Corrigenda Chronicles: HOPE by SiobhantheWriter | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

Chapter 64

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They were reaching a small clearing just as midnight approached.  Eldrick could hear a shuffling in the underbrush.  Preparing for an attack he hopped down from the cart staff in hand.  His attention was caught by several sets of horns entering the clearing to the north.  The horns were followed by small furry bodies, ending in what appeared to be cloven hooves.  The small creatures recoiled upon seeing the staff ready for battle.

"Petal see Gilmhook."  Petal rose from the bench and flew over to land on Eldrick's shoulder.  "Eldrick will not hurt Gilmhook."

Eldrick shook his head.  "Satyrs?  I should have known."  He bowed to the fae creatures.  "I take it you are here to meet us and guide us to the Fae lands?"

"We are here to help yes.  I am called Gilmhook," the first satyr to enter the grove bowed.  "My family and I will be assisting you in your travels across the Fae lands.  My wife will take care of your horse and cart."  He made a motion towards three of the group.  "Boys, grab the stuff from the cart.  Petal, it is good to see you again.  I take it you are to be their guide.  We are to help carry your things.  I would keep that staff at the ready youngling.  Even when you stay on the pathways there are things to worry about.  Wild Procyvid are not always nice to meet on the road."  He turned to look over Sergei, "You have met the court's price, now you must meet the land's price.  As you know our lands always have an effect on those who travel them."  He paused as the light of the moon began darkening.  Looking up to the sky, he smiled.  His white teeth seeming to glow in the waning light.  "Almost time now."

Eldrick looked up to see the small red disk of Ciará eclipsing the larger form of Guatama.  He was fascinated as he couldn't recall ever seeing an eclipse before.  As the light from the sky faded away a soft glow erupted in the clearing.  Tearing his eyes away from the sight of the eclipse, he saw what could only be a gate forming.  Watching in awe as the light expanded, to reveal a scene he had only glimpsed once before in a dream, and then a stone arch framing it.

Gilmhook handed Eldrick his pack and started heading for the archway.  Petal hopping off the shoulder he was sitting on hovered in front of Eldrick, a smile on his face, waved for them to follow him.  Gilmhook stopped and turned back to his family, the look on his face signalling displeasure at their lack of urgency.

"This portal isn't going to last all night.  Get a move on."  As his children passed him he shook his head ruefully.  Eldrick and Sergei had already followed Petal through the portal.

Eldrick looked around in wonder.  "Petal what do you know of healing herbs from the Fae lands?"

"Petal doesn't know what herbs are used for healing.  Petal is still learning."

"Here, there are many herbs which can be used for healing.  But you need to be very careful which herbs you use for which condition.  I know what they look like but I couldn't tell you what they are used for.  My wife, now she could lecture you all day about the use of herbs for healing.  She is a herb woman, and the best I have seen save for Amaryliss the healer."

"I have met Amaryliss, she is at the House of Healing in Herigmark right now.  I never got the chance to discuss Fae land herbs with her before I left.  But then I didn't know I would be travelling these lands."  He started to head towards the edge of the path to look at the vegetation when Petal flew into his path.

"No leave road.  Petal cannot fail Eldrick.  If Eldrick leaves road Petal fails.  Petal does not want to have to tell Amaryliss Eldrick lost in Fae lands."  His voice was choked and fearful.  He was pointing down to the ground.  Eldrick looking down saw he was about to step off the path.

"How can I learn about the plants here if I cannot get a good look at them?"  His shock at how far the verge was from the edge of the road.

"Fae know secret trails, but humans who travel off the road are quickly lost and not all roads lead to where you need to go.  Petal will show you safest way through our lands."

Eldrick turned back to the roadway looking dejected over his shoulder at the vegetation.  Oh, how he wished he could take the time to study the plants.  Maybe once he has finished what he needed to do in order to fulfill his duty he could take the time to learn about them.  Or even gather some.  Unfortunately, right now he needed to get to the conclave before it was too late.  Bringing his attention back to here and now he noticed Petal was chattering happily about all the different types of fruit which could be found in the Fae lands.

Eldrick was beginning to get tired, he had gotten up at about dawn and it was now past midnight.  "I am feeling tired, when are we planning on stopping for the night?"

"Hmm, let Petal think."  He looked around the area.  "Not here.  Petal senses procyvid nearby."

"How can you sense procyvid, Petal?"  Eldrick glanced at Petal out of the corner of his eye.  Petal couldn't sense life energies the way he could.

"Petal can smell them.  Petal no like smell.  Petal no like procyvid either.  They like to pull wings off sprites."

Eldrick was horrified at that thought.  Why would anyone want to pull the wings off a sprite?  He nodded to himself, preparing for a long night of walking until it was safe to stop and rest.  As they walked Eldrick could feel his energy renewing.  The rumours of this land having an effect on those who walked its paths were true.  He was feeling invigorated and thought he could walk all night.  The more he walked the better he seemed to feel.  He looked over at Sergei.  His face was becoming less pale and there seemed to be more vigour in his stride.  Was it possible these lands had natural healing properties?

"Sir, how are you doing?"

"I am doing better, but I don't think this will last."  He lifted his arm to mop his brow.  "There is much going on that you are unaware of.  I am not in the best of health.  In fact, I am dying and there is nothing that can stop that.  I am sorry, boy."  Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a handkerchief and coughed into it.  Pulling it away from his mouth Eldrick saw the small spots of blood on it.  "In fact, I don't know just how long I have.  I should make it through this journey."

"I thought you were planning on returning to Amarna.  Why would you lie to me?"  Eldrick was livid.  "What am I to do?  I can't be the one to pass the news on to her."  Eldrick looked over at Petal.  "Is there anything that can help with this problem?  Petal, there has to be something."

"Look boy, there is a price to everything in life whether we like it or not.  I knew this was coming before we left the farmstead.  I have read the omens.  They said I would be lucky to make it to another Feast of Servalin beyond this one."  He took a deep breath trying to hold back another spate of coughing.  "I am old and I have lived a long life.  The farmstead is yours.  Just not until you pass the tests or are kicked out of the order.  Which will never happen."

"Petal will seek healer in the next town.  Petal no like to see Druid suffering."

"I am sure there is going to be someone who can help.  I will learn what I can from them if they let me.  I will also trade labour for the herbs to keep you alive."

"Boy!  You are not listening to me.  I am going to die one way or another.  Sure you can slow it down,  It just won't be able to cure what ails me."  He fell silent.

They travelled in an uncomfortable quiet which seemed to permeate everything.  Even the birds were silent.  Eldrick found the silence uneasy.  That was when he heard Petal's Squeak as he flew towards Sergei.

"There is a Procyvid hunting nearby.  Petal can smell it."

Eldrick made sure his staff was in hand and ready to defend them if the need arose.  Glancing around all he could see were shadows dancing everywhere.  Why did the Faelands have to be so naturally unnatural.  His adrenaline had kicked in and he was no longer tired.  With his heightened senses on high alert he stopped and watched around him.

"No let it get Petal.  Petal no want to lose wings.  Petal likes his wings."  Sergei was trying to console the sprite as Eldrick stood guard and waited.

He saw something darker than the night sky pass overhead.  Raising his staff, he dropped into a ready stance.  The creature landed in front of him.  Wings and head of a raven, body and tail of a raccoon.  It towered over him.  Cocking its head to one side it peered down at Eldrick.  Sensing intelligence in the beady eyes looking at him, Eldrick wondered if the beast was sizing him up.  Eldrick began looking for weak points to attack.  These creatures could be tamed but it takes skill and patience to do so.  He thought of the pleasure of having one for himself then reconsidered.  He neither had the time nor the skills.

The beak and claws looked especially sharp.  The powerful wings were a vulnerability.  With narrowing eyes, he turned his gaze away from the face to concentrate on the point where the wing met the body.  The procyvid rearing back gave a loud caw and launched itself into the air.  It flew away as quickly as it had arrived.

"What did Eldrick do?  Procyvids never leave without a fight when they smell sprite."  Petal was all a flutter, his voice cracking, and his hands rubbing each other.  "Once they land they always attack."  Petal eyes were wide, as he glanced between Eldrick and the fleeing procyvid.  Eldrick knew otherwise.  There had been a confrontation, not a physical one,  but, mental with each sizing the other up.

"Petal, we need to get to town soon.  That creature may be back with friends."

Petal leaving the safety of Sergei's form, began leading them once again.  Eldrick heard bird sounds returning to the forest around him.  He let out a breath he hadn't noticed he was holding.  Following Petal down the road, they soon came to the edge of town.  Petal was singing in attempt to cheer himself after the encounter.

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