of the hall.  "If you can't own the property how can you have the old healer's place?"

"Well, he said the first healer to replace him would inherit it.  Papa thought he saw an opportunity to grab more land if I had it.  What he doesn't know is that I looked over the conditions carefully before I came to study.  The healer has sole control of the cottage and surrounding lands with no outside interference.  Which means that it is mine and mine alone.  If he tries to exert control over it by virtue of the fact that I am his unmarried daughter I can levy control over parts of his lands."

"Greta, I don't think he has a chance against a mind as bright and vindictive as yours.  I know you are not naturally vindictive.  You are just looking out for yourself which is good.  There is only one problem with this plan.  What happens if another healer shows up before you have finished your training and return?"

"Papa sends updates with every 'gift'.  I think he hopes I will find a man and get married before I finish my training."  Greta jangled the small bag on her hip.  "It's always jewelry of some form or another.  I think he is trying to buy my love or use them as a way to try to control me when I get home because he will say I owe him for the jewelry.  I have kept every note to fight him if he does."

"Okay everyone, it is time for your studies.  Sebastian, could you wait here for a bit?"

"Of course," he bowed.

As the students filed past they all bowed to him before entering the hall.  He looked at Eileen curious to see if she had noticed.  She didn't seem to take any particular note of the bowing.  Okay, why did she want him to wait?  Was he being evicted?  What about his recovery?

"Sebastian, Sebastian, SEBASTIAN are you listening?"  He snapped out of his thoughts, he had missed what Eileen had been saying to him.  He had been doing that a lot lately.

"I am sorry, my mind wandered.  What were you saying?"

"I was asking if you noticed the students bowing to you?"  Oh, she had noticed, how could he explain it if she asked.

"I have noticed.  Do you know why, because I certainly do not.  It is getting rather uncomfortable, to be honest."

"Dang, I was hoping you could tell me.  Without Petal here we can't get the gossip like we used to.  Even Amaryliss and Amarna are worried it may affect  their lessons."  Eileen sat on the stoop, shaking her head.  "Since I have been elevated to the assistant head healer, they don't confide in me as much as they used to.  I need to find some way to reach them on a peer level again not as a superior"

Sebastian was stunned at how quickly the healers could turn their backs on one of their own.  Or was it supposed to be a show of respect for someone who has earned the rank of superior? 

"I am not sure there is anything I can do to find out for you.  I will not invade minds with my telepathy ability to learn things.  That is tantamount to rape."  His body shuddered.  "There are too many things that can go wrong."

"Yeah, I can see that.  I wasn't going to ask you to use your telepathy to find out.  I didn't know dragons considered it rape."

"What else would you call it?" the indignation dripping thickly in his voice.  "What you are doing is entering someone's mind and rifling through their memories.  How would you feel if someone did that to you?"

"I would feel violated and betrayed.  Oh like the women who are taken forcibly, how horrible."  Her eyes widened at the realization, it was her turn to shudder. 

"I will keep that in mind.  I am sure there are others who wouldn't be so caring.  We see enough rape victims here as it is, but we can do something for them.  I am not sure we can do anything for victims of mental rape though.  I am going to need to speak with Amaryliss about that.  She is the one who came to help you in that area, mental trauma."

"That might be a good idea and then add it to the curriculum so others can learn it as well."

"Yes, we should.  I think Amarna would agree," rising she turned and headed back into the hall.

I should go start my own studying, he thought to himself.  I have so much to learn and so little time to learn it.  Heading into the hall he saw a group of students polishing and dusting the furniture.  Without a word, he returned to his room.  The pile of books had been replaced and he smiled to himself, good more knowledge.  Preparing his mind and body he sat.  He noticed the smell of soap in the room, they had cleaned his room while he was being pampered.  The clean scent of soap and stone was a treat, he hadn't realized just how ripe the room had been.  With a deep breath, he let himself sink into a trance and began studying.

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