Corrigenda Chronicles: HOPE by SiobhantheWriter | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

Chapter 62

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Eldrick took several days before he was able to move about without struggling.  He still felt drained but had been eating better than he had been. The majority of his meals were specially prepared by the head cook of the palace, on the King's orders.  His visitors were few; more like nonexistent, other than healers and trainees.  Sebastian had come to see him once or twice during that time.  Claire would tell him to return to his own room.  Eldrick was more concerned with the lack of information about Sergei.  It had been nearly two ten-day since he left.

He was returning to his room from the bathing chamber when he heard a disturbance in the foyer.  Cautiously he peered around the corner.

"I am not speaking to some stupid child! I am here to talk to the Head Healer, regarding a matter of importance."

Eldrick recognized the tone.  That of a low-level official who thought too highly of themselves and figured they could push around those beneath them.  He knew there were only two ways this could be resolved in favour of Eileen.  She would either have to be insistent and explain that Amarna was still ill and that she was a full-level healer and the one in charge while Amarna was down.  The other way would be for Eldrick to come down in his druid regalia which he was loath to do, but he needed to back up Eileen somehow and in his current guise, there was no way.

Lifting his skirts he hurried up to his room to change.  His haste drew the attention of a few of the other students.

"What's wrong?" Amy, always the first to want to hear the current gossip.

"There is some official downstairs arguing with Eileen,  I need help changing quickly into my regalia."

"Right, first we need to get you out of that gown."  With remarkable speed, she helped him out of the dress. "Now where is the regalia?"

Eldrick went to the wardrobe and pulled it out.  "Right here.  It isn't much but it is official."

"Okay, let's get this on and quickly."

"He is still giving her a hard time calling her a child and an insult to his position"  Henry was clearly upset but his.  "He thinks she has no authority at all and nothing is going to change his mind."

"Oh, I think I can do that," Eldrick said turning with his regalia on.  "This is not an outfit people can ignore with impunity."  He left the room with his head held high.  He tried to exude the power of his position though he wasn't sure if the official would accept it.  As he headed down the stairs he could hear the raised voice of the official.

"Let that be a lesson in wasting my time."

Eileen was on the floor with a hand pressed to her cheek, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"You dare to strike a healer in the house of healing?"  Raising his voice to be heard in the courtyard.  "Guards!"  He looked at the official.  A man who stood taller than Eldrick by a good head and a half, well-muscled and intimidating.  With a calming breath, he stood up as straight as he could.  Looking the official in the eye with a cold stare.  "Do you recognize my position?"

"Psh, you are no more than a boy and have no position.  How dare you chide me?  I will see Amarna now!  I will not have my time wasted by a bunch of children pretending to power where they have none."

"That!  Is where you are wrong Sir.  As a druid apprentice, I have all the authority of the Order behind me as the only representative here.  The lady you struck," Eldrick offered his hand to Eileen, "Is the acting head healer while Amarna is ill, fully raised to the position before Amarna became ill."  Eldrick's tone became cold as ice.  "If I remember correctly your regalia places you from Thormalk.  That means you have news for the students here from that nation.  I am afraid it is going to have to wait until either you can have your demands met by waiting until Amarna is well enough to receive visitors or you are willing to apologize to those you have insulted and assaulted." 

Glancing past the envoy to the guards behind him.  "Either way, I think you are going to need to speak with His Majesty before anything else can be done."  He gave a nod to the guards, who grabbed the man by the arms.  As they hauled him out Eldrick turned to Eileen.  "I am sorry I was not faster in arriving."  Offering his hand, again, to help her up.  "We should get something cooling on that before it becomes too bad."  Taking her hand from her face he saw the small trickle of blood from just below the eye.  "I hope we can deal with that without stitches."  Looking around he noticed a couple of the other healers.  "Henry, can you get the witch hazel and goldenrod please."

Henry nodded and ran off.  Eldrick led Eileen to the kitchen.  He pumped the water until it ran clear, then moistened a cloth and placed it against her cheek.  He saw Caitlyn out of the corner of his eye moistening another cloth that she handed to him.  Taking it, he removed the first and placed the second back on the cheek.  Looking glum as he was changing the cloths to keep them cool.  Oh, how he wished for some ice or snow.  With that thought, he considered well why not create some he had magic.  But the use of magic is what had dropped him for the second time in a month.  Just need to be very careful and not use too much.  Just enough to cool the cloth to a consistent temperature to relieve the swelling.  Claire coming in, seeing Eileen, let out a gasp.  Henry who had been standing at the door caught her before she could rush over to Eileen.

"She will be fine."

Hearing Henry's voice Eldrick turned to look at him.  Eldrick held his hand out for the witch hazel and goldenrod.  Henry handed it to him and stepped aside.  Taking it he looked at Claire.  "I need a plaster from these."  He handed them over, "Wait I need the witch hazel first then you can make the plaster."  He moved the cloth and poured a little onto the cloth then placed it back on over the bruise and cut.  Handing the witch hazel back to Claire.  "The sooner the better please."  His voice was fading as he grew tired. 

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Henry nod towards the pantry.  Henry met Caitlyn near the doorway, they spoke in hushed tones for a moment before disappearing into the pantry.  Eldrick wondered what they were doing.  Shaking his head, he returned his attention to the cloth.  He couldn't afford to waver or he would need to start changing the cloths again.  He wasn't sure how long he could keep this up.  He couldn't work with the elements very well.  He hadn't summoned the healing fire.  No, but he had been the conduit for it.  He needed to find energy but he was running low on his own.  Food would help. 

Glancing over at the pantry he saw Henry and Caitlyn coming out with armloads of food.  Henry checking the stove and finding it was still warm added wood.  Placing a pan on the stove to heat be began slicing bacon.  Caitlyn was slicing bread, cheese and tomatoes.  Off to the side one the table was a head of lettuce.  Henry tossed the sliced meat into the pan.  The greasy scent of fried bacon soon filled the room.  So appetizing it caused Edlrick's mouth to water. 

Eldrick could sense the energy of the fire and began to draw just a hint from it.  Not enough to snuff the flames but enough to sustain his own flagging energy.  Letting his senses spread out he could feel the energy from the fountain in the courtyard.  That energy felt more compatible.  He began to draw on it and was about to release the fire energy when he understood that if he did he would cause the stove to flare up.  With both energies mixing, he felt better. 

Understanding hit him, like a clue by four to the back of the head.  Balance, everything comes back to balance.  Nature and civilization, fire and water, earth and air, life and death, even gain and loss. 

Oh, how could he have missed such a simple lesson?  Because he wasn't looking for it.  He needed to find a balance between his desires.  He wanted to be female but needed to be male.  Could he find a balance that wouldn't destroy him?  That was something he would need to meditate on later.  Right now he had a patient to care for.  Sure there were others who could do this task, but he had set it upon himself.

It wasn't long before he was handed bacon, lettuce, tomato, and cheese between two slices of bread with bacon grease.  Taking a bite he almost swooned at the taste.  The fresh, ripe, new tomatoes were juicy and sweet, complimenting the salt of the bacon with the sharp cheese giving a nice counterpoint.  The bread and lettuce tying it all together.  With the food, he could feel his energy levels climbing quicker.  He slowly stopped cooling the cloth with the magic.  Claire was just finishing the plaster.  Eldrick shifted out of her way so she could apply it to the cut.  Once the cut was tended to Eileen gave a sigh of relief.

"Where was he from anyway?" Eileen asked.

"That was the envoy from the Chief.  Probably with news of the recall.  I don't particularly want to return home at the moment."  Caitlyn was dour.  "I have more to learn here and since the only healers we have at home are herb witches it would be a good idea to have fully trained healers."

"Uh, hello??"  a young voice called out from the foyer.  "Is this where you train to be a healer?"

Claire and Eileen exchanged glances.  "I have this," Claire said rising and leaving. 

Caitlyn looking over at Lugh wore a puzzled expression.  "That sounds like Scathact."  She jumped and left.  Eldrick rose and followed.  Lugh and Henry shrugging also headed for the foyer.

Standing in the foyer was a young woman about the same age as Caitlyn.  The resemblance was uncanny.  Caitlyn rushed over and grabbed her into a hug, lifting her from the ground.  "Scathact, why are you here?"

"Well, if you would quit spinning me around I can explain.  As I was just about to tell Claire, I was sent to learn to be a healer and complete the Shelf in training."  She took a moment to straighten her short hair.  "The Chief wanted to make sure there was a Shelf ready when he called everyone back but I have a lot of learning to do here first.  She is afraid of what is coming and wants to be well prepared."  She looked over her shoulder at the doorway.  "Why were the guards taking Wilhelm away?"

Eldrick stepped forward then.  Scathact's eyes went wide, as she bowed her head.  "Druid," she said.

Taking his hand he raised her head so they were looking eye to eye.  "Not in here.  Here I am Ellie.  We will explain later.  Wilhelm struck one of the healers and has been taken to see His Majesty.  Envoy or not, there is no call to be striking a healer."

Scathact's face paled.  "Who did he strike?"

"Me," Eileen said coming into the room.  "He decided I was too young to have the training of a full healer and that I was trying to impede his mission."  She pulled herself up to her full height, head held high.  "Amarna, our head healer and the primary instructor in this house of healing is ill.  I am her appointed assistant.  I have the training and skill, though all he saw was a child."

"I see.  Are you okay?"

"Thanks to those who study here I will be.  I could have tended to it myself but this house is a community regardless of where we are from."  Eileen smiled at those gathered.  "I personally don't care where someone is from if they need healing they can find it here."

A cheer went up from the room.  This drew the attention of others who were not in the room.  With everyone gathering, Claire began making introductions.  She left the four Thormalkians until the end.  "Of course you know this bunch."  She glanced at Caitlyn, "How do you know this young lady Cait?"

"Scathact is my cousin," her glance took in Scathact.  "Where are your weapons?"

"The guards confiscated them.  Customary, I think they said."

"Yeah, it is.  Yosef, go collect her training weapons."  She gave a few hand motions and Jane and Lugh took off for the stairs.  "We aren't allowed to keep bladed weapons in the house of healing.  Your spear will have been capped so you can still train with it.  They will provide an equivalently weighted practice blade."  A whistle pierced the air.  Caitlyn turned slightly and caught the tossed weapons.

Eldrick turned at the sound to see his staff flying towards him as well.  Instinctively he reached out and caught it.  He then realized he was technically not in full regalia until this moment.  Turning back to Scathact he registered the awe on her face.

"You, you reacted like a hunter.  Do you use a blade as well?"  Scathact looked worried.

"No, I do not use a blade.  I am a druid, not a hunter.  But if you wish to spar I would be happy to oblige."  He bowed his head to her.

"Oh no, you don't Scathact.  Before you try to spar with her let me tell you she is freaky."  Caitlyn had a look of concern on her face.

"How good could she be?  I am a hunter, well I am going to be a hunter."

Lugh lifted his tunic.  "Good enough to get past my guard and leave a nasty bruise."  His chest was showing the yellowing of a fading bruise.  "I was tasked with making sure she understood how to use her staff.  I never want to be on the receiving end when there is something important on the line."  He glanced from Eldrick to Claire, "I think we should put on a display for Scathact's benefit."

Eldrick nodded but waited for Claire to give the okay.  When she nodded, Eldrick left to go change.

"Cait, I think it should be the two of us against her.  Might make things a little better for the display."

"I am not sure that would be fair.  Sure she defeated both of us one on one but do you think she could do so against both of us?"

"I think she could take on all of us if she does her thing.  That is something we should consider though."

Caitlyn looked over at Scathact, who looked incredulous.  "You know what Lugh, let Scathact spar with her first then if she is willing we can try the two of us on at the same time."

Eldrick hearing this called out from the stairs.  "You have a deal.  Though I do not know how good she may be."

He rushed to get changed, coming back quickly.  As he descended the stairs he noticed the entire compliment had once again gathered to watch.  Scathact stood ready with both weapons.  Eldrick considered this and decided to let it be.  He was going to need to work on this type of combat eventually.  Walking to the center of the room he took in her stance and positioning.  Stopping about ten feet away he nodded to her and took his stance. 

He knew to expect a charge, as that seemed to be the typical opening gambit of a hunter, to take the opponent quickly and by surprise.  He was not disappointed.  As she charged she threw her staff.  Eldrick simply stepped aside and let it fly past him, focusing on her other weapon and her body. 

That was when she noticed the glazed look.  Too late!  She pressed on.  Eldrick had her down and disarmed in three quick strikes.  Standing back up he offered her his hand to help her to her feet.

"What just happened?  I never miss with my spear!  She moved so fast, I couldn't see her staff."

Caitlyn came forward, placing a hand on her shoulder.  "How often do you practice?  When was the last time you actually got a chance to practice?  I know the journey here is long and there is no time to practice on the road."

"Before we left I practiced for half a day every day.  Once we left I couldn't really practice."  Her eyes dropped to the floor in shame.

"Hey, there is no need for that.  Now that you are here you will be able to train every day, but only in the evenings."  Caitlyn looked in Eldrick's direction.  "Okay, Ellie are you ready?"

Eldrick nodding moved to the center of the room.  Lugh and Caitlyn took positions on either side of him.  When they were set he nodded signalling for the exhibition to begin.  Neither of his opponents had the cudgel with them knowing his reactions.  They attacked in unison.  Eldrick slipping into his trance began his staff and footwork to defend himself.  With the constant clacking of wood on wood. Eldrick didn't move from his position, keeping up the constant motion of his staff.  As he defended off Caitlyn and Lugh, he sensed another join the fray.  Scathact's joining gave her fellows a brief advantage. 

Eldrick's staff flashed up in front of him as he stepped into the strike.  Catching Scathact in the chest with the butt end and trapping the other two staves behind him.  With one down, he did a backflip, slipping his staff under the other two and sending them skyward.  Pressing the advantage he struck at both in the chest.  Caitlyn dropping her staff held up her hand in defeat.  Lugh, who had stepped back, only took a light tap and returned to the attack.  They continued back and forth for a few moments.  Eldrick forced him to block though it wasn't a true strike he was going for, but a disarm.  Stepping in, he slid his staff inside Lugh's defences, spinning he thrust his staff forward relieving Lugh of his staff and footing at the same time.  Landing a decisive blow knocked Lugh to the ground, rubbing his chest once more.

"Enough," he cried,  "just as my last bruise was fading you had to give me another."  His eyes wandered over to Scathact's prone form.  Crawling over to her, he checked her vitals.  "She is fine just knocked out."  Looking over at Caitlyn, "What was she thinking?  Jumping into a weapons display like that."

"She has always been a hothead.  Never liking to be bested at anything, especially by an outsider.  Ellie defeated her so quickly, I think she was looking to redeem herself in our eyes."  She nudged her cousin with her toe.  "All she did was prove how unready she is to accept that there are going to be others who are better.  That will come with more training.  I can't wait until we can get back outside to train."  She glanced at Eldrick.  "Once things settle down enough that we can train outside I would like to see what you can do in our training.  There are five of us now but Scathact needs some tempering."

"I would agree."  Amaryliss stood in the doorway.  "Amy I would like you to take charge of our newest trainee.  She is going to need to learn that just because someone is trained differently there is no reason to doubt their skill."

Amy blushed at the reminder.  "Yes Amaryliss.  Ellie I think you should change because you have a new student to train in trance work."

Eldrick looked at Amy and chuckled.  "I think maybe you should teach her that."

"Me?" she spluttered.  "I barely understand how I do it.  You found the way to get through to me when I struggled."

"Yes, you.  I didn't really know how to explain it either when I taught everyone here.  I know how now.  But I learned something that day as well.  You need to be able to teach to have a true grasp of what it is you do."  He looked at the others in the room.  "If I am not overstepping my bounds, I suggest that those who have mastered a skill be the one to teach our newest trainee.  Or better yet those who are struggling with the skill work with her."

Amaryliss looked at him with a quizzical expression.  "Why those who are struggling?"

"Simple, if they are struggling they need to look things up which will guide her through the library and then they both learn.  Just don't let Caitlyn teach her to cook."

Caitlyn looked aghast.  She helped her cousin to sit up.  "I did try to warn you.  What were you thinking jumping in like that?"  she asked giving Scathact a disapproving glare.

"Well, I thought I could finish the combat quickly since the two of you were keeping him, her busy," touching her jaw she flinched.  "How does she do that?"

"How does she do what?  Defeat a hunter with ease?"  Caitlyn chuckled at that thought.  "She is a druid apprentice and has different training than we do.  She will be teaching you a few things while you're here.  But how to do what she does in combat isn't likely to be teachable."  Looking over at Eldrick, "you trance out in combat you know.  Once that happens there is nothing we can do to get through your defences."

Eldrick's eyes opened wide, "Really?"

"Yeah, once your eyes glaze over we can't tell what you are planning or if you are reacting to something we cannot sense."  Lugh looked around the group.  "Jane, Yosef, I think after dinner we should try the four of us against Ellie.  I know it doesn't seem fair but we have been working as a unit for a couple years now."  Looking at Scathact, "You haven't trained with us and are unaware of our tactics and communications.  Ellie has only seen us training once and can counter us.  Until you are working with us more, there are going to be communication issues."

Jane came up and helped Scathact to her feet.  "You are going to find quite a few differences here.  They will take getting used to.  Like only eating twice a day, but grabbing snacks when you can."  Examining the developing bruise, "Come we need to tend to that before it becomes too bad."  Jane led her off to the apothecary.

"Now, if you lot are finished playing around, there is studying to do.  Ellie go get changed and set up the library for a private trance session.  Amy, give her a hand.  The rest of you..." Amaryliss trailed off when she looked at Eileen.  "I do believe that is for you to say not me."

Eileen looked at the gathered students.  "I think today is going to be a trance day for everyone.  Claire, we have paperwork to deal with.  Elder, I do believe your task is to tend to our two patients.  I can just bet the lady Amarna is chomping at the bit to get back to work."

Amaryliss chuckled.  "Oh, I can assure you she is.  I won't let her because the two of you need to prove yourselves and know who to turn to or call upon in any given situation.  I must say I didn't expect Ellie to respond the way she did.  I mean that is part of her duty as a druid but to recognize it before reaching the status of journeyman is remarkable."

"Sorry Ellie, we didn't mean to talk about you as if you weren't here.  Okay, off to your tasks.  First, go eat."  Eileen shook her head with a wry grin.

With those words, everyone headed to the dining hall.  Eldrick gathered the weapons first and returned them to their rooms, where he quickly changed.  As he was changing he couldn't help overhear the conversation coming from the room next to his.

"There is no way anyone can defeat a hunter without being a hunter or cheating in some way."

"I wouldn't say that too loudly around here.  She has been involved in thwarting a number of assassination attempts.  In fact, there were two sent after her.  They are gone but she is still here."

"Well, I don't have to trust her.  I also don't have to like her."

Eldrick had heard enough, Leaving his room he slammed his door and hurried down the stairs.

Eldrick's stomach was in knots after catching part of the earlier conversation.  Nearly everyone was rearranging the library again.  Since it was going to be a learning session Eldrick decided the lesson Scathact needed was etiquette.  He would prefer humility but that is not a lesson he could teach.  Gathering up the books for the lessons he started placing them beside each person as they came in and became seated.  He heard groans from everyone as they looked over the books they had been given.

"Ellie why?"  Yosef raised a book.  "All of these are on the same subject."

"I was given a list of where you need to strengthen your skills.  Everyone has a subject I know they hate."  Hearing the door open he looked over.  "Ah Scathact, you and I will be working together," he held a smile on his face.  "Amy, the reason you have not gotten a pile of books is because you will be working on teaching today.  Please begin," he gave her a wink.

Amy took a deep breath and tried to guide everyone into a trance.  Eldrick began humming softly in the back of his throat.  Almost in counterpoint to Amy's instructions.  He watched Scathact while he did so.  He was trying to gauge her response.  He could sense her relaxing and slowly slipping into the trance.  That was when he slid the pile of books to her right-hand side.  With the command from Amy to start reading Scathact reached for the first book.  He turned his head to Amy signalling to watch Scathact to ensure she was truly in a learning trance.  Then let himself slip into one as well.

He had chosen a variety of subjects for himself.  From massage techniques to magical healing.  He wasn't sure when he would need that information, only that he would.  What he really wanted to be studying were the tomes in his old rooms.

A hand landing on his shoulder brought him out of the trance.  He looked up to see Sergei's face.

"Come we need to leave.  If we are to have a chance to make the conclave we need to leave today."

"What about Sebastian?"

"He is being taken care of.  I told him we needed to leave.  He told me he couldn't until he was given the okay from Amaryliss.  He knows where we are going and will meet us there.  Sigmund will see to that."  Grabbing Eldrick's arm and lifting him to his feet.  "Now go change and pack.  I will meet you in the foyer."

Eldrick looked around confused, he was going to be slipping out without a chance to say goodbye to his new friends.  It didn't feel right.  He caught Amy's eyes, gave a hapless shrug with his arms raised.  Making his way out of the library he went to pack.

"Ellie, what should I tell the others?"  Amy's voice called from his doorway.

"Just tell them duty calls.  They were told I could be leaving at any time."  Eldrick was carefully packing his gowns in the bottom of his pack.  "I need to attend this conclave to become a journeyman of the order, or I will forever be an apprentice, and one without a master."

"Here, let me help.  Scathact could use your guidance in a few things I think, but with you leaving others are going to need to give her those lessons."

"Hmph, I am the last person she really wants to learn from.  She doesn't even like me.  I overheard her talking to Jane just before breakfast.  While she was getting settled into her new room."  Absently he began fiddling with the amulet around his neck.

Amy's eyes widened at seeing the amulet.  "Is that...  no it can't be."  That was when her eyes caught the ring on his thumb.  "Oh my, you're Eldritch touched."  She took a quick step forward and threw her arms around him.  "Take care.  I am sure Beth would like that chance to sit and talk with you someday.  I will explain everything to her."

With his packing finished he slung his pack and picked up his staff.  Giving her a final hug before he left the room.  He found his steps dragging as he descended the staircase.  Seeing Sergei waiting for him, he forced himself to pick up his pace.  He noticed the triquetra around Sergie's neck.  Pausing a moment he placed his pack on the ground and retrieved his own, which he put on.  Putting his pack back on he nodded to his master in respect and acknowledgement that he was ready to continue on the journey.

As they left the house of healing Eldrick couldn't help but feel like he was leaving the world he knew behind.  Looking ahead he saw that Maybell had been harnessed to the cart with everything already packed.  Tossing his pack into the back of the wagon, he turned to look at the house of healing one last time before leaving.  He didn't know if he would be back or see his friends again.

Climbing up onto the seat of the cart he sat down resignedly.  For all of his stoicism in front of Amy, he felt wrong leaving like this.  He should at least say goodbye.  But his master had said they needed to leave immediately, so leave they did.   The sun wasn't even at midmorning as they left the castle grounds.

They travelled for several hours before Sergei broke the silence.  "You seem upset, what is it?"

"I don't know.  I have this feeling that I have just left the only people who mean anything to me personally.  Don't get me wrong, you raised me and trained me, but they accepted me."  He looked over at Sergei to see his reaction.  "I don't even feel complete right now.  Sebastian is still there, and I didn't even get to say goodbye to him."

"I am sorry Eldrick, but time is running short and if we are to make the fae encampment before midnight we had to leave when we did."

"Fae encampment?"

"Yes, that was part of what I was doing while away.  I was arranging for us to travel the fae road.  They have granted us permission.  It should allow us to reach the conclave in time.  They have strict rules for those who travel their roads.  Leaving the road can cause a person to be lost."  He mopped his brow.  "We will be given a guide, to ensure we are not lost, but there was a cost.  I have already paid that price so now it is just a matter of the journey."

"What type of price was asked?"

"My dear boy, as part of the agreement I cannot discuss it.  They ask different prices for everyone.  I have paid for us.  I wasn't aware Sebastian would not be travelling with us."

Eldrick didn't know what to say to this so he lapsed back into silence.  They travelled in silence until the sun was just above the horizon to the east.  Sergei, stopping the cart set the brake.

"We need to eat.  Come down and help me cook."

"Sir, I do believe that is my task."

"Not tonight.  This may be the last hot meal we get for a while and I am not about to make you work tonight."

"Sir?"  Eldrick climbing down approached the back of the cart.  "What am I getting us for dinner?"

"Here, let me get it out.  If you wouldn't mind starting a fire, that would be the most help you could be right now."

Eldrick giving a nod, grabbed the small spade from the side of the wagon to dig the fire pit.  He made it about six feet wide though they would only be using about half that.  He didn't want to set the grass ablaze with carelessness.  He searched out stones to make a fire circle.  Placing the wood which had been packed in the cart for this reason he got the fire started.  Sergei pulled out meat and vegetables and began to prepare them for cooking in the fire.

With the fire going and food baking, Sergei looked over at Eldrick.  "I am sorry to have disappeared on you.  I learned that my daughter had died.  I needed to deal with that quickly."  His eyes were tearing up.  "Now, I am just an old man with no family.  Once we reach the conclave and you are promoted to journeyman, I am returning to Herigmark.  I will be remaining there.  Amarna and I will be seeing if we can make something work."

Eldrick looking over at Sergei could see both hope and anguish lurking in his eyes.  "I think she would like that."

Sergei looked up in surprise.  Taking a deep breath he shook his head.  "I don't know what an old man such as myself has to offer her."

Sergei's response took Eldrick aback.  How could Sergei think he had nothing to offer?  Was there something Sergei knew that Eldrick didn't?  Eldrick biting his tongue, to refrain from saying something he would possibly regret, looked at his mentor of the last twelve years with incredulity.  Turning his attention to the fire he considered adding more wood.  They wouldn't be staying overnight so there was no need to add more wood.  It was a cooking fire only.

Sergei checked on the food in the silence of his apprentice.  "You are quiet tonight.  What is on your mind?"

Eldrick decided to take the opening as it was offered.  "You made me leave the one place I had actually made friends and I was learning a lot there.  My beau is still healing and cannot travel.  You, who have given so much of your life to others deserve some happiness.  You, you old fool have so much to offer to Amarna, but you are too stubborn to see it."  Taking a break he lifted his gaze to meet his mentor's eyes. 

"You trained me to be the person you wanted to be.  Your duty is almost at an end, and you are wallowing in self-pity.  There are some who will never have children.  Some who will pine for the one they love for years and not bother to look for happiness in someone else."  Rising to his feet he seemed to grow to ten feet tall towering over Sergei. 

"While you were gone we nearly lost Sebastian and Amarna to a magically induced infection.  An alteration of the spell cast on the guardsman we worked so hard to heal.  Where were you?  You were off doing Alie knows what.  In dealing with the problem I nearly died.  I am not even a day out of bed and now we are traipsing across the landscape again.  I know it is my duty and I accept that.  Now you must accept something.  I am no longer the meek apprentice you left behind.  I will complete this task with or without you."  His voice started taking on more authoritarian tones as he spoke. 

Not rising in anger as he had feared but becoming more firm and forceful as he took control of the situation.  "And, another thing, old men and women deserve to have happiness just like anyone else.  If you don't run back to Amarna once this is finished then you must be either dead or dying."

Sergei had never heard his apprentice sound like this before.  It was a new development.  Smiling to himself, he dished out the food.  Trying to hide his smile, he handed a platter to Eldrick.

"Well, that is the first time I have ever heard you speak to me or anyone like that.  I hope that doesn't become a habit.  There will be some severe consequences if you speak to the Grand druid like that."

Eldrick took the platter and sat back down.  "Sir you asked me what was on my mind.  I couldn't just sit here and let you bemoan your life.  There is so much you have to offer if only you would look into yourself."

"Don't get me wrong Eldrick.  I am actually pleased to see you have developed a backbone and your own opinions.  You will not let someone push you just because they seem to have power over you.  Veldar will take that as a personal attack and a challenge to his authority.  I am trying to help you survive."

"Sir," his voice quiet once more, "how am I going to do this?  Amy noticed the ring and the medallion.  I think she is the only one who did but I can't be certain.  Everyone there talks and are friends."  His shoulders slumped as he began eating.

Eldrick didn't feel like talking anymore.  He used the food and the tasks of putting the fire out and replacing the grass where he had removed it to keep quiet.  There were going to be enough things to worry about in the days ahead.  He was about to leave this realm behind and enter the Fae Lands.  A land with its own dangers and mysteries.  Just because he had made friends with some of the fae didn't mean he would be able to use that friendship in the Fae lands.  He was going to be completely out of his element there.

Once he had everything back where it had come from he climbed back onto the cart seat.  Looking over at Sergei he was overcome with a feeling of uncertainty.  "We are going to have to walk the Fae lands, aren't we?  Maybell will be left behind."

"Yes Eldrick, I am afraid so.  That is the only way to invoke the magic we need."

"Couldn't we walk alongside her and the cart?"

"You do not understand.  Any living thing that enters the Fae lands becomes changed unless they have magic of their own.  Even that is not enough to completely protect you.  Think!"

"We are changed by walking the paths because we are using the time distorting effects to our benefit.  Therefore we cannot completely shielded."

"Now you are thinking.  What did you learn from the tomes I found from the library on the fae?"

"I never finished them.  They are packed in my bags."

"Oh ho, that is not going to please the librarian.  I can just hear him spouting off now. 'That reprobate of a druid has absconded with a veritable opulence of erudition.'"  Chuckling, he reached over to scruff up his apprentice hair.  Eldrick deflected Sergei's hand just before it could reach his head.  Sergei looked over at Eldrick.  "We are going to need to deal with that head of hair of yours."

"You are not planning on cutting it I hope."

"Oh not this time I think it is time for you to wear what some would call warriors braids.  Though I am not sure if you truly warrant them but your hair is long enough to do that with."

"How does one warrant warrior's braids?"

"By defeating a warrior in single combat."

"Would bestng three Thormalkian hunter trainees count?"

"It would if that were possible.  I have never heard of anyone accomplishing such a feat.  Even the king's guard would be hard-pressed to defeat a single hunter."

"What about assassins?"

"I think that would count.  You were beset by two and you walked away from the encounter where they did not."  Sergei looked thoughtful a moment.  "Yes, that would warrant the warrior's braids."

Eldrick heard a child-like laughter coming from his pack.  Turning he opened it to see Petal lounging on top of the clothing.  "Petal?  What are you doing here?"

"Petal is guide.  Petal wants to help Ellie."

"Petal," Eldrick was aghast at being called Ellie outside the safety of the castle, "here I am Eldrick again.  You never know when there are unwelcome ears."

Petal looked sad.  "Petal sorry.  Amaryliss didn't say you were Eldrick again yet."  The little sprite's face was a dark cherry red.  "Petal is always messing up."

"No Petal, you are not always messing up.  You are right Amaryliss probably didn't have the chance to tell you if you left the same time we did.  Are you hungry?"  Looking over at Sergei, "Do we have any fruit?"

"Yes, we do, in the bag just under the seat."

Eldrick reached under the seat and pulled out the bag.  Opening it up he saw it contained late apples.  Pulling his knife from his belt he sliced one up to give to Petal.  Handing a single piece to Petal he picked up the sprite and placed him on the bench seat.

"I figure you would probably be a bit more comfortable up here instead of hiding in my pack."

"Petal prefers shoulder but bench is good."

They continued travelling as the larger moon rose in the west, shedding a bright white glow.  As they approached the forest Ciará was rising in the east.  Sergei pale looking in the moonlight, caught Eldrick's attention.  This was not natural for Sergei.  He shifted his senses to see what he could pick up from the life essence.  Sergei was not healthy, his condition had worsened while he was away.  Eldrick was beginning to worry but there was nothing he could do for his master at this time.  He knew there may be some plants in the Fae lands that could help but he didn't know what they were, or if he would be able to find them.

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