University Senate Meeting
Attendees: Jim Abbott, Pat Alexy-Stoll, Herb Appelson, Bryan Appleby-Wineberg, Lorin Arnold, Joe Bierman, Greg Biren, Lori Block, Larry Butler, William Carrigan, Bruce Caswell, Eric Constans, Joe Coulombe, Joanne Damminger, Roberta DiHoff, Richard Earl, Robert Fleming, Tom Fusco, John Gallagher, Kathy Ganske, Dorie Gilchirst, Judy Holmes, Gabriela Hristescu, Karlton Hughes, Cristina Iftode, Martin Itzkowitz, Frances Johnson, David Klassen, Lee Kress, Kristyn Kuhlman, Phillip Lewis, Mark Matalucci, Robin McBee, Eric Milou, Janet Moss, Pat Mosto, Esther Mummert, Jim Newell, Joe Orlins, Julie Peterson, Anne Phillips, Robi Polikar, Kathryn Quigley, Hector Rios, Charles Schultz, Karen Siefring, Christopher Simons, Mickey Smith, Rob Sterner, Don Stoll, Eileen Stutzbach, Skeff Thomas, Sandy Tweedie, Mary Beth Walpole, Michael Weiss, Barbara Williams, Tricia Yurak
Not in Attendance: Jay Chaskes (illness), Ihsan Isik (department meeting time conflict), Denyse Lemaire, Mary Marino, Bela Mukhoti
Not in Attendance/Represented by Alternate: Ellen Miller represented by Lucio Privitello, Kathy Small represented by Austin Winther
I. Motion to approve agenda, seconded and carried.
II. Motion to approve minutes of May 12, 2004, seconded and carried after correction that Karen Siefring was not in attendance, but represented by Kate Boland.
III. Senate President's Report: Bruce Caswell made his official introduction as Senate President, Phil Lewis, Vice President, Dorie Gilchrist, Senate Secretary, and Esther DeEugenio, Senate Administration Assistant.
A. In accordance with the Senate Constitution, the Senate President appointed the Parliamentarian, Julie Peterson. B. The remaining Senate members gave personal introductions. C. President's Report:
- At the time of the Provost's resignation, there were many academic initiatives pending. The Interim Provost has assured the Senate officers that there has been no change in academic priorities.
- It has been reported that campus food services has not received a health inspection for at least several years due largely to a legal oversight. Pres. Farish will address this issue in his remarks.
- A grievance regarding university secretary titles has surfaced. A reclassification appeal was made to the State Department of Personnel and was successful. This decision could affect 11 É«ÀÇÉçÇø secretaries. In response, the University has appealed this decision.
- There have continued to be discussions with and with the administration on the "360 Review" for managers.
- The officers are developing a system to track the status of resolutions that are submitted to administration, following a suggestion by Jerry Spencer.
- From the floor came a request for clarification regarding the length of the end of the year meeting. A brief discussion confirmed the desirability of holding this meeting on one day. Karen Siefring suggested that resolutions be submitted prior to the end-of-the year meeting, which would reduce the length of time of the May meeting.
- MaryBeth Walpole has agreed to chair the committee to analyze the data from last year's survey of faculty and professional staff. In addition to those who have already volunteered, anyone interested in serving on the committee should contact MaryBeth.
- Kathryn Quigley and Lori Block agreed to join Nancy Buhrer as Senate representative on the newly re-structured Campus Hearing Board.
IV. Committee Reports Committee on Committees - Frances Johnson: After noting some minor changes, moved the approval of the list of committee appointments. The motion was approved unanimously, seconded and carried.
Curriculum - Eric Milou: Urged everyone to review the draft for the Education B.A. degree and to attend the open hearings on October 18th. If approved by the Curriculum Committee at its October meeting, the Ed. B.A. will come to the Senate floor at the Oct. 25th meeting. A correction was announced: The previously approved curriculum proposal SCC#02-03- 812 , Medicinal Chemistry, was mistakenly labeled as an undergraduate course. It is a graduate course (level 500).
Tenure & Recontracting -Jim Newell: Tenure & Recontracting workshops will be held this Thursday and Friday, October 7 and 8, in Library 126 at 3:15 PM. University Budget & Planning, Robert Fleming, Co-Chair: At the meeting of the committee on August 25th, and it was reported that part of the deficit from last year has been covered. The committee met on September 9th . The discussion was largely on priorities, such as cutting back on campus expenditures. The President has demonstrated his commitment to the workload shifting, but this will require that the financial implications need to be carefully considered.
Chairs Council - Pat Mosto: The committee has held three meetings, including an all-day retreat in June. A workshop for new chairs was held at the end of August, and a meeting with the deans was held last week for all chairs.
World Education - Mickey Smith: Urged everyone to review the É«ÀÇÉçÇø web site highlighting opportunities for study abroad. Students should be encouraged to take advantage of the numerous opportunities available.
Space & Planning Advisory Committee -John Spencer and Robert Sterner have been appointed by the Senate president to serve on this committee. Rob Sterner reported a proposal to move the É«ÀÇÉçÇø Emergency Medical Service to the site of the former Newman Center.
Master Planning Committee - Joe Orlins: Will hold meeting on October 8, 2004 in room 126, Science Hall. The É«ÀÇÉçÇø community is encouraged to contribute to future plans.
General Education Task Force- Phil Lewis and David Klassen: The draft of the revised General Education proposal has been distributed for review and is also available, together with supporting documents, on the Senate web page. Open hearings will be held on four dates in October. Motion to place the General Education proposal on next month's agenda, October 25th, seconded and carried unanimously.
Constitution Committee - Karen Siefring: A draft of the proposed constitution is expected to be available for review by the Senate Executive Committee in November reflecting the revisions suggested by the committee.
Research - Robi Polikar, and Technological Resources -Gabriele Hristescu: Second motion on Resolution #040927, as required by by-laws, to split Research & Technological Resources into two committees, seconded and carried unanimously. As this motion was also passed previously, on May 12, 2003, the split of the committee is now official. The composition of both committees will follow the formula in the original Research andTechnological Resources Committee resolution. There were no other committee reports. V. Remarks of Dr. Donald Farish, University President: The next phase of the town houses is expected to be completed next week, with some townhouses becoming ready for student occupancy. The new parking garage will accommodate 500 parking spaces. The Master Plan Committee will be consulting with architects to discuss new phases of development, and use of all areas on campus. The program for faculty workload adjustments and accompanying funding plan is ongoing, and will be monitored in terms of next year's budget. We have had three years of difficult budgets. The President introduced Tim Michener, Director of Public Safety to report on the issue of employee background checks. Temco, the company currently under contract to maintain campus buildings has a background check policy in place, which includes fingerprinting. Michener also reported that É«ÀÇÉçÇø will begin background checks on all new employees, in January of 2005. The University can only do a statewide check until the State legislature gives permission to do federal checks. Anne Phillips reported inappropriate comments being made to students by construction site workers in and around the townhouse construction site. The President reported that a project manager is on the site at all times, and that he will investigate the situation immediately. Several Senators presented feedback to the President regarding inadequate maintenance staff and services in campus buildings. The President promised to investigate this situation also. The President reported that the land acquisition on Rt.322 is still in negotiation. While the university now owns most of the property in the area, administrators are still negotiating with Wal-Mart and American Continental Company to acquire the remaining property. If difficulties continue with the purchase, a condemnation action will be considered. The houses currently on West Street, with exception of the Whitney home (section of Rt.322 leading to the Landmark) are expected to be demolished in the near future. Plans for development in the area have not yet been finalized. In response to a question, President Farish also reviewed the situation regarding health inspections of food services. Since the demise of the Department of Higher Education in 1994, these inspections have been in a legal limbo-required by state law, but not provided for. The contractor has begun its own inspections, and president Farish will proposing a statewide approach at the October meeting of the NJ State College Presidents Council. Tim Michener announced that the university has been accepted into the accreditation program of National Accreditation for Law Enforcement. This has a public safety component, which will allow the university to receive two accreditations, and É«ÀÇÉçÇø will be the only institution in New Jersey to achieve this accreditation. This is a two-year process.
Motion to adjourn, seconded and carried.