Corrigenda Chronicles: HOPE by SiobhantheWriter | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

Chapter 80

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The Grand Druid called for the feast of Servalin to proceed.   The roast boar, still steaming as it was taken off the fire, hissed and crackled with the escaping moisture.  The outer flesh was a delicate golden brown, and the baked apple in its mouth exuded the poignancy of spices with the cloves hinting at the flavour to come.  Once on the wooden trencher, the hot juices pooled about it.  The slices of rosy pink meat were succulent.  The roasted potatoes giving off a starchy scent accentuated the aroma of roast pork.   The carrots were like butter melting in your mouth with such exuberance it was like eating carrot-flavoured air.  As the mead and wine flowed around the circle the druids began to sway in time to the gentle beat of the drum heard softly over the sounds wafting from the forest.  

With all the excitement and energy flowing around the circle there was a palpable buildup of magical energies.  

"This feast is not only a religious ritual, but the celebration of a new druid being welcomed into the order.  Eldrick has successfully completed his apprenticeship." 

The Grand Druid, a man of such stature and bearing that none would gainsay his position, walked into the center of the circle leading the blindfolded Eldrick.    

“My brothers, tonight we not only celebrate the Feast of Servalin, but are now proud to welcome a new member to our conclave in the rank of journeyman.  This rank has its own dangers as well as rewards.  The journey from apprentice to master is long and complicated, there are many hazards a new member must surpass, obstacles to overcome, lessons to learn, personages to meet and impress with their knowledge of the law and land."  Eldrick could hear the soft shuffle of bare feet on grass as Veldar turned. 

"Of the past twenty journeymen we have endorsed, only seven have made it passed the trials to achieve master status.  Unfortunately, his master, Sergei is unable to travel with his protégé so I am asking, is there anyone willing to volunteer to act as a proctor for young Eldrick." Veldar paused for effect.  "Anyone?” 

The sound of silence from the assembled crowd was deafening over the rhythmic drumbeats.  Not one master was willing to take on a new journeyman of Sergei’s for fear of the loss of yet another journeyman.  The trials could take years unless the student was exceptionally bright, even then it was a guarantee that it would be a minimum of twelve months which is the shortest length possible.  Most had their own apprentices to worry about, those who were not yet ready for journeyman status, and were unwilling to pass their personal proteges off to another master for training, it was bad enough they had to leave them at home to come to this conclave and ceremonial feast, desiring nothing more than to return home to continue the training.  Some have been away from their apprentices for a month or more already and still had to travel back again. 

“Seeing as there is no one willing to take on young Eldrick, I will accept that responsibility” declared Veldar. 

This was both the best and the worst thing that could happen.  Veldar would ensure Eldrick received the best guidance but also ran the risk of uncovering Eldrick’s secrets. 

With ceremony, the high druid removed Eldrick’s blindfold.  

“From this moment on you are one of us and no longer required to be kept in the dark, as your mind has been opened by the teachings of our brotherhood so now will your eyes be opened to the larger world around you.  Look about and meet your brothers.  All here work for the betterment of every man.  Thus, we learn and achieve more when we work in concert with each other” droned the high druid.  Eldrick looked about the massed congregation.  Their smiles were welcoming.

Once he had been declared as a proper member of the order the masters were finally willing to talk with him. Dietrick approaching, smiled.  "I hope there are no hard feelings.  The Grand Druid, demands total respect and commitment from those beneath him.  Timothy and I were given specific instructions to ensure that you failed."  Eldrick looking around found he couldn't find Timothy anywhere among the celebrants.

"Where is Timothy?  Shouldn't he be here celebrating as well?"

"Timothy has been asked to leave the grove for the night because he refused to accept you were one of us."  Dietrick didn't look happy.  "I do believe Veldar has gone to talk to him about this.  As you heard working together is the only way to achieve the betterment of all mankind.  Welcome Brother, to the Driud Order of Corrigenda."  He clapped Eldrick on the shoulder as he left.

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