Corrigenda Chronicles: HOPE by SiobhantheWriter | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

Chapter 4

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Sebastian woke out of a sound sleep with a feeling of dread.  Climbing out of his snow cave, he peered through the encasing fog.  The dread was not for himself, but for his friends on the farmstead.  Grabbing the moose he started dragging it towards the farmstead as fast as he could go.  Using his life sense to hone in on his friends, he was close enough to sense them.  He was overwhelmed with pain as he reached out.  Pain that was not his own.  Digging deeper, he found the ability to move faster.  He couldn't help fearing the worst.  Breaking free from the cover of the forest, he saw nothing had changed.  No smoke rising from the chimney, a very serious indicator that all was not well inside.  Dropping his burden, he rushed over to the house, slipping on the slick ice-encrusted snow. 

Pelting down the snow tunnel, he grabbed the front door whipping it open. Nearly ripping it off the hinges, he lunged into the main room.  Stopping dead in his tracks as he spotted the arcane markings scrawled on the floor.  Not knowing what would happen should he smudge any of the runes, he delicately threaded his way across the room to the bedroom doors.  His tail lifted high above his body so as not to drag it across the sigils.  He reached Sergei’s room first.  Opening the flimsy door, the shock of what he saw was palpable.  Lying on the bed was Sergei, looking close to death.  Wet spots mark the bed, no coppery scent of blood.  His skin was pale and wan.  He was burning to the touch from fever.  Sebastian understood that he had to get the fever down quickly.  Luckily, he could heat water quicker than a regular fire.  Grabbing the copper tub, he went outside and filled it with snow.  Inhaling deeply, he belched flame melting the snow almost instantly.  Heating the water to just above the temperature of the room he quickly but gently shifted the old man into the tub.  Using the water pail, he gathered more snow and unceremoniously dumped it into the tub.  As the water cooled Sebastian watched colour returning to Sergei’s face.  Seeing this Sebastian set about to build up the fire in the house. 

Sebastian, a towel in his claws, checked on Sergei as he woke. He was looking around, confusion on his face.

“What in the heavens' name am I doing here?  Where is Eldrick?” demanded Sergei sourly. 

"I have not checked his room yet.  I found you first and had to break your fever.  You were drenched in sweat and looking ready to pass into the next life.  Who would have completed Eldrick’s training if that happened?"  Handing the towel to Sergei, Sebastian left to check on Eldrick. 

Sebastian opened the door about a foot before a loud thud and an almost inaudible crunch were heard.  The room was a sight to behold, nothing in the room was intact.  The bed frame was splintered,  the washbasin was smashed upon the floor, and the washstand looked like someone had taken a mace to it.  Preventing the door from opening further lay Eldrick.  He was on the floor with the edge of the door pressed against his nose.  He was curled in on himself.  His body was rigid, a look of extreme pain covering his face.  The clothing hung off his body in tattered strips. 

Reaching around the door, Sebastian eased Eldrick away.  Opening the portal Sebastian lifted the unconscious Eldrick and carried him out into the main room. 

"Sergei, your skills are needed." 

“By the stars!  What happened here?” 

"I have no idea.  His broken nose is my fault, I did not realize he was behind the door when I tried opening it," Sebastian stated forlornly. 

“The nose is an easy fix.  The rest looks like the repercussions of a failed spell," Sergei scratched his head, his eyes half-closed as if in thought.  "As I have not cast any spells recently and his training was interrupted, I must presume the origin of the spell was from somewhere else.  Place him in the center of the circle."  Sergei gave a low chuckle, "I am glad to see it is intact.  You sure are graceful for such a large creature.” 

Laying Eldrick gently on the floor in the middle of the circle, Sebastian eased his way out of the room.  Heading to the kitchen to gather up some cleaning supplies.  Entering Eldrick’s room he began clearing out the mess.  Sweeping up the china shards he found what looked like a broken dragon claw.  Picking it up he set it aside to study later.  He could hear mumbling coming from the main room, though he tried to block it out so he could concentrate on the task at hand.  Gathering the broken pieces of furniture and stacking them up he decided they would best be used as firewood now.  Opening the window to the piled snow outside, he let out a small trickle of flame to melt the snow so he would have an area to place the destroyed mattress and other bits and bobs which couldn’t go through the main room.  He didn't dare risk damaging the arcane sigils protecting everyone in the house. 

Once the room was as clean as possible without removing the piled wood, Sebastian curled up to nap so he wouldn't"t disturb Sergei.  Dozing fitfully because of his injured wing, Sebastian had some disturbing dreams.   At one point he dreamt of a young female dragon, resplendent with alabaster scales bearing coral highlights, trapped in human form begging for help.  She was uncertain about where she was or what was happening to her.  Her cries of despair and fear were so palpable that Sebastian was almost convinced it was real.  What made him disbelieve was the fact that he knew human magic had a very hard time affecting draconian physiology.  The thought that it could be draconic magic crossed his mind, no dragon would force another into a form against their will.  Even when used as punishment the dragon upon which the spell was cast was a willing recipient to show contrition.  It was never cast upon one so young as the one in his nightmare.  She appeared to be an adolescent approaching adult.  Those glistening scales and highlights gave her the look of the exotic when she shifted from human to dragon and back. 

Sergei sat cross-legged on the floor inside the circle beside his apprentice.  Worry lined his face as he tried to discern which spell was cast towards his young charge.  In order to probe Eldrick’s young body to find the knots of magical energies, he needed to induce a deep meditative trance.  Easing his breathing and going through the relaxation process, Sergei settled into a deep trance. 

Examining the magical energies in Eldrick, he found only one knot.  It was centred over the heart chakra.  Surprisingly it was not one he could do anything about, he had created it.  Confusion set in as he studied the energy flows of his young apprentice.  There was a mix of energies that made no sense.  A combination of four different energy types, the problem being he could only identify human and draconic magic.  The other two were foreign to him.  He wanted to study them but now was not the time.  He had to stabilize Eldrick somehow, the only thing that would work was to use his own energy to balance them.

Eldrick was going to be more powerful than any other druid, including the current high druid.  This could be problematic if that august person learned of it.  Which meant masking the potential.  He needed to finish his studies to be confirmed by the feast of Servalin, Sergei mused to himself.

“Sebastian I could use some help,” Sergei called out, startling Sebastian awake. 

  Leaving the room, he saw Sergei and Eldrick exactly as he had left them hours before.  Easing his way into the room he helped Sergei to his chair. 

Suddenly feeling weak, he realized he hadn’t eaten since he had grabbed that quick breakfast three days ago.  This reminded him that there was a moose carcass to deal with and the livestock needed tending to.  Entering the kitchen, he surveyed the current stock of supplies.  He decided to make a quick barley soup.  Putting a pot of water on the stove to boil and building up the fire, he quickly began cutting up the carrots, potatoes and turnips.  After a few moments of the ingredients hitting the boiling water, the rich aroma of the soup filled the kitchen. 

Sebastian could hear Sergei as he rose from his chair and headed to the kitchen. 

“Smells good.  Wish we had some meat to go with it” said Sergei. 

"There is a full moose carcass in the front yard.  We can butcher it tomorrow" replied Sebastian.  "I cannot do much more today and neither can anyone else here.  I wouldn’t mind if you looked at my wing when you can.  It was injured during the hunt. 

Sebastian saw Sergei glancing at him, his eyes narrowing.

“I dare say that wing needs attention.  What did you do to it and when?” he inquired.  

"It happened as I was trying to take down the moose three days ago.  If I could have flown back with the moose, I would have been here the same day.  It took me this long to get back because I had to drag the moose.  I never realized just how heavy a full-grown bull moose was until now.  There must be about a hundred stones of meat on them." 

“That’s great.  We can hang it in the meat shack and deal with it tomorrow.  Now, how about some of that soup.” 

Eldrick stumbling into the room, sank down into one of the chairs at the table.  Sebastian dishing out three bowls of soup, placed them on the table, turning for spoons.  Handing the spoons to his dinner companions, he dropped his snout into his own bowl. 

“What happened to your wing?” asked Eldrick, a look of concern on his face.   

The concerned look on Eldrick’s face was interesting, considering the fact that for most of the day everyone else was concerned for him.  Unbeknownst to Eldrick, he had been hurt badly, mentally, physically and magically. 

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