Corrigenda Chronicles: HOPE by SiobhantheWriter | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

Chapter 66

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Eldrick woke to the sounds of racking coughs.  Now, what was it Amare had said?  Right one pot of tea for two days, then once every two days.  He thought carefully over what he had learned in the house of healing.  He came to the conclusion that what he needed to do was follow his instincts, they had always been accurate.  Getting dressed he left to see about getting more tea, before breakfast.

Sticking his head into the backroom, "Ah, hello?"

"Oy, youngen what brings you in here?"

"I need to make some tea for my master."

"What?  Your pastries need peas?  Well okay if that is what you want.  Don't understand young people these days, peas in berry tarts."

"No," raising his voice to be clear, "I need to make TEA for my MASTER."

"Oh well, why didn't you say so?"  shaking his head.  "I mean young people these days always mumbling.  You would never catch me mumblin to meself."  Gathering the teapot and kettle for Eldrick.  "Just put the kettle back o'er the fire when you're done with it."  Returning the bread he was kneeding.  "Why would someone need to be making tea an hour before sun up is beyond me, bet well what does an old dwarf know."

Eldrick finished making the tea and returned the kettle as requested.  Grabbing a couple of teacups he turned and thanked Bogdan as he backed out of the kitchen.  Tea in hand he returned to his room.  Pouring a cup, he helped Sergei into a seated position.

"Sir, here this should help."

Sergei taking the cup with one hand, absently wiped the corner of his mouth with his other.  Eldrick noticed the streak of red left on the heel of his hand.  Sergei sat there for a few moments just breathing in the steam from the tea.

Petal's nose twitched as his eyes popped open.  "Does Petal smell honeysuckle?"

"Yes Petal, you do," Eldrick's hands shook as he poured a cup of tea for Petal as well.  "Only one cup though Petal this is for Sergei.  I am not sure how much good it is doing, but it does seem to ease his breathing for a while."

"Petal understand," his face fell in disappointment.  "You not like Petal as much as Sergei."

Eldrick sat down beside Petal.  "It isn't that Petal.  We have a deadline and we cannot risk stopping for him to heal.  The problem is I don't think he will survive much longer."  

Petal's eyes widened, "Sergei has blight?  Tea helps with blight?  Here give Sergei Petal's."  He took a small sip before handing it back to Eldrick.

Eldrick shakes his head.  "What you have Petal, isn't going make a difference."  Tears began forming in the corners of his eyes.  "I don't know what I am doing here.  I spent time training to be a healer.  All the knowledge he drilled into me about herbs and there is nothing I can think of which may be effective against this."  His shoulders slumped as his hands fell slack in his lap.  "I checked his life force, and there is something in his lungs.  I am not sure what it is but it is heading to his heart," Eldrick wiped the tears away with the back of his hand.

Petal putting his tea down flew up and patted Eldrick's shoulder.  "Would a hug help Sergei?"  Before Eldrick could respond Petal flew over to Sergei on the bed.  Landing on his shoulder he hugged the old man's neck.  "Sergei needs to survive.  Amarna would wilt without Sergei.  Petal likes Amarna."

Sergei raised a hand to place gently on Petal's back.  "Thank you, my little friend.  I am afraid there isn't much that can be done.  The omens  foretold this.  This may destroy Eldrick.  If I don't make it, please take care of him."  His hand fell to his lap.  The wrinkled fingers curling into a fist.

"Petal can't make that promise.  Petal has to return to Herigberg once this is done."  Tears were now starting to form in the sprite's eyes.  "Petal sorry."  He dropped and sat on Sergei's shoulder, his face in his hands.

Eldrick turned to look over the back of the chair to watch what was happening between Petal and Sergei.  When Petal sat with his face in his hands, concern rose.  Rising he checked on the pot, still hot.  As he crossed the room he heard a faint tapping at the door.  He froze. Who would be knocking at this early, and why was it so faint?  He let his senses roam through the building.  On the other side of the door was a small figure whose life energy flared.  He didn't think there was any reason to fear the fae, but he was unsure.  He didn't want to take chances, not with Sergei's condition.  "Who's there?" he called out.

"Èibhlin, I have wash water."  The voice was light and airy.

Eldrick wiping the last remnants of the tears from his face opened the door.  A small nondescript creature entered carrying two pails of steaming water.  She set them down on the floor near the washbasin.  Giving the air a sniff she recoiled, motioning for Eldrick to come closer.  Eldrick knelt down beside her.

"Why do I smell blood and magic?"

It was Eldrick's turn to recoil.  "You can smell magic?"

"All brownies can.  Can't you?"

"Ah, well no but I can sense it."

Petal's head came up, his hands quickly wiping away his tears.  "Eldrick grabs energy from everywhere."

Eldrick's face screwed up in confusion.  "When did I do that?"

"When Eldrick passed out in House of Healing after mill accident.  Petal felt funny.  Petal felt good after."

Èibhlin looked up in astonishment.  Then just seemed to vanish.  Eldrick froze for a moment, staring at where she had been standing.  Carefully he passed his hand through the space.  Empty.  He looked over at Petal.  Petal shrank back in fear.

"Petal say something wrong?  Petal sorry, Elli...Eldrick."  Flying over to land on Eldrick's shoulder and giving him a hug.

Rising, he closed the door.  "No Petal you didn't do anything wrong," he paused.  He couldn't seem to find the words he needed.  "Where did she go?  And why did she just vanish?"  He stood there scratching his head, the wash water forgotten.

"We need to get ready for the day," Sergei's voice breaking Eldrick's confusion.

A task is good.  Reaching for a bucket of hot water he filled the washbasin.  Turning he saw Sergei arising from the bed.  Backing away from the washbasin, in deference to his master.  Sitting on the chair he watched as Sergei cleaned up, turning away as the old man stripped.  Petal jumping off Eldrick's shoulder caused him to turn.  He saw Petal sitting in the washbasin splashing and laughing.  Eldrick smiled at the joy in the sprite's laughter; though it felt odd in contrast to his internal ache with worry over his master.  Sergei was getting dressed over by his bed.  Eldrick needed to wash the clothes he was wearing but they really didn't have time for that.  He searched his bags for something clean to wear.

He stood still, his eyes looking at the clothes in his bag.  Everything was clean and neatly rolled up.  He swallowed.  Please let nothing be missing.  Rummaging through the pack his hand brushed across something cold and metallic.  Pulling it out just enough to look at it.  The shears were there.  He let out a sigh of relief.  What confused him though, was how could all his clothes be clean?  Wait there was something new in the pack.  He was tempted to pull it out to see what it was when he decided it would be better to check when they stop next.  It felt like a very slippery fabric.  Now he really wanted to see what it was, the problem was they didn't have the time for him to pull it out and then repack it.

Turning he noticed the room was empty.  Grabbing his and Sergei's bags, he left for the dining hall.  Sitting at the table were Sergei, Petal, Èibhlin, and a tall slim figure.  The figure was clothed in what appeared to be bark the hair resembling very small weeping willow limbs with fresh growth.  Eldrick stopped and stared when he realized the figure wasn't clothed.  That was their skin.

The figure, turning saw Eldrick, "Please come join us.  Èibhlin and Petal were just telling me about your unique talent."  The voice was high pitched with a sense of a zephyr gliding through the forest.

Eldrick felt a sudden panic.  He had no idea what talent they were discussing nor why they would be sharing it with this person in particular.  He knew he could trust his master, though there was still the panic of having his life laid bare to a total stranger.  Petal was too gregarious, Èibhlin he had only met this morning.  This stranger seemed to emanate a frightening power.  Eldrick took three calming breaths and let his senses flow.  The fae signature was there but it seemed to be intertwined with that of the dragons'.  She turned completely around to sit with her back to the table.  Crossing her legs, she leaned forward.  Eldrick dropped his eyes to the floor quickly.  His face going red.  He heard lilting laughter like small chimes in the wind.  Raising his eyes, he caught and held hers.  Her eyes held nothing but concern, except where they reflected his rage-filled eyes.  Seeing his own rage was not something he liked.  He knew he set the challenge and he was not about to be the first to break contact. 

Her hands came up.  The left held a flame as green as new grass in spring.  The right held a flame as red as the flames in the fireplace.  Slowly the flames changed from one colour to another.  The flame in her right lost all colour then began to form rainbows across the floor.  The flame in her left turned to the blue of the sky at twilight.

Eldrick's jaw dropped as his eyes followed the flames which were now passing back and forth between her hands.  He blinked, rubbing his eyes.  He wasn't sure if what he was seeing was real or just some trick.

"Amaryliss' message did say you would be a stubborn one.  She didn't say you could sense the energies so acutely though."  Rising she extinguished the flames.  Gliding across the floor like a spirit passing through the trees.  "My name is Sycamorea.  You did know that sprites are known to gossip.  It is how we keep in touch with each other."  Reaching out she placed a hand on Eldrick's shoulder, turning him as she walked past.  "Come we have work to do."

Eldrick planted himself.  "I cannot take time away from the journey.  My master is ill, and we have a deadline."  His tone was firm.  He turned to look over at Sergei, who sat at the table cup in hand having a friendly conversation with Petal and Èibhlin as if there were nothing wrong.  He raised a hand and waved Eldrick off to follow the fae.  Eldrick was at a loss.  He knew this place had special properties but could they afford to tarry.  Reluctantly he followed the lady out of the room.

She led him to a room, which held a variety of objects scattered around it.  Closing the door behind them she gestured around the room.  "Everything in here has an energy all it's own.  From what I have heard, you have the ability to draw energy from your surroundings.  And have done it at least twice.  I am here at Amaryliss request to train you in that skill.  That is why Petal is your guide, he has knowledge of the secret paths which will reduce your travel time immensely."  Walking over to a stool in the corner she sat, as though she became a part of the wood it was crafted from.  "I am going to draw energy from each in turn and I want you to tell me which object I am drawing from.  Do you understand the lesson?"

Eldrick nodded.

(He woke to Petal slapping him across the face.)  "Wake up Eldrick.  Petal needs you to wake up."

"Okay Petal, I am awake what is it?"

"Petal needs to get you on the road or you will be late.  Petal cannot fail, otherwise, court get mad at Petal."

Eldrick rose from the bed, looking over at his master who was sitting up and preparing to leave.  He glanced at the table and saw the teapot with a cup beside it, steam rising gently from both.  Sergei reaching for the cup inhaled the steam before taking a sip.  Nodding to himself, Eldrick quickly changed his clothing and prepared to travel once again.  Out in the main portion of the rooms, he saw the promised packet a note clipped to it.  'There is enough here for about a week.  One pot a day for the first two days then one pot every two days until gone.  Signed Amare'.  Eldrick gathering up the packet stuffed it into his pocket.  Returning to the beds he helped Sergei to his feet, handing him his staff.

"Petal how long will we be travelling today?"  Turning his attention back to his master, "Sir we need to hurry if we are going to make the conclave but we also cannot travel too fast or you will have problems.  So we need to find a pace that isn't going to overtax your strength nor slow us down.  Use your staff to help you walk."

"Petal travels as long as it takes to get to next town.  Petal not know how long that is."

" Boy, I may be old, but I know my limits."  Doubling over he fell back onto the bed in a coughing fit.  Eldrick made to approach as Sergei waved him off.  "I don't need you acting like a broody hen,"  reaching for the tea he took another sip.  As the following coughing spasm subsided he finished the tea.  "I do appreciate the concern, but there's not much you can do.  We need to see what can be done to get beyond this."  Using his staff, he rose from the bed.  "We need to get on the road," he nodded to Petal as he made his way for the door.

"Petal has made arrangements for breakfast and travel food."

Sergei looked at Petal with a touch of fear.  "Isn't there a prohibition against eating anything from the Faelands, less you be trapped forever?"

"Petal not that stupid.  You brought food with you.  Petal just had it prepared for you.  What you cannot eat are certain foods grown in Faelands."  Petal hovering in the air just shook his head at Sergei's naivety.  "For old man you silly," chuckling he flew off down the hall.

Eldrick knew better than to say anything once he got a look at Sergei's face.  The old man's lips were puckered, his brow lowered, and his nostrils flaring as he breathed slowly to calm himself.  Eldrick followed Petal as if nothing were wrong, doing otherwise was sure to cause Sergei to erupt.

In the main room there was a breakfast set out for the travellers on a table.  Glimhook and his children were already seated and munching away.  Eldrick chose a seat and sat down.  A moment later Sergei sat and reached for food.  Glancing over, Eldrick noticed Sergei's complexion was actually looking better than the night before.  Relieved, he enjoyed his breakfast.  Chase came from the kitchen, a bag of food tied to his back.

"Amare has asked me to accompany you through the Faelands."  He looked over at Sergei, "If you wouldn't be upset sir I can carry you."

"I will walk as long as possible before I take you up on that offer.  I thank you for your consideration.  It is not often one such as I am gifted with the experience of riding centaur-back."  Looking over at Eldrick, "Centaurs do not offer lightly and rarely accept anyone on their backs."

Eldrick was stunned.  Amare knew just how bad Sergei was if she asked Chase to accompany them.  There was nothing left but to get back on the road.

"Sir, I do believe it is time we headed out.  I just need to turn the keys over.  I will meet you outside."  Rising from his seat he wandered over to the counter.  Placing the key on the counter he checked to see if the promised recipe were there.  Not seeing it he turned to leave then remembered they had still to pay for their rooms.  Glimhoook approached keys in hand.  Giving them to Eldrick as he passed.  Turning back to the counter he saw Sprig standing there.  Jumping he squeaked in surprise.

"How much do we owe for the room?"  He placed the other two keys on the counter beside the first.

"Nothing.  Your master paid the price for the entire trip lodging included.  Oh and Amare left this for you when she left last night," handing Eldrick a folded sheet of paper.  "I hope you make it to your destination in time.  These lands have a way of playing tricks with time for your kind.  Take care."  She gathered the keys from the counter and placed them back on the hooks they were taken from.

 Eldrick headed for the door, looking back over his shoulder to see Sprig smiling and waving goodbye.  He wasn't sure what type of reception they were going to get in the next town.  Leaving the inn he noticed the sun was just above the horizon.  He wasn't sure how long he had slept but it felt like it had been more than just a couple of hours.

"Petal, how long did we sleep?"

"Oh, about four hours.  Get more sleep in next town, Petal promises."

Eldrick nodding to himself followed Petal down the street heading out of town.  He felt like he'd had more sleep than four hours but he wasn't going to argue with the sprite.  After all everyone keeps telling him that these lands play tricks with time for humans.  He looked down at his feet to watch the path he was walking and felt a wave of depression slam into him.  He hated seeing his body like this it wasn't what he expected.  He really wished he were a girl.  Too bad the Druids wouldn't accept one.  If he ever got the chance he would do something about that.  But for that to happen the current leader would have to be dead.  That was not something he wanted to consider.  Holding back the tears which threatened, he raised his eyes to his small guide.

The travel was quiet except for the satyrs breaking out in song at about midday.  Chase began handing out food consisting of sausages wrapped in pastry.  Eldrick took his gratefully.  Once everyone had one he pulled a strawberry out for Petal.  Everyone munched on their food as they walked.  Eldrick was grateful for the food, it meant the satyrs were no longer singing.   It wasn't that they couldn't sing, it was the bawdy songs they were singing.

The sight of another town was a welcome relief.  Sergei had been riding since just after the midday meal.  Eldrick was worried about him but there wasn't anything he could do about it while they travelled.  He looked at the town with a hopeful look.  His legs were getting tired and he didn't know how long they had been walking.

"Petal thinks we should stop here for the night.  It is early but Sergei needs his rest."

Eldrick heaved a sigh of relief.  Petal was considering the old man's condition, which was good.  As they approached the inn the people of the town came out to stare at the travellers.  Eldrick had to admit they were a motley bunch.  Two humans, four satyrs, a centaur, and a sprite.  Eldrick was glad he was not in his regular clothing but had chosen to wear the traditional outfit of a travelling druid.

The inn was smaller than the last one.  Dry stone construction, with a normal-sized door.  Opening the door he entered.  Inside was crafted entirely of stone; stone benches, stone tables, a stone mosaic floor.  Eldrick took in the mosaic and realized the placing of the furnishings were actually part of the picture.  He stopped inside the door to examine everything.

"Well come in and close the door you're lettin' out the heat.  Were ye born in a barn?"  The voice was deep and gravely.

Eldrick turned to the speaker who was coming out of the back room.  He was short, stocky, and well-muscled with a beard down to his knees.  The satyrs squeezed past him and approached the innkeeper.  They clasped hands like old friends.

"Glimhook you old fool, what brings you here?  Don't tell me you are helping this motley crew.  Hey young rapscallions, Gart, Scrap, Quirt."  He gave each a scruff on the head. "Well come on in, come in."

Eldrick stepped aside to allow Chase and Sergei to enter.  With everyone inside, Eldrick closed the door.  Turning to look for the innkeep to ask about rooms, he saw Sergei was seated at a table with the satyrs.  Petal was dancing on the table.  He could feel his stomach rumbling and the saliva started to fill his mouth as the aroma of a thick stew wafted from the kitchen.  Joining the others at the table he saw Sergei had fallen asleep.  Remembering the tea in his pocket he tried to get the innkeeper's attention.

"Psst, I never caught the innkeeper's name," he whispered to Glimhook.

"That's because he didn't give it.  He can be a bit absentminded at times.  Just call him Bogdán.  He can be a bit hard of hearing."

"Thanks, I didn't want to show disrespect."

"Not to worry.  Here let me get his attention for you.Winking at Eldrick before raising his voice, "Hey Boghead! Get out here."  Eldrick felt like crawling inside his skin.

"Listen here Slim, no one calls me Boghead.  My name is Bogdán and don't you forget it."  He waved a long handled wooden spoon as he approached the table.  Stew splatters flying everywhere.

Glimhook sat there laughing, "Then maybe, you should introduce yourself to your guests, instead of ignoring the paying customers."  He turned his eyes toward Eldrick.  "This young master is needing your attention, and wasn't sure how to get it."

"Oh I am so sorry good sir, where are my manners.  I am Bogdán your host for the evening."  Extending the wooden spoon in his hand.  "What not going to shake my hand?"

"I would if it were empty."

Bogdán looking down at his hand scowled.  "Now where did I put my spectacles?" patting himself down, forgetful of the wooden spoon still in his hand.  Stew dripping off, when he hit himself in the face with the spoon.  Throwing his head back in a roar of laughter, "Well young sir," placing the spoon on the table, "I would forget my head some days if it weren't attached."  Extending his hand once more.  Eldrick accepted it and shook as firmly as he could.  Bogdán turned to Glimhook, "I thought you said it was a boy.  Hands as soft as healer's probably hasn't seen any real work."

Eldrick was taken aback by that sentiment.  "I am not some soft girl," his voice cracked.  He lowered his head in embarrassment and shame.  Now even his voice was betraying him.  Soon he won't be able to pass himself off as the gender he truly wished he was.  Clearing his throat, "I need to make some tea for my master."

"Well, good young master, I meant no offence before.  I shall get the teapot and hot water for you.  Once you've finished your meal I will have your keys for you."  Turning he left for the backroom once more.

Glimhook turned to Eldrick, "He also has no filter, imagine calling me slim."  Patting his stomach, "I mean I could stand to lose a few pounds but I cannot resist my wife's cooking."

It was only a few moments before Bogdán returned with the teapot and kettle.  Placing the teapot on the table in front of Eldrick, who added the tea to the bottom of it.  Bogdán filled the teapot as Eldrick returned the packet to his pocket.  Petal's head moved forward towards the steeping tea, a smile on his face.

"Bogdán, can we get two cups please one for my master and for Petal."

"But of course."

"Thank you very much."  (Eldrick felt like crying.)  There was nothing he could do about it though.  What he really wanted to do was curl up in his bed and hide from the world.  This wasn't the first time he felt this way, but he wasn't sure if he would be able to continue if these feelings kept coming.  He didn't want to quit.  It was more he couldn't quit.  He had to have some dragon blood since once he gave his word he would see it through.

Bogdán returned with a huge pot, bowls, and the two teacups.  Placing the bowls and cups on the table he started dishing out the stew.  Glimhook passed the bowls out as they were filled, Eldrick filled the teacups and gently woke Sergei.

"Master, your tea and dinner is here."

Sergei woke with a start, which set off a coughing spasm.  He reached for his handkerchief, coughing into it.  When he pulled it away from his mouth, Eldrick could see more spots of blood.  (This really made him worry.)  Folding his handkerchief Sergei returned it to his pocket.  Reaching for his tea he brought it up to his lips and just held it there inhaling the vapours rising from it.  A slight sigh of relief escaped his lips.  Taking a sip of the tea, he smiled.

With the stew dished out Bogdán left.  Everyone began to eat.  Eldrick sat there looking at his stew, not sure if he should eat it or not.  Chase stirred the stew looking at it carefully.  Looking up he motioned for Eldrick to eat. Eldrick nodded to him and dug into the stew.  With everyone eating the chatter around the table died.

Eldrick pausing with his spoon halfway to his mouth looed over the table at his master.  Sergei's hand was shaking as he tried to lift his spoon to his mouth.  Dropping his spoon into his bowl Eldrick rose and walked around the table to assist his master.  Guiding his hand back down to the bowl he shifted the tea to Sergei's hands and helped guide it to his lips.  Eldrick noticed the tea was barely warm.  Once Sergei had finished his cup of tea the shaking had abated enough that he could eat.  Eldrick reached to feel the pot, tepid.  He calmed himself and let a little energy flow from his hand to the pot and felt the tea warming.  Seeing the steam escaping the spout, he poured Sergei another cup.

"Master, if you start shaking again there is more tea here.  It is nice and hot still."

"Eldrick I don't know what I would do without you.  You are far too considerate.  I hope this is not going to interfere with your upcoming journey."  Dropping his spoon as a coughing fit threatened.  Reaching for his handkerchief he got it to his mouth just as the coughing started.  Pulling the handkerchief down he folded it quickly, placing it in his lap, he reached for the tea.  Breathing deeply of the vapours, he sighed in relief.  Taking a sip he held the cup to his lips and continued breathing in the steam.

Eldrick, concern written on his face returned to his seat and his dinner.  Carefully watching his master over his spoon as he ate.  Before Sergei had been able to fold the handkerchief Eldrick had seen the fresh blood in the folds.  He was terrified of what it could mean to his reaching the conclave.  Letting his senses roam he noticed what appeared as a black spot in Sergei's lungs, the black was also spreading towards his heart.  Eldrick lost his appetite.

Scanning the room he wondered where their gear had gone.  Of course, the innkeeper probably had their things taken to their rooms while they were eating.  Rising from the table he excused himself and wandered over to the counter to sign the party in.  Bogdán came out of the back room and approached.

"I hope everything was to your liking with dinner," his deep voice mellow.

"It was, thank you.  I believe I need to sign us in and collect the keys."  Eldrick looking nervously at the bulk of the dwarf.

"Easy lad, I don't bite.  I am just a humble innkeeper."  Reaching behind to grab the keys.  The pegs were empty.  Turning he bellowed, "Èibhlin, where are the keys?"  Turning back to Eldrcik, "I am sorry but that silly brownie has a habit of moving my shit around on me.  I think I have seen her only once, when I hired her.  She is so dang quiet I never know where she is."

The sound of keys clinking on the counter caught everyone's attention.  Bogdán looking around cursed under his breath.  "I hate that.  She never lets people see her even when she is right there.  I have no idea how she does it."

Chase neighed, "Brownies are subtle but great to have around.  That is if you stay in their good graces."

"Be that as it may, here are your keys."  Sliding them across the counter. "Just down the hall there," pointing towards the back of the room.

Taking the keys he returned to the table.  Passing keys to Chase and Glimhook, he helped Sergei to his feet.  "Master, you are falling alseep in your stew."  Opening the door to their chambers, he turned "Petal, you coming?"

He had barely uttered the words when he felt a breeze caress his face.  Petal was getting comfortable in the chair.

"Petal sleep here."

Nodding, Eldrick helped Sergei to his bed.  Pulling of his master's boots, he got kicked.

"Leave me, I may be old but I am quite capable of preparing myself for bed."  Falling back onto the bed his snores punctuated the silence.

Eldrick shook his head and shifted the old man so he was on the bed properly, covering him.  Eldrick quietly claimed his own bed and was soon overcome by sleep.

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