Corrigenda Chronicles: HOPE by SiobhantheWriter | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

Chapter 74

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Eldrick found he wasn't getting much sleep as he was having recurring nightmares of being violated.  His thoughts were not his own.  He needed to talk to someone, but he didn't know who he could trust.  He barely tolerated being near Sycamorea, though she didn't do anything to warrant such a reaction.  At least not one he could think of.  She had invaded his mind after he had cut himself, but she had apologized.  She had taken to making sure he wanted for nothing. It was too much.  Sergei had been avoiding him, and Petal, well Petal was Petal.  Never on a single topic for long.  Not to mention he was constantly disappearing during the day.  Where was he going?  Wait the summer flowers are out, I guess he cannot resist the pull of them.  With a lighter heart, he tried to return to the sleep which had fled with the last nightmare.  He was just beginning to doze off again as the sun was rising.  Well, so much for sleep he needed to talk to Cuan.

Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he recoiled as his blood froze.  He was becoming more masculine, when had he shaved last.  He wanted to crawl back into bed.  There didn't seem to be any reason to continue, except he had a duty to fulfill.  To Sergei at least, if not to himself.  Grabbing his knife, he began shaving.  Careful not to cut himself.  He had to survive for Sebastian.  That is if Sebastian still wanted him.  He had to hold on to that hope.  He had abandoned Sebastian without so much as a farewell or a note.  Looking through his garments, he realized he had more gowns than trews.  Oh, why was the world being so cruel to him?  He couldn't wear the gowns, no matter how much he wanted to, and the trews needed cleaning.  Looking around he remembered he had been given his own room after collapsing in Sycamorea's room.  Bogdán had insisted on it.  It felt odd to be in a room by himself again.  His new room was across from Sycamorea's and there were always clean linens on the bed when he returned from his sessions with Cuan.

With his face clear of stubble, he fumbled into the cleanest of his clothes.  Breakfast was the first thing on his mind, maybe that would help with this melancholy.  'It hadn't yet, but maybe. just maybe this time it would.'  He could smell the food before he entered the dining hall.  Were his senses becoming sharper under Cuan's tutelage?  He recognized the scent of fairycakes, but there was a sweet aroma that set his mouth to watering.

"Did Petal make breakfast this morning?  I smell fairycakes," he announced as he entered the room.  On the table was a large platter of the fluffy cakes, a dish of butter, and a crock of some sort of syrup.  The golden brown syrup dripped slowly off the spout.

"Well youngen, about time ye came outta yer room.  Ye be right that Petal made breakfast.  I forgot I had this syrup and he found it.  Ye know what he said when he found it?  'Oh, Petal found maple syrup. Petal is making breakfast.   Nothing better than maple syrup on fairycakes.  Oh, and sausages, Petal loves maple syrup on sausages.  Has Bogdán had maple syrup on sausages?'"  He was shaking his head at the whole scene. 

"I have to admit, he was right.  Come sit down and eat.  Ye be looking like nuttin' but skin an' bones"

Eldrick couldn't argue, he felt there was nothing to him except the obvious betrayal of his own body.  He wasn't all that hungry, so he only took one sausage and one fairycake.  Slathering the cake in butter, he reached for the syrup.  Wiping the drip off the spout with his finger before popping it into his mouth.  The rich flavour was enough to bring his appetite alive.  He poured it on the cake and it flowed nicely over the edges and pooled under the sausage.  Well, it looks like I am going to try it that way after all.  Picking up the tine and his knife he sliced into the sausage, taking a tentative bite he found the syrup heightened the flavour of the spices in the meat.  He devoured everything on his platter.  Feeling a renewed energy, he felt could face the day ahead.

"Good, you are awake.  Today we are taking a walk," Cuan seemed to be looking over his clothes with disdain.  "Bogdán can you please see to it that he has clean clothes for the morning?  What he is wearing won't help his reputation none."

"But he does have clean clothes, he just refuses to wear them."

"I mean his trews and tunics.  As much as I would prefer to see him in those gowns it would cause him more harm than good here.  Remember there are fae who disagree with the idea that one can be something other than they were born.  They can be vicious about it, and I would prefer to keep him isolated from them if at all possible."

Bogdán nodding looked over at Eldrick.  "Are ye about done there youngen?"  Eldrick nodded. 

"Good, now off with ye,  Cuan has plans for the day and I think it best you heed his council."  Rising he gathered the dishes from the table.

"You have not been the self-confident person I met when I got here.  What's wrong?"  Cuan gestured towards the door, "shall we be off?  There are a few things you should see.  Not to mention we are going to need to get you more clothes before you leave the faelands." 

Eldrick stopped dead in his tracks.  He knew he had to leave the faelands for the conclave though he didn't want to.  If he had his choice he would rather travel to Thormalk where he would be accepted without prejudice.

"I... I have been having nightmares recently, and they've only been getting worse."  Remembering the nightmares caused his body to tense up.  How could he explain the rape of the mind?  All his secrets laid bare to someone else without his permission or even the courtesy of a by your leave. 

"I will try to be better.  I have to be better.  If I lack the confidence I will fail my test and bring dishonour to Sergei and the order."

"I think you shouldn't worry about bringing dishonour to them, but more upon yourself.  You have the skills to complete those tests with ease.  What you need to learn is how to show enough confidence to get by and just enough skill that they think you are weaker than you are."  He clapped Eldrick on the back, propelling him toward the door. 

"I am sure there will be some here who will not like seeing your kind here.  You are going to need to defend the actions of your people without making them angry.  This is today's lesson.  Grab your staff, you are going to need it."

Eldrick thought about everything Cuan had just said.  'He had to defend the actions of his people without making others angry, but he was going to need his staff?  Does that mean he was going to need to defend himself while trying to talk his way out of a situation?  That just seemed wrong.'  Trusting Cuan, he grabbed his staff on the way out the door.

Leaving the inn, every hair in the back of Eldrick's neck raised.  Absently he ran his hand down the nape of his neck.  How was he going to get through this?  Well, he had better learn since this is the sort of thing he was going to be dealing with while on his journeyman quest.  Time to focus, he couldn't afford to fail here or in his quest. 

Pulling himself upright he attempted to walk with a confidence he didn't really feel.  Thinking back to the incident in the house of healing with the envoy from Thormalk, he wondered how his friends were doing.  He hated having to leave without saying goodbye to anyone.  Eileen would have passed the message along he hoped.  Shaking his head, he focused on the task at hand, before he could become distracted by his own thoughts.

They hadn't gone far when a small squat fae with a red cap emerged from one of the buildings.  Eldrick seeing him nodded.  This seemed to anger the red-capped fae.

"How dare you come here.  If it weren't for your kind we would be living peacefully out under the moons of Corrigenda not hiding away in this other realm."  Brandishing his shillelagh, he approached.  "I have a mind to teach you what it feels like to be oppressed."  With preternatural speed, he was upon Eldrick.  His shillelagh flying.

Eldrick barely had time to deflect the first of the blows with his staff.  He didn't want to harm the fae while he was here but he did need to defend himself.  "I am not your enemy.  The court has granted me permission to be here.  I am just passing through."  Clack, clack, clack, went the sounds of staff and shillelagh connecting.  With ever-increasing speed redcap pressed, only to have Eldrick block or turn the blow aside. 

"Would it help prove to you that I do not wish you harm if I let you hit me and possibly kill me?  Elder Cuan warned me this may happen but felt it was important."

The redcap faltering in his attacks left himself open for a blow.  Refusing to take the opportunity to strike the fae, Eldrick planted his staff on the ground.  The redcap looked stunned.

"Why did you not strike?"  Planting his shillelagh, he looked at Eldrick.  "You could have defeated me.  You should have defeated me.  I do not understand?"

"That is because I am not like others of my race.  Life has a reason and shouldn't be wasted.  I am a druid, well at least a druid in training.  My master has a certain ideology about the sanctity of life."  Wiping his brow with the sleeve of his tunic.  "I have never had a problem with any of the fae I have met until today."

"Yeah right.  You may have offended some fae somewhere.  I mean how many fae could you have met outside the Faelands?  We aren't that common in your lands."

"As far as I know I haven't offended any, other than yourself my good sir.  I have met Amaryliss and I hold her in high regard.  Petal is a friend of mine.  Francine made some outfits for me.  I do believe I have a note from her on me."  Rifling through his pockets to try to find the note.

"Francine don't make clothes for no guy.  She specializes in gowns and other feminine accoutrements."  His voice dripped with scorn.  "Don't tell me you are one of those queer creatures?"  Eldrick watched as he gave Cuan a sidelong glance. 

"I want no connection with your kind."  Spitting in Eldrick's face.  "Freak!" 

Before Eldrick could react, the redcap smashed the head of his shillelagh into the side of his knee.

The combination of the blow and the pain caused Eldrick to fall to the ground.  Before Cuan could react the redcap began beating Eldrick with his feet and shillelagh.  All the while screaming obscenities at him.  There was little Eldrick could do but try to curl up in a ball to protect his head and stomach.  By the time Cuan had hauled the redcap off, Eldrick was black and blue.  He was not capable of standing, his knee wouldn't take any weight.

Looking up at Cuan, Eldrick could see the horror and fear in his eyes.  Eldrick knew Cuan was in a dilemma he couldn't leave Eldrick here to get help, but he desperately needed to get Eldrick help.

"Pass me my staff, please?"  Eldrick shifted to a seated position.  "What did I do wrong?"

"The only thing you did wrong, was be yourself.  Redcaps hate pretty much everything.  The only things they don't hate are the court and dragons.  They even hate other redcaps.  They love fighting and will look for any reason to fight.  You almost avoided the fight until you mentioned Francine."  Cuan handed Eldrick his staff.  "You can't defend yourself like that."

"I don't intend to defend myself.  I intend to get to my feet and head back to the inn."  Planting the staff he used it to pull himself up.  Keeping the weight off his injured knee.  "If you would be willing to give me a hand I can make it back to the inn."

"Sure, I guess this outing will have to wait for another day."  Taking Eldrick's arm and draping it over his shoulder.  "Let's get you back to the inn where we can assess the damage to that knee."

"I have a feeling it will be almost healed by the morning."

"How is that possible?"  Cuan seemed incredulous.

"I am not sure, but when I work with magic it seems to have a side effect."  Eldrick winced as his foot hit the ground.  "Amaryliss was the one who noticed.  I didn't even know I was doing it."

Cuan nodding tried to stand up taller to help keep the injured foot away from the ground.  "Well, it's a good thing we hadn't gone very far before he saw us."   Climbing the steps up to the door was going to be an issue.  "Wait here I will get help."  Propping Eldrick up against the railing he entered the inn.

A couple of minutes later he and Bogdán returned carrying a chair.  As Eldrick relaxed, he could hear the angry chanting coming down the road.  He could see a lot more redcaps, all heading towards the inn.  He had a bad feeling he would have to find some way to disperse the mob without harming anyone.  He seated himself on the chair, so the two fae could carry him up the stairs.

"Please just put me down at the top of the stairs.  I fear we have trouble coming"

Bogdán looking down the road, "Oh no they don't.  Iffen ye think I am goin' ta leave ye out here for the likes of them to get at ye, ye got another thing comin'."

"Bogdán, if you take me inside you are going to have more problems.  I would hate to see you lose your inn after I leave."  He turned in the chair to look behind him.  "Petal, I need my Regalia if you would."

"Petal understands," was the return call from inside the inn.  "Chase, Petal needs your help please."

As Bogdán and Cuan set the chair down, Eldrick began gathering the energy from deep within the world.  Slowly and carefully building a wall in front of the inn.  This was not a comfortable situation.  They were calling for blood,  They wanted to destroy the unnatural human who dared to travel the Faelands, and anyone who would stand with the freak.

Cuan bent down to whisper in Eldrick's ear.  "This is not going to end well unless you kill them all."

Eldrick's heart stopped at the mention of killing so many.  That was tantamount to genocide in his mind.  He couldn't do that.  Everything had a position in the great circle of life.  Even these misguided fae.  Thinking quickly he tried to find a way to diffuse the situation without anyone coming to harm.  Well, first he needed to finish building this wall.  Slow and steady so that he wasn't draining himself again.  He had the energy of the world to work with but if he drew too much he could cause devastating repercussions.

"Eldrick, I believe you asked for these?"  Chase's hooves clicking on the floorboards.

"Thank you.  I need to change into the robe and chain before the mob gets here but I can't stand."

Cuan looked at the tunic, "Here let me help you with that.  I think we can leave the trews for now."  Reaching for the ties on the tunic to unlace them so Eldrick could shrug out of it.  Before he got the laces fully undone, he noticed the pendant.  Recognizing it he bowed.  "I should have known.  I will follow you as a member of the order should you take control."

Eldrick didn't hear what the elder drus had just said he was busy trying to split his attention in preparation for the upcoming confrontation.  Holding his hands above his head so Chase could slip the robe over his head with ease.  Reaching for his staff he levered himself into standing so it would fall to the ground.  Seating himself once more he set aside the staff to gather his medallion of office and put it on.  His wall was complete but not visible.  Not wanting to see the redcaps injured he interwove fire through the wall so that it flickered with an orange flame throughout the wall.  Just enough to be seen but not enough to obscure visibility through it.

The redcaps stopped just short of the wall.  "Give us the human freak and no one gets hurt."

"Lies," Eldrick called back.  "If you take me I will be hurt.  I cannot allow that and I also cannot allow you to threaten others.  I am no more a freak than you are.  I will soon be leaving these lands and you can go about your lives.  Those who aid me are, as far as I know, under the orders of The Court.  So harming them would be tantamount to flouting their wishes.  I wonder what the punishment is for disobeying The Court?"  Eldrick paused, his left hand rubbing his jaw. 

"Exile, death?"  Eldrick rose to his feet, staff in hand.  "I have been advised to destroy all of you.  That is not something I wish to do."  Standing there he waited for their response.

They milled about talking before one of them grabbed a stone from the ground and threw it at the wall.  Eldrick took that as their response.  He really didn't want to kill them because if he killed one the rest would just become angrier and the hatred of humans would only grow.

"There was a time when all races lived in peace.  I would see a return to those times.  I know it is unlikely to happen in my lifetime, but someone has to take the first step."

"You're still a freak.  Wearing dresses why would you do something like that?  Come on be a man, face us if you dare."

"I was in disguise.  Who would look for a guy in a dress?  Especially when there are assassins looking to kill him."

"Yeah, I knew it you are not only a freak, but a coward.  Having to hide behind a lady's skirts.  Can't even face us like a man." 

Eldrick counting quickly came up with fifty redcaps.

"So you think me facing the lot of you is a fair fight?  I count at least fifty of you there is only one of me.  If I were to leave the safety of my spell you would rip me apart before I could even mount a defense.  I believe you need a lesson in manners."

"Oh really?  Who is going to give that lesson, you?  A weak human.  There is no way you could teach us a lesson in manners."

"Well, what about humility then?"  Raising his hand he formed the magic he had been building to create a dome over the redcaps.  "Soon there won't be enough air in there.  I do not wish to harm you but since you are determined to try to kill me I have no option but to defend myself by any means necessary." 

He made sure there was a way to escape the dome if they decided to flee. He watched as several of the redcaps began attacking others.  He knew he couldn't interfere otherwise they wouldn't believe that he really was going to let them run out of air.  Turning his face away from the carnage, he couldn't bear to watch.  He knew he wasn't the one killing them but he still felt guilty.  He had truly thought they would try to find a weak point and leave.  He would willingly face the repercussions of their deaths.  He hadn't been the one to do the killing but he was responsible for it.  Once the sickening sounds of thuds and squish, were silenced he looked back at the scene.

Standing defiantly in the center of the dome was a single redcap.  Eldrick could see him remove his cap and dip it in the pools of blood on the cobblestone roadway.  Placing the cap back on his head, the blood dripping from it down his face.  He looked like his desire for blood was assuaged.

"Well human it seems I owe you.  Though I still want to kill you and may yet, it will not be this day."  Doffing his cap he bowed to Eldrick.  "I know when I have been bested.  It is only temporary.  If you release the spell I will be on my way until next we meet."

Eldrick stood there stunned.  How could this be?  He didn't declare vengeance? Or had he?  How does he owe me?

"Eldrick, release him and he will leave.  He knows you are capable of destroying him if he attacks you."  Cuan held a fearful expression.  "You have just allowed him to gain rank in his clan."

Eldrick began drawing the energy back and releasing it back to whence it had come.  Tears filled his eyes as he did so.

"Why are you afraid?  I can see it in your eyes."

"You, you made your point very effectively.  I have never seen anyone use power that way.  You didn't make them fight each other but you were willing to let them die for lack of air."  He held back from Eldrick.

"Elder I left a way for them to escape, also I never intended to let them die for lack of air.  I was going to let them pass out, then release the shield."  Catching another glimpse of the carnage in the street, he hobbled to the railing and vomited, disgorging the contents of his stomach.  He couldn't stop retching.  There was nothing left, but his stomach was still trying to empty itself.  Over and over again he retched with nothing coming out.  The pain in his stomach worsened with each convulsion.  He decided he was never going to use magic to kill, if this was the reaction his body had to using it defensively against those who wished to kill him.

Feeling a hand on his shoulder, he saw a glass of water being handed to him. 

"Drink, it will help."  Cuan's tone held compassion. 

"Your reaction tells me more than words.  I know I told you to kill them all, but you tried to solve the problem without bloodshed.  You have more compassion than I."  Patting Eldrick's shoulder he returned to the inn.

Eldrick, drinking the water slowly, felt his rebellious stomach settle.  Finishing the water he stood straighter and picking up his staff, hobbled into the inn careful to not place any weight on his leg.  What were they to do next?  Were there going to be any repercussions?

Stopping near the table, he leaned against it. 

"What should we do about the bodies?  I mean we can't just leave them there."

"Youngen, ye gotta lot to learn about these lands.  First, it looks like a clan rank challenge, second, they will be gone in less 'an hour.  Procyvid will take of them.  Just make sure yer friend stays indoors for a bit."  Eyeing Petal, Bogdán grinned.

"That sounds like good advice.  Petal I am going to need your help.  I think my knee has been busted, but I would prefer a second opinion.  I haven't been able to look at it yet.  Need to remove the trews.  ...going to hurt."  Eldrick held out his hand.

Petal eyed the hand dubiously, the bandages showing at the edge of the sleeve.  "Petal will fly.  Ellie in no condition to carry Petal."

Eldrick closing his eyes nodded.  He didn't feel well and sleep was trying to overtake him.  He needed to get to his room before he passed out.  Taking no more than three steps he collapsed to the floor as blessed oblivion overtook him.

Eldrick awoke to see Sergei sleeping in the chair beside his bed, while Petal was examining his knee.  He was laid out without any clothes but his undergarments.  He was mostly under the covers of the bed.  Only his injured leg was exposed.  Petal placed a hand on his knee very gently.

"Petal doesn't like this.  Ellie's knee is hot.  Ellie has to stay in bed.  Sergei wouldn't leave Ellie's side."

"Hmph, what was that sprite?"  Sergei's gruff tone was mocking. 

"The lad is my responsibility.  Though I am not sure I am doing a good job keeping him safe," a coughing fit interrupted him.  Reaching for his handkerchief, Eldrick could see the bloodstains covering it.  Wiping his mouth, Eldrick noticed that there was still blood in the corners.

"Sir, when did you have your tea last?  You need to drink it or you are going to get much worse."  Eldrick struggled to get the words out.  Fearing for Sergei was enough to make him wish he could get out of the bed and get the tea himself, just to make sure Sergei drank it.

"I had tea last night."  Sergei seemed indignant.

"That may be, but was it the tea for your condition or just regular tea?"

"Sergei has not had honeysuckle tea in four days.  Petal knows because Petal hasn't had any either."  Petal placed his hands on his hips, glaring at Sergei.  "Now Sergei has heard it from two healers.  Either Sergei gets tea himself or Petal has Bogdán make the tea."  Stamping his foot on the bed, he spread his wings.

"Well, it seems I have been outvoted.  I am the most senior here I think I know what is good for me."  He retorted gruffly as he rose from the chair.

"Sergei not senior.  Petal senior.  Petal is three hundred fifty-seven.  How old is Sergei, eighty?"  Petal sounded like a petulant child.

Sergei left the room, followed swiftly by Petal.  Eldrick lay alone in his room, or so he thought.  He heard a slight rustling to his right.  There on the other bed in the room was Sycamorea.  The blankets had fallen off the bed.  Eldrick turned bright red seeing her laying there without a stitch of clothing on.  He wondered if that was just the normal condition for dryads.  He could count the number of times he had seen her clothed on one hand.  Looking away before she woke up, he closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

"I am sorry, I should really wear something to bed.  I just feel like I am being strangled in them.  I cannot join with my tree while wearing clothes."  Eldrick could hear the shuffling of covers. 

"I know you have conflicting feelings about seeing someone naked.  You enjoy the sight and it causes you distress at the same time.  You want what you see but not in the same way as most people.  I shouldn't have slept in here.  I was just worried.  After the magic use I sensed yesterday I was sure you had harmed yourself."

"Well, I did harm myself.  It seems I cannot use magic to kill without collapsing afterward.  If that is the case I am going to be a sitting duck."

"Oh, I don't know about that.   I think you only collapse afterwards because you know it is safe to do so.  You didn't collapse when I was burned and you used magic then."   She pulled a shift on over her naked form.  "I do believe that you only drop when you know it is safe to do so.  That being said, don't let your guard down for the next year or so.  You don't know the other members of the Order and that means they can be a hazard to you."  She looked at him like a cat looking at a canary.  "Has anyone ever told you how good-looking you are?"

Eldrick could feel his blood freezing.  Here was a beautiful woman telling him he was good looking and he was already taken and wouldn't even consider the possibility that others may find him attractive. 

"Uh, thanks," he stammered. 

Why is it she could turn his brains to mush even when she revolted by the act of her invading his mind?  What type of control was she exerting over him.  There had to be a reason.  He was confused by the whole situation.  Why was she coming on to him?  Was she coming on to him?

He felt like his entire insides had frozen.  He couldn't move even if he wanted to.  Petal came back in followed by Èibhlin.  She was carrying a tray of food.  Eldrick could smell the rich sausage from where he sat.  He wondered what else there was.  The scent of food made his stomach growl.

"I will leave you now so you can eat."

"Petal made sure Sergei drank tea and brought food for you.  Well, Petal asked, Èibhlin brought the food."  Looking very proud of himself.

"Thank you both."  He graciously accepted the tray of food and began eating.  After finishing his meal he could feel sleep overtaking him.  Placing the tray on the chair, he succumbed to the slumber his body craved.

Opening his eyes, he saw the fading light of the setting sun through his window.  Petal was at the foot of his bed, quivering and covered in sweat. 

"Petal what is wrong?"

"Procyvid, there are so many procyvid outside.  Petal scared.  Petal no want procyvid to enter the inn."

"Don't worry Petal.  I don't think they can get in here."  Eldrick glanced towards the window.  It was securely closed.  "At least you will be safe in here.  I need to use the privy and get some food." 

Before he considered whether or not his knee was up to taking weight he shifted to get out of the bed.

"Eldrick not going anywhere.  Knee is still damaged, remember?"  Petal was frantic when Eldrick tried to stand. 

"Petal does not believe what Petal is seeing.  How is Eldrick standing?

"I am not sure Petal.  I'm sure it has something to do with my connection to the energies of Corrigenda.  I't won't last forever though.  I am not going to complain while it does." 

His knee was still sore but could take his weight.  Careful not to put any extra strain on his knee, he made his way out back to the privy.  He struggled, trying to deal with his needs.  All he wanted was to be done with the uncomfortable reminder that he was in the wrong body.  He considered reaching for his knife to remove the offending appendage.  Cursing himself for leaving his knife and most of his clothes in his room.  Returning to his room he gathered his clothes and dressed so he could get food.

Entering the dining hall he saw Sergei sitting at a table with Cuan, Chase, Glimhook and Bogdán.  They were deep in conversation over cups of tea. Eldrick making his way slowly to the table, sat down.

"Well, youngen, I see you are up and about.  Ye must be hungry," rising from his seat, Bogdán headed towards the kitchen.

"I didn't believe it when you said you would likely be walking again by the morning.  How is this possible?  Petal said your knee was dislocated and would take six to eight weeks to heal.  I do know you cannot use magic to heal yourself.  Petal has no interest in magic and Sycamorea wouldn't even know how to begin."  Cuan was looking at Eldrick with deep curiosity.  "I have never heard of anyone else able to heal as quickly as you."

"I don't understand it myself.  It only seems to happen when I draw on energy from outside.  I fear drawing on that power.  I fear I would use it too much and it would lose myself in the power."  Eldrick could feel a cold hand running down his back as the dread of becoming a tool to the magic and not the master of it registered in his mind. 

"I hadn't considered that I could lose myself to the magic, until now.  It's a very sobering thought."

"That it is.  I am glad you are considering it.  If I were you, I would tread very carefully when using your magic.  I am glad Sergei trained you to hide your potential."  Nodding in Sergei's direction, "was there a reason you trained him in that?"

"There was indeed, unfortunately, there are some cultures which prey upon the magics of young powerful people.  As I do not know where his journeys may take him I felt it prudent to ensure he had as much protection as possible."  Looking at Cuan then Eldrick, "he is my best apprentice so far.  But alas, he will be my last apprentice.  I am hoping he will follow in my footsteps, choosing the most appropriate students to train once he reaches the rank of master."  Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a piece of parchment, sliding it across the table to Eldrick. 

"Take care of this and do not lose it.  Do not open it until after you have completed your journeyman training and have reached the level of master.  There is valuable information in there that cannot be allowed to fall into the wrong hands."  Coughing he covered his mouth with his hand.  An all to familiar coppery scent assaulted Eldrick's senses.  Blood.  Sergei held up his hand forestalling Eldrick as he opened his mouth. 

"The cough has eased since I drank the tea today.  I fear it isn't going to be enough for me to make it to the end of the conclave.  If I do not make it to the conclave there is a note in my pack with my insignia.  You must take it to Veldar at the conclave.  You are my heir in everything."

"Me?  Your heir?  How is that possible?  You have children and grandchildren, shouldn't they be your heirs?"  Eldrick felt his stomach drop through the floor in anticipation of the answer.

"My boy, my family is dead.  Even if they weren't, they didn't want the farmstead.  There are secrets there.  Sebastian knows how to access them.  I fear you are going to need help in the future.  That is all I can say."  Sergei's face became crestfallen.  Heaving a great sigh, he continued. 

"I tried to read the omens for you before last winter settled upon us."  Reaching for his kerchief to wipe his hand on it.  Eldrick noticed the blood was no longer splatters, but small clots.  "All I could read of the omens was that there is danger in your future.  You obscure the pattern."

Once again Eldrick felt an ice cold finger tickle his spine.  If what he had already gone through wasn't dangerous enough, what would be?  Was there something he missed?  He had been attacked by brigands, assassins, power-hungry mages, and a mob of redcaps.  What could be worse than that?  He didn't want to consider it but the words from Sycamorea came back to haunt him.  Sergei's statement about cultures that targeted young powerful users of magic caused him to shudder.

"Sergei, where might those cultures be located?  I do not wish to encounter them unawares."

"Oh, drat my memory.  I know they are out there but I cannot remember exactly where they are," his face fell in self-disgust. 

"I know I am failing you Eldrick, but I am trying to remember.  I have filled this head of mine with more information than it can hold.  If I remember the name of the culture I will let you know."

"Enough of yer chatter.  Here youngen, eat." Bogdán looked around the table as if daring anyone to interfere.

"There be time fer talking after the youngen has eaten.  I am sure he's feeling his stomach a clingin' to his spine."  Seating himself back down he retrieved his tea.

Eldrick wasn't paying any attention to the food set in front of him, he ate as a beast possessed.  It wasn't long before he had cleared the platter of every morsel of food on it.  That was when he noticed the size of the platter.  It was one of the large serving platters for a large bird and Bogdán had filled it to heaping.

"What did I tell ye.  The youngen was famished.  Are ye needing more?"

"Oh no sir, I couldn't eat another bite."  Eldrick wasn't even sure if he would be able to move for a while.  Bogdán poured a cup of tea and passed it to Eldrick smiling.

"It's mint it should help with digestion."  Bogdán let out a chuckle.  "I am not sure I could have finished off that platter of food.  Just sit and relax."

Taking a sip of the tea, he noticed a slight hint of Castilleja.  He hadn't noticed any growing in the area.  The last time he had seen it was in the lower forest at the base of Sergei's mountain home.  "Bogdán, am I tasting Castilleja in the tea?"

"Yes you are.  But here we call it fairy fire.  I know it grows out in your lands so it is safe for Sergei.  If that is what you are worried about?"

Eldrick nodded and took another sip.  "This is delightful.  I would really enjoy having some when I leave.  That, or the recipe if it is your own blend."

"Now what makes ye think this is something I created?" Bogdán looked surprised.

"Well honoured innkeeper, you don't drink much other than tea.  Therefore, by process of deduction, either someone crafts your teas or you blend your own."  Eldrick looking smug caught the cuff from Sergei.

"You may be ready for the journeyman trials, but impertinence will get you in real trouble."

"Ah Sergei, the youngen is right.  I craft me own teas.  There is nothing better than figuring out a new blend."

Eldrick accepted the rebuke from his master with dignity and humility.  He was going to need to curb his tongue while travelling with another master since he had no clue what they would accept.  Normally Sergei would have laughed at the comment.  He must be worried.  After all, didn't he say there was a chance he wouldn't make it to the conclave.  He didn't know why, but that thought frightened him more than any other.

Sitting at the table he relaxed, listening to the conversation for a while before feeling sleep creeping up on him again.  Rising from the table he bid the others a good evening and retreated to his room.

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