Student Center, Room 221 - 9:00 AM Senators in Attendance: David Applebaum, Bryan Appleby-Wineberg, Lorin Arnold, Joe Bierman, Greg Biren, Lori Block, Carl Calliari, Bruce Caswell, Julie Chang, Dick Scott (alt for Jay Chaskes), Gini Doolittle, John Gallagher, Dorie Gilchrist, Erick Guerra, Harriet Hartman, Cindi Hasit, Jim Haugh, Luke Holbrook, Judy Holmes, Jennifer Kay, Lee Kress, Paul Laumakis, Terri Lehr, Phillip Lewis, Janet Lindman, Mary Marino, Jeff Maxson, Stuart McGee, Sandy McHenry, Eric Milou, Janet Moss, Pat Mosto, James Newell, Olusegun Ojewuyi, Joe Orlins, Julie Peterson, Anne Phillips, Nick Schmelz, Charles Schultz, Karen Siefring, Kathleen Small, Edward Smith, Sonia Spencer, Robert Sterner, Marian Stieber, Susan Taber, Skeffington Thomas, Sanford Tweedie, Cindy Vitto, Paris Von Lockette, Stephanie Weidman, Barbara Williams, Abe Witonsky, Tricia Yurak, Faye Zhu
Newly Elected Senators in Attendance: Jim Abbott, Steve Crites, Joanne Damminger, Kathy Ganske, Gabriela Hristescu, Karlton Hughes, Frances Johnson, David Klassen, Robin McBee, Terry O’Brien, Olcay Ilicasu, Eileen Stutzbach
Not in Attendance: Herb Appelson, Joe Davey, Bela Mukhoti, Donna Cook, Martin Itzkowitz, Denyse Lemaire, Robi Polikar, Winifred Still, Hal Vogel, Jay Chaskes, Eric Constans, Kristyn Kuhlman, Mark Matalucci, Robert Rawlins Note: If anyone was omitted from attendance list and you were in attendance, it indicates that you did not sign in. Please notify the Senate office and the minutes will be corrected.
Call to Order: President Cindy Vitto called the meeting to order. Motion to approve agenda, seconded and carried. Motion to approve minutes of April 15, 2003, seconded and carried. A moment of silence was observed for Gary Hunter, a faculty member from the History Department, who died a few days ago.
Introduction of SGA President: -Matt Walker, a senior Communications major and new President of the SGA, was introduced to the Senate. One of the goals for the Senate during the upcoming year is to strengthen the relationship between the University Senate and the Student Government Association. Matt’s goal is not only to support the relationship between the SGA and University Senate, but also to better communicate with all students so that they are aware of the SGA and its functions.
Senate President’s Report: -The prominent themes for the past year have been team work and shared governance. The Senate Executive Committee and the President’s Advisory Council worked very effectively this past year. Some of the fruits of our endeavors include the following:
-The Campus Master Plan Committee held its first steering committee, putting together guiding principles, and is now ready to proceed with the duties of the committee. -The entire Budget and Planning Committee, and in particular the faculty co-Chair, Paul Laumakis, have been commended by Bob D’Augustine for the intense and thorough work that went on throughout most of the spring semester. Their efforts have been an immense help in dealing with this year’s budget crisis. (Paul Laumakis and the committee received a round of applause from the senators present.) -An interim Free Speech Policy has been constructed, and a permanent policy will be completed this upcoming year. -As the Shared Governance discussions continue, an effort will be made to construct a new structure that is not another layer of bureaucracy, but rather a way of contributing to the President’s advisory group. This new structure, to include representatives from all campus constituencies, will also be used to facilitate communication. An agreement in principle has been reached by the Senate Executive Committee, Deans, the President, and his Cabinet.
Several Senate initiatives are planned for the upcoming year: -Due to increasing collaboration with administration and all three campus unions as we have focused on improving shared governance, the Senate Constitution needs revision. (The Constitution also needs to be revised to clarify several points that have come into question within the past few years.) Bruce Caswell and Karen Siefring have volunteered to chair an ad hoc committee to revise the Senate Constitution. -Eileen Stutzbach has volunteered to serve as the Senate’s technology liaison in order to update the Senate web page, to further improve the curriculum process, and to help with other measures to make the Senate office more technologically efficient. -In cooperation with the AFT, we will attempt to better coordinate Tenure & Recontracting and Promotion documents and procedures. -Janet Moss, this past year’s Chair of Committee on Committees, has suggested that this committee serve as a repository for helpful information for those chairing major search committees in the future. -Plans for possibly having a É«ÀÇÉçÇø Day are still being discussed. -The Senate will continue to ask for a shared governance process to devise a university-wide Code of Ethics. -Edie Rusch and Mary Beth Walpole will be constructing a survey instrument for faculty and professional staff to determine satisfaction with É«ÀÇÉçÇø’s progress and to identify priority issues of faculty and professional staff. -Esther DeEugenio has implemented various systems in the Senate office in her efforts to have the Senate function more efficiently. Curriculum is now processed electronically. In addition, Senate Resolutions and Policies, and records of Senate service for each member, are now contained in a database for immediate access. -The new committee chairs will be meeting on Tuesday, May 20th at 10:00 AM, in room 104 at Hawthorn Hall. Committees for 2003-2004 will be selected at this time. Newly elected Senators will have an orientation at 12:00 PM. Phil Lewis will hold a curriculum workshop after the orientation, with another planned for fall of 2003. -A faculty member and a professional staff member are needed to complete the Joseph Barnes Award Committee. Volunteers should contact Cindy. -The open period for the academic schedule for 2003-2004 is Monday 10:50 PM - 12:05 PM. -It has been suggested that future Senate meetings reserve the end of each meeting for open period speakers, in order to allow sufficient time for the Senate to complete its business and committees to give their reports. Speakers will be allotted approximately 15 to 20 minutes. -Efforts will be made to find other accommodations for Senate meetings so members can stay longer if necessary for questions or concerns for the speakers. -Dates for AFT and Senate meetings have been tentatively scheduled and will be distributed soon. All-University Committee End-of-Year Reports: Awards Committee: The awards committee held three meetings this year. There were seventy-eight Medallion Award recipients this year, with the awards dinner held on May 2nd. A separate scholarship banquet was held on April 24, and those involved agree that it worked well to hold two separate banquets rather than presenting both medallions and scholarship awards during one combined event. Medallions cost $150 this year, with the cost of a perpetual medallion at $1500. A written report has been submitted. Motion to accept report, seconded and carried. University Scholarship Committee:A written report has been submitted Library Committee: The committee held five meetings this year. Issues discussed include fund-raising activities (to be handled by Friends of the Campbell Library, with a joint meeting held to generate fund-raising ideas), security issues, theft and vandalism, Stewart Room expansion and remodeling of the fifth floor, and inadequate lighting. A survey has been sent to all faculty in an effort to get input about the need for and design of a multi-media room. Campbell Library will soon be served by a new electronic catalog, Voyager, the same system in use at Princeton and The College of New Jersey. A written report was submitted. Motion to accept report, seconded and carried. The following resolution was seconded and carried unanimously: Library Committee - Opposition to Potential Library Budget Cuts - Resolution #030514-1 The Senate opposes potential cuts in the Library budget so that Campbell Library can better serve the needs of both faculty and students by - improving database acquisition to facilitate research - improving library security by employing a security guard assigned exclusively to Campbell Library - carrying through on plans to expand the 5th floor and enlarge the Stewart Room.World Education Committee: This committee had twenty-two members this year. Some of the activities included sponsoring a Medallion Award for an international student and co-sponsoring International Week activities. Committee members were also involved in helping to coordinate diversity programs, serving on the International Education Task Force, and pursuing connections with various exchange programs. The committee recommends (1) the establishment of an office or mechanism to coordinate and support international exchange initiatives and (2) more active recruitment of international students. A written report was submitted. Motion to accept, seconded and carried. Bookstore Committee: The committee consisted of thirteen members, and held two meetings this past year. Some of the issues discussed were textbook problems in the Fall 2002 semester and how to prevent future problems, minimizing late textbook orders, adequacy of bookstore staffing, and availability of student workers. In addition, the committee discussed how to define its purpose and how to set realistic goals. Goals identified by the committee include keeping the lines of communication open in order to identify problems and to provide solutions to those problems; developing a plan to maximize use of university resources; providing bookstore internship opportunities for marketing and public relations students, as well as others; and looking into issues of bundled texts and cd-based/online texts. A written report has been submitted. Motion to accept report, seconded and carried. Scholarship: a written report was submitted.
Process for Election of Officers and Chairs: Senators serving during the 2003-2004 year are eligible to vote; nominations do not require a second. Senators agreed that if three or more nominations were submitted, with no candidate receiving a majority of votes, the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes would be omitted and a subsequent round of voting would take place. Officer Elections: President - Cindy Vitto nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried. Vice President - Pat Mosto nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.Secretary - Dorie Gilchrist nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.Standing Committee Chair Elections: Curriculum Committee - Phil Lewis nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.Tenure & Recontracting Committee - James Newell nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.Promotion Committee - Herb Appelson nominated in absentia, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried. (NOTE: Herb Appelson has regretfully declined the nomination, and so the Promotion Committee Chair election remains open.) Academic Policies & Procedures Committee - Martin Itzkowitz, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.Campus Aesthetics & Environmental Concerns - Skeff Thomas nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.Career Development - Sonia Spencer nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.Committee on Committees - Julie Peterson nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.Intercollegiate Athletics - Rob Sterner nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.Learning Outcomes Assessment - Anne Phillips nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.Professional Ethics & Welfare - Barbara Williams nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.Recruitment, Admissions & Retention - Jay Chaskes nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.Research & Technological Resources - Gabriela Hristescu nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.Sabbatical Leave - Janet Lindman nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.Student Relations - Lorin Arnold nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.University Budget & Planning - Sanford Tweedie nominated, no other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot, seconded and carried.Senators-at-Large - Executive Committee: - Nominations were Joe Orlins, Lee Kress, Carl Calliari, and Lori Block. Motion to close nominations, seconded and carried. Results of Senate vote: Joe Orlins and Carl Calliari Parliamentarian: Sanford Tweedie appointed by Cindy Vitto, with agreement of Senate, for 2003-2004.
Introduction of New Senators: Jim Abbott, Steve Crites, Joanne Damminger, Kathy Ganske, Gabriela Hristescu, Karlton Hughes, Frances Johnson, David Klassen, Robin McBee, Terry O’Brien, Olcay Ilicasu, Eileen Stutzbach
Standing Committee End-of-Year Reports - Note that complete end-of-year reports as filed by committee chairs may be requested from the Senate Office: Academic Policies & Procedures - The Priority Review Panel resolution was passed to determine student priority registration; Senior Privilege policy was also passed. A written report was submitted. Motion to accept report, seconded and carried. Campus Aesthetics & Environmental Concerns - The committee held four meetings this year while keeping informed of the progress of the campus master plan; toured the campus with Russ Seagren and Jon Imperatore (an activity recommended on at least an annual basis); became better informed about the recycling program (with a recommendation that the committee continue to work with Jackie Bayard in this regard); and investigated the Arts Inclusion Act. The committee urges formal involvement with the planning of the townhouses to be built behind Hawthorn and better definition of its articulation with the Campus Master Plan Committee. A written report was submitted. Motion to accept report, seconded and carried. Career Development - No meetings were held. Due to the budget problem, career development was not funded this year. Individuals who submitted files this year should be permitted to resubmit those files, with updated information, next year. Poor communication from the Provost’s Office was a major problem. Although candidates were eventually notified (after the deadline for submission of files) that the program would not be funded this year, department chairs, Deans, and the Chair of Career Development were not notified. This lack of communication resulted in difficulties adjusting class schedules. The lack of proper communication regarding non-funding for career development created numerous problems in regard to released time and class scheduling. A written report was submitted. Motion to accept report, seconded and carried. Committee on Committees - The committee held three meetings. The committee submitted a written report with suggestions for those serving on committees. Janet Moss thanked Esther DeEugenio and Susan Rickert for their work in helping the committee to update the letter requesting volunteers for next year, the description of each committee, and the form itself. Esther has compiled a database of requested committee selections so that new committee chairs can have this information in hard or electronic copy. This year the committee sent letters (for tenure and recontracting or promotion portfolios) to those who applied for multiple committees but did not receive a committee assignment. Janet requested that individuals volunteering to serve on the University Promotion Committee ensure that they have not volunteered for promotion committee duty at the department or College level. Also, the committee recommends that, if possible, a faculty member from each College serve on this committee to facilitate finding extra-departmental members, when necessary, for tenure and recontracting or promotion candidates. Finally, at Donna Hathaway Cook’s suggestion, the Committee on Committees could serve as a resource for those chairing major search committees in the future. Donna has volunteered to make herself available for those with questions and will write up a basic list of responsibilities for a search committee chair. A written report was submitted. Motion to accept report, seconded and carried. Curriculum - The committee is actually made up of nine sub-committees with a membership of fifty members. The various levels of the committee held twenty-three meetings this year; the University-level curriculum committee met six times. Altogether there were 125 curriculum proposals processed this year, 12 of which were new programs or major changes and 7 of which dealt with general education courses. The Provost currently has 44 proposals in hand; the remaining proposals are pending signatures, completion of library resource forms, proposed revisions or changes to the original proposal, or Senate announcement or vote. One problem that surfaced this year is a lack of definition for many curriculum labels (such as multicultural/global or writing intensive). The committee suggests that curriculum definitions be developed in order to ensure consistency of criteria for evaluating course proposals. The following proposals were discussed: -College of Education curriculum proposal SCC#02-03-313 -Educational Leadership Doctoral Program; -College of Liberal Arts & Sciences SCC#02-03-709 - Certificate of Graduate Achievement in Mental Health Counseling Motion to approve curriculum proposals, seconded and carried. A written report was submitted. Motion to accept report, seconded and carried. Intercollegiate Athletics - a written report was submitted. Motion to accept report, seconded and carried. Learning Outcomes Assessment - Working closely with Barbara Sjostrom, Coordinator for Academic Assessment, the committee is developing a plan for the Middle States Review Report (due June 30, 2004) and will be emphasizing to departments the message that assessment is to be developed by the faculty, for the faculty. The committee held a half-day retreat on May 12th. It is strongly recommended that the current members of this committee remain in place due to the work already in progress. A written report was submitted. Motion to accept report, seconded and carried. Professional Ethics & Welfare - The committee had one meeting this year, with numerous communications via e-mail. The committee is suggesting that committee members serve two-year terms on a rotational basis to provide for continuity. The committee also reiterates its request for a University-wide code of ethics. (Currently faculty and staff have a more comprehensive code of ethics than do administrators, who have in place only a conflict of interest policy.) A written report was submitted. Motion to accept report, seconded and carried. Promotion - David Applebaum reported that the promotion process remains fraught with difficulties. Promotion workshops in September have been problematic due to lack of coherency, planning, and organization. Better use could be made of WebCT so that the decentralized and fragmented aspects of the promotion process could be integrated with information technology in a way that problems having occurred in one department would be available and understood in other departments. This was prevented from development this year due to the instability of the Promotion Committee until spring semester. The issues dealt with in the fall semester were related to the problem of due process and the equity clauses in the statewide agreement, and the difficulty in making certain that the statewide agreement was reflected in local criteria for assessment. College Committee elections conducted in the fall semester were problematic due to archival issues and record-keeping. This problem should be resolved for the incoming chair due to Esther’s current record system. The spring semester was focused on the process of reviewing candidates who had been through the process. There were 34 candidates (11 for full professor, 23 for associate professor) who signed up at the beginning of the process. Of those who completed the process, the Provost has recommended 6 candidates for the rank of full professor, and 14 for the rank of associate professor. The student evaluation process is also flawed; David chaired a task force in 1977-78 that identified these problems and would like to see those issues resolved. David would also like to see his committee’s full report (which includes 23 items) placed on the Senate web page for campus-wide referral. A written report was submitted. Motion to accept report, seconded and carried. Carl Calliari commented that dealing with the issues and policies of the promotion process is overwhelming. He commended and thanked David Applebaum and his committee for their diligence in managing the promotion process this year. Recruitment, Admissions & Retention - The committee held four meetings this year, designated a liaison to the Enrollment Management Committee, sponsored a meeting of academic advisement coordinators to discuss transfer issues, and developed a retention action plan. Harriet Hartman recommends that in the future the committee consist of one representative from each College, an AFT representative, a student representative, and representatives from various Student Affairs offices. The committee has studied diversity issues, including admission of international students, and recommends coordination with the Diversity Task Force. The committee also looked closely at transfer issues and recommends continued follow-up, especially considering administration’s goal of increasing transfer admissions by 200 in the fall and 800 in the spring. The committee further recommends continuing the sponsorship of meetings of academic advisement coordinators. A written report was submitted. Motion to accept report, seconded and carried. Research & Technological Resources - The committee held seven meetings this year. During the fall semester, the committee met with Christy Faison regarding SBS funding and also was called upon to evaluate the SCT-Banner System. The committee has several suggestions for next year’s committee in regard to implementation of the Banner system. The committee also met with Janet Caldwell regarding concerns about policies and procedures that hinder the progress of grants. The committee asked Janet Caldwell to prepare a list of suggestions for those writing grants; that document has been forwarded to the Grants Office with the request that it be placed on its web site. The late-night computer lab in Mimosa will be undergoing renovations that will include restroom access. Reports from students indicate that they are satisfied with its location and that the lab is working well. A written report was submitted. Motion to accept report, seconded and carried. Sabbatical Leave - The committee received information regarding sabbatical approvals from the Provost on Friday, May 9th. Full funding of one-semester sabbaticals has made the process more competitive, although this year the budget crisis caused a decrease from full funding to 75%. Because of this decrease, a number of individuals have elected to defer their sabbaticals, but those individuals will count toward the allotted number of semesters for next year’s sabbatical leave. Various problems exist with the process itself: the guidelines used at É«ÀÇÉçÇø do not conform with the master contract; the guidelines do not incorporate various findings and precedents set at this institution and other institutions (for example, how to deal with family leave in calculating consecutive years of service); and the wording of the guidelines needs to be clarified. In conjunction with the bargaining unit, the upcoming committee will need to reform the guidelines and adjust the application. Tim Viator, this year’s AFT representative to the committee, was commended for exemplary service. This is a preliminary report. Student Relations - The committee met four times this year. The committee discussed a possible conscientious objector policy, possible changes to the Student Center policy, and the desirability of a handbook for advisors to student organizations. The handbook is almost complete at this point. When it is finished, it should be distributed to new advisors and also placed on the Student Affairs web site. The committee would also like to encourage faculty members to consider serving as class advisors, since currently most class advisors are members of administration. The committee also provided representatives to the Alcoholic Awareness task force and a liaison to Information Resources. There were problems this past year with inappropriate posters being displayed on campus. There are building designees to monitor what is displayed in buildings, and the committee expects to get a list of those individuals. In addition, all materials displayed in buildings should be stamped by the Student Life office or the Student Center office. Discussion from the floor mentioned the need to remove posters on windows of fire doors in buildings, a need to look into the new Student Center reservation form on the web site that allows student organizations to reserve space without an advisor’s signature, and a need for a liability workshop for advisors to student organizations (and information on liability in the advisor’s handbook). In response to a concern at the end of academic year 2001-02 that the Vice President of Student Affairs had not been invited to committee meetings, this year’s committee invited him to each meeting, but he did not attend. The committee suggests that the Vice President of Student Affairs be encouraged to attend committee meetings, or regularly confer with the Student Relations chair. The fact that the committee was not consulted about the pending cell phone contract is an example of the communications breakdown that can occur otherwise. A written report has not yet been submitted. Motion to accept report, seconded and carried. Tenure & Recontracting - The committee held twenty meetings this year, including nine hearings, and reviewed files for 65 candidates. The committee has compiled a list of eighteen suggestions for next year’s committee. A major concern is the need to generate an accurate list, in a timely fashion, of all candidates for tenure and recontracting; this is especially crucial for professional staff, who may otherwise fall off-cycle. This concern has been raised before but remains an issue. Departments are encouraged to review criteria for tenure and recontracting; having clear criteria serves the candidates well and facilitates the work of this committee. A written report was submitted. Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. University Budget & Planning - The committee has spent this year engaged in two activities, both of which continue: (1) developing the next iteration of the five-year strategic plan; (2) making recommendations for dealing with this year’s budget shortfall. The current revision of the strategic plan and current budget recommendations are both available on the É«ÀÇÉçÇø web site. The question was raised about whether these documents could be placed on the web site in pdf format. A written report was submitted. Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Committee on Committees Senate Vote:The following were selected to fill open seats on the Faculty Center Advisory Board: Johanna Velez-Yelin, Professional Staff, EOF/MAP and Shifei Chung, Faculty, College of Business. Motion to approve appointments, seconded and carried. Senate Resolutions:Professor Emeritus Status - #030514-2 (from Academic Policies and Procedures Committee) The Professor Emeritus resolution results from the problematic conferring of this status on any full-time faculty member who currently retires from É«ÀÇÉçÇø. The resolution is an attempt to provide a standard by which the largely honorific title is bestowed. Currently, Tom Gallia makes any decisions that need to be made on an ad hoc basis. President Farish believes the standard should be set by the Senate and thus supports such a resolution in concept. É«ÀÇÉçÇø shall grant the designation of Professor Emeritus to:
- full-time faculty members (assistant, associate, and full professors) who retire as part of the faculty, have attained tenure at É«ÀÇÉçÇø, and:
- have taught full time for a minimum of ten years at É«ÀÇÉçÇø; or
- have taught full time at É«ÀÇÉçÇø and another accredited college or university for a minimum of ten years, with at least five of those years at É«ÀÇÉçÇø.
- librarians who have attained tenure at É«ÀÇÉçÇø and who:
- have worked full time for a minimum of ten years at É«ÀÇÉçÇø; or
- have worked full time at É«ÀÇÉçÇø and another accredited college or university for a minimum of ten years, with at least five of those years at É«ÀÇÉçÇø.
- Other full-time members of the faculty, including those in administrative positions with concurrent faculty status who retire in good standing and meet the above requirements, may be granted Professor Emeritus status upon recommendation of the faculty member’s department, the appropriate dean, the Provost, the President, and the Board of Trustees.
If at any level of this decision-making sequence Professor Emeritus status is not recommended, those individuals making a negative recommendation will explain their justification to those who have previously approved the recommendation.Motion to approve resolution, seconded and carried. Recruitment, Admissions, and Retention Committee -Transfer Students - #030514-3
- Whereas undergraduate students who transfer into É«ÀÇÉçÇø after being enrolled elsewhere for at least one semester are an integral part of É«ÀÇÉçÇø campus life, the RAR Committee strongly urges the university community to treat transfer students on an equal basis as native students in every facet of campus life and experience. To do so requires change in both practice and policy. Some specific practical implications of this policy include:
- Provide equal opportunities to transfer and native students in terms of access to courses, advisement, and any other services which are needed prior to admission, during registration, and in the ensuing process from admission to graduation.
Ideally transfer students should be able to register for classes either at the same time as native students (with earlier acceptance and admission dates); successful strategies for dealing with this issue currently include setting aside estimated slots for transfer students prior to their registration orientation or contacting admitted transfer students individually, providing orientation on an individual basis, and having them register along with native students. Such models should be implemented on a wider basis across campus.
- Develop adequate orientation procedures for transfer students.
Suggestions for such procedures include specially designed open houses for transfers prior to the beginning of classes, on-campus orientation during the first week of class, adequate and equitable advising before registration, "cyber-orientation" for admitted transfers (perhaps required before final declaration of major and registration), on-line mentoring during the first semester at É«ÀÇÉçÇø. This orientation should be separate from registration for classes so that registration does not become the main focus of the orientation. A variety of formats should be developed to provide for the diverse make-up of transfer students.
- These policies need to be supported with adequate advisement resources. NACADA guidelines should be a starting point to establish and implement adequate advisement resources (for four-year public colleges, 267/1 for full-time advisors; 33/1 for faculty advisors with a full-time instructional load).
- Whereas there is a shortage of classes available for matriculated undergraduate students who do not have priority registration, registration of non-matriculated students should be postponed until after transfer orientation.
In cases where courses regularly depend on the enrollment of non-matriculated students, early cancellation of these courses should be avoided to provide them the opportunity to register in them. Motion to approve resolution, seconded and carried. Research and Technological Resources Committee - Grant Charges - #031514-4 WHEREAS É«ÀÇÉçÇø strives to increase funded research grants; and WHEREAS both funded and unfunded research is considered to enhance the academic reputation of É«ÀÇÉçÇø, its faculty and staff; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the University Senate recommends that
- Funded research grants be given the same priorities and be assessed the same charges for the use of university facilities as academic departments.
- Unfunded faculty and staff research that contributes to the enhancement of their academic field be given the same priorities and be assessed the same charges for the use of university facilities as academic departments.
Motion to approve resolution, seconded and carried. Tenure and Recontracting Committee - Annual Review of Recommendations and Process - #030514-5 Whereas the Recontracting and Tenure Memorandum of Agreement is reviewed on a yearly basis by the University Negotiator and the F.O.R.C.E Negotiator, and Whereas the Senate Tenure and Recontracting Committee is charged to implement the process outlined in that Agreement, and Whereas the process may be challenged by inconsistencies in interpretation or implementation, and Whereas the Committee leadership changes frequently, Be it therefore resolved that at the end of each academic year the outgoing chair, the incoming chair, the chair of the Professional Staff Tenure and Recontracting Committee, the University Negotiator and the F.O.R.C.E Negotiator meet to discuss the Committee’s recommendations as well as any process or implementation issues. Motion to approve resolution, seconded and carried. Professional Ethics and Welfare Committee - Procedures of the Senate Ethics Committee - # 030514-6
- (Addition to #1, in bold) An individual or group who believes that evidence of unethical conduct exists and feels that the Ethics Committee should review the matter must formally request the Committee to do so. This formal request must be a signed statement briefly outlining the allegation(s) and, if appropriate, indicating the specific section of the Code violated. If requests are received late in the academic year, there is a possibility that the case may not be resolved by the current committee within that academic year.
Motion to accept addition, seconded and carried.
- (Revision to #4, in bold) The committee will notify individual(s) involved that a formal complaint of unethical conduct has been filed and request an interview with the person(s). At the interview, the individual(s) will be made aware of the allegation(s).
If the committee determines that a formal review of the matter will be made, the committee will notify the individual(s) involved, send a copy of the allegation, and request an interview. Motion to accept revision, seconded and carried.
- (Revision to #6, in bold) The secretary of the committee will send a copy of their testimony as reflected in the minutes and a coy of any report, which concerns them by certified mail.
Upon request, the secretary of the Senate will send a copy of the individual’s testimony as reflected in the minutes and a copy of any report which concerns that individual by certified mail. Motion to accept revision, seconded and carried.
Announcements: -The air conditioning will not be on in the library for the committee selection and new senator orientation meeting on May 20th. The meeting and orientation will be held in Hawthorn Hall, room 104, at 10:30 AM. The brief orientation will begin at 12:00 PM. Lunch will be served. -Phil Lewis will hold a curriculum workshop at 1:00 PM immediately following the new senator orientation. Department Chairs will be invited to attend or to send a representative. -Depending on budget developments and any other issues that may arise, Senate Executive Committee members are asked to check their e-mail on a regular basis. If a meeting of the Senate Exec is called, both 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 senators are invited to attend.
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 PM