Minutes: May 15, 2002 Student Center- Room 221 Attendance: H. Appelson, L. Arnold, J. Benevento, C. Calliari, B. Caswell, E. Chaloupka, J. Chaskes, J. Cypher, J. Gallagher, D. Gilchrist, E. Guerra, T. Hamer, H. Hartman, C. Hasit, D. Hathaway-Cook, L. Holbrook, M. Itzkowitz, J. Kay, P. Laumakis, D. Lemaire, M. Li, J. Mallory-Church (represented by L. Cunningham), M. Marino, J. Maxson, S. McHenry, D. Miller, J. Moss, P. Mosto, J. Newell, O. Ojewuyi, J. Orlins, J. Peterson, J. Rada, L. Reeves, E. Rusch, N. Schmelz, K. Siefring, K. Small, S. Spencer, L. Stephans, M. Stieber, W. Still, S. Taber, S. Thomas, M. Vigorita, C. Vitto, P. Von Lockette, T. Wade, S. Weidman, J. Xin
New Senators in Attendance: B. Appleby-Wineberg, J. Bierman, J. Davey, G. Doolittle, J. Haugh, J. Holmes, P. Lewis, E. Milou, E. Smith, R. Sterner, B. Williams, F. Zhu, L. Block, S. McGee, D. Applebaum, J. Lindman, S. Tweedie, K. Katz (represented by B. Sypniewski). S. McGee, K. Dickens
Not in Attendance: A. Phillips, E. Smith, A. Witonsky
Sabbatical Leave: L. Hohwald, L. Kress, E. StrebNote: If anyone was omitted from attendance list, it indicates that you did not sign in. If this is the case, notify the Senate office and the minutes will be corrected.
Call to Order: Acting President Cindy Vitto called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM.
Motion to approve agenda, seconded and carried.Motion to approve minutes of April 16, 2002, seconded and carried.
Senate President Report:-Cindy Vitto informed the Senate that the plaques exhibiting the names of past Senate Presidents are on display. A plaque will be displayed in the Senate reception area, and the other in the Senate conference room, Campbell Library 326.-Cindy Vitto expressed her appreciation, and commended the Senate for the role played while dealing with the budget crisis. Due largely to Senate efforts, communication between the campus unions and administration is beginning to improve.-President Farish is considering the formation of an Advisory Council, most likely consisting of the President, the Executive Assistant to the President, Union Presidents, the Senate President, SGA President, and possibly a couple of at-large members. The Council will meet on a regular basis, with other members of the Administration invited to meetings as necessary. It is anticipated that this Council will keep the lines of communication open and allow issues to be dealt with in a timely manner, following shared governance procedures.-Martin Itzkowitz introduced a statement addressed to President Farish, expressing the sentiments of the Senate that we appreciate his good faith efforts to create open lines of communication and to resolve matters of concern at hand.
Motion to approve that the statement be sent to President Farish, one opposed, four abstentions, and carried. Motion to approve the following resolution, seconded and carried:
Resolution #020515-1RESOLVED that the University Senate supports President Farish in his efforts to improve our system of shared governance, to restore communication campus-wide, and to restore employment to individuals who have received notification that their positions are being eliminated. We look forward to working with him and his Cabinet in these and other initiatives.-The Senate Executive Committee will meet during the summer months, and Senate officers will continue to meet with administrators. All Senators are encouraged to frequently check e-mail messages for updates.-A reminder that the Senate Executive Committee will meet on Monday, May 20, 2002 in Campbell Library 126, at 9:30 AM, to select Senate committee members. After lunch, the new Senator orientation session will be held.
All-University Committees & Ad Hoc End-of-Year reports were given: 2001-2002 Senators eligible to vote:Motion to approve Awards Committee report, seconded and carried.Motion to approve Bookstore Committee report, seconded and carried.Motion to approve Library Committee report and recommendations, seconded and carried:
- The Committee once again strongly recommends that the Stewart Room be expanded. Since the 75th anniversary celebration, both University and community use of this unique collection has already grown almost beyond the capacity of the staff and facilities available. The collection is used by graduates, undergraduates, and genealogists from South Jersey, as well as the Division of University Advancement, University Relations, Alumni Relations, and Publications. The Stewart Room constitutes a true learning community, a venue where student and professional academicians can share ideas and interests with members of the larger community
- Based on the growing desire of faculty and students alike, the Committee recommends that video access for on-campus viewing be enhanced. Video viewing is becoming an integral part of the instructional process across departments. The Library is under increasing pressure to meet the needs of faculty from a wide variety of departments (e.g. History, Art, Music, English, College Writing, as well as Radio/Television/Film and Communication Studies) who want to show videos in their classes and, in addition, assign videos to their students, in the same way that they would assign specific readings. Currently the Library lacks the $40,000 necessary to implement its plan to install already purchased viewing stations in the room which currently houses the media collection. The Committee recommends that funds be allocated to relocate the media collection and to purchase and install additional shelving.
- The Committee strongly recommends the remodeling of the 5th floor to better meet the needs of the learning community in general and the library in particular. This would include:
- Additional space for the expansion of the Stewart Room and library storage space.
- Library storage space.
Motion to approve University Scholarship Committee report, seconded and carried.
Recommendation: Due to the large number of applicants, it would be helpful to have additional committee members.
Motion to approve World Education Council report and recommendations. Recommendations tabled until September 2002:
- There is currently no single office responsible for implementing proposals made by the World Education Council, or others for disseminating information about activities and opportunities. An individual or office should be charged with responsibility for coordinating the numerous International Education efforts taking place throughout the University. The following items (in greater detail) have been offered to the Task Force on International Education for inclusion in its review of current institutional activities, policies, and issues.
- Create opportunities for É«ÀÇÉçÇø students and staff to engage in international exchange
- Develop a mechanism to vet proposals for bilateral exchange relationships
- Support faculty/staff efforts to establish bilateral exchange relationships with overseas institutions through the creation of "university fund for international initiatives"
- Offer study abroad summer session
- Offer an interdisciplinary course on International Experience
- Develop a "team-teaching" mechanism to allow faculty to share overseas opportunities during the regular academic semester
- Support non-academic "cultural exchange" ventures
- Offer modest tuition scholarships to promote Study Abroad
- Increase the numbers of International Students and Scholars at É«ÀÇÉçÇø
- Review admission procedures for matriculated International Students
- Review tuition status of International Graduate Students
- Examine options for international recruiting
- Continue the current practice of tuition waivers to exchange participants where applicable
- Offer subsidized housing/meal plans or provide opportunities for on-campus employment to visiting students from countries in which such costs present a barrier for participating in educational exchange
- Offer merit awards to provide modest tuition scholarships or assistance towards living costs for matriculated International Students
- Increase on-campus employment opportunities for International Students by encouraging departments to hire them using IWS funds
- Develop greater articulation with the Camden campus intensive English program
- Allow the admission of non-matriculated "guest students" enrolled in full-time study
- 3. Enhance academic offerings with an emphasis on "Global" or "International" Education
- Develop non-traditional foreign language offerings
- Change university general education requirements to contain both a "multicultural" and a "global" requirement
- Designate multicultural and global seminars
- Improve the University’s information resources in the area of international internship and employment opportunities
Motion to approve Scheduling Committee report, seconded and carried. The Scheduling Committee was commended for the efforts of its members to finalize the proposed new academic schedule. Elections: Only 2002-2003 Senators eligible to vote. Nominations do not require a second. -Senators agreed that if three or more nominations were submitted, with no candidate receiving a majority of votes, the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes would be omitted and a second round of voting would take place. Motion to approve the voting system seconded and carried. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot to elect Cindy Vitto as Senate President, seconded and carried. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot to elect Pat Mosto as Senate Vice President, seconded and carried.Nominations: Jay Chaskes and Dorie Gilchrist for Senate Secretary. A vote by paper ballot resulted in the election of Dorie Gilchrist. Curriculum Committee:Nominations: Janet Lindman, Harriet Hartman, and Phillip Lewis as Committee Chair. A vote by paper ballot resulted in the election of Phillip Lewis. Tenure and Recontracting Committee: Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot to elect Sandy McHenry as Committee Chair, seconded and carried.Promotion Committee:Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot to elect David Applebaum as Committee Chair, seconded and carried.Academic Policies & Procedures Committee:Nominations: Janet Lindman, Sandy Tweedie, and Harriet Hartman as Committee Chair.A vote by paper ballot resulted in the election of Sandy Tweedie.Campus Aesthetics & Environmental Concerns:Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot to elect Luke Holbrook as Committee Chair, seconded and carried.Career Development:Nominations: Sonia Spencer and Bruce Caswell as Committee Chair.-Bruce Caswell declined the nomination. Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot to elect Sonia Spencer as Committee Chair, seconded and carried.Committee on Committees:Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot to elect Janet Moss as Committee Chair, seconded and carried.Intercollegiate Athletics:Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot to elect Julie Peterson as Committee Chair, seconded and carried.Learning Outcomes Assessment:Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot to elect Anne Phillips as Committee Chair, seconded and carried.Professional Ethics & Welfare:Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot to elect Cindi Hasit as Committee Chair, seconded and carried.Recruitment, Admissions & Retention:Nominations: Harriet Hartman, Jay Chaskes as Committee Chair.A vote by paper ballot resulted in the election of Harriet Hartman.Research & Technological Resources:Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot to elect Jennifer Kay as Committee Chair, seconded and carried.Sabbatical Leave:Nominations: Lee Kress and Bruce Caswell as Committee Chair.A vote by paper ballot resulted in the election of Bruce Caswell.Student Relations:Nominations: Karen Siefring and Lorin Arnold.A vote by paper ballot resulted in the election of Karen Siefring.University Budget & Planning:Motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot to elect Paul Laumakis as Committee Chair, seconded and carried.At-Large Members of the Senate Executive Committee:Nominations: Jay Chaskes, Lee Kress, Lorin Arnold, Nick Schmelz, Carl Calliari, James Newell, Jeff Maxson, Janet Lindman, and Stephanie Weidman.First Vote:A vote by paper ballot resulted in the election of Nick Schmelz.Second Vote:A vote by paper ballot resulted in the election of Jay Chaskes.Motion to appoint Kathleen Small as Senate Parliamentarian, seconded and carried.Standing Committee End-of-Year Reports & Recommendations:2001-2002 Senators eligible to vote. Note that full reports are on file in the Senate Office for anyone who wishes to consult them.-Academic Policies & Procedures - Motion to accept report and recommendations moved, seconded, and carried:
- Encourage cooperation and collaboration between or among committees on issues that seem to involve multiple committee jurisdictions.
- Re-examine the grade grievance procedure, including whether requests for hearings should be automatic once the process has reached the grievance committee stage.
- Examine carefully forthcoming proposals from the Graduate School, especially any that promote the use of graduate assistants as classroom instructors.
- Re-examine the organization and structure of the Graduate School, especially in regard to the role of the graduate adviser and the School’s relationship to the various Colleges.
- Particularly in light of increasing web-based plagiarism, re-examine University academic honesty policies and procedures and investigate the possibility of procuring and implementing software to detect plagiarism.
-Campus Aesthetics & Environmental Concerns - Motion to accept report and non-binding recommendations moved, seconded, and carried:
- Take campus tour with John Finan and John Imperatore for update on all construction and maintenance projects. Review choices of vegetation on campus landscaping master plan. Revisit the campus lighting plan, and the effects of light pollution on the observatory and effects on campus safety. We strongly recommend a nighttime tour.
- Continue review of One Percent for Arts Plan. Develop recommendations for selection of artists. The committee strongly recommends pursuing an inventory of the stored art on campus and develop recommendations for use and maintenance. Work toward a plan for central coordination for campus art.
- Continue to monitor and support the recycling effort.
- Standardize the bin system.
- Organize and implement an awareness campaign.
- Connect with Julie Peterson (Service Learning) & PPRSA.
- Connect to Kathryn Hollar’s student effort.
- Explore student internship for awareness campaign.
- Continue to monitor campus maintenance and cleanliness.
- Consult with Joe Orlins about continuing work on environmental work campus waterways.
- Continue to follow Dr. Kathryn Hollar’s student project on the reduction of Campus Greenhouse Gases.
-Career Development - Recommendations will be presented at the September meeting. -Committee on Committees - Motion to accept report moved, seconded, and carried. -Curriculum - New Degree Programs
- Master of Arts in Criminal Justice
- Passed by Senate Curriculum Committee, contingent upon resolving issue of combining Research Methods and Statistics (e.g., by having 2 semesters of graduate Research Methods & Statistics in Criminal Justice)
- Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies (Interdisciplinary)
-Also see policy change to degree requirements below.
- Name Change of Degree Program: change Speech/Theatre/Dance to Theatre
Resolution #020515-9 Revisions to Degree Requirements
- It is hereby proposed that the current model of General Education/Degree Requirements be made more flexible for INTERDISCIPLINARY Bachelor of Arts degrees. The current requirement is a range of 30-39 semester hours; we propose that this range be expanded from 30-45 semester hours for Interdisciplinary programs only at this time.
Resolution #020515-10 Restructuring: It is hereby proposed that all curriculum business (EXCEPT New Degree Programs) be conducted electronically. Sponsors of a proposal will obtain all Departmental and Dean signatures prior to submission to the Senate office; a Word file will then be sent to curriculum@rowan.edu. All Open Hearing materials (except New Degree Proposals) will be distributed electronically, beginning Fall 2003.All sponsors should be informed of the importance of obtaining Letters of Consultation at the beginning of, or prior to, the submission process.Motion to accept report, recommendations, and curriculum proposals for Master of Arts in Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies (Interdisciplinary), and name change from Speech/Theatre/Dance to Theatre presented, seconded and carried.Intercollegiate Athletics - Motion to accept report and recommendation moved, seconded, and carried:In keeping with the same recommendation presented by the 2000-01 Athletics Committee, this year’s committee recommends forwarding the committee’s membership length of term of service issue to the Committee on Committees for review.-Learning Outcomes Assessment - Motion to accept report moved, seconded, and carried. Non-binding recommendation: Interact with the Provost’s task force on developing assessment tools for general education.-Professional Ethics & Welfare - Motion to accept report moved, seconded, and carried.Motion to accept revised wording for Code of Ethics, seconded and carried:Resolution#020515-11RESOLVED :Revise I-G. and III-J. of code of ethics to read: does not engage in harassment based on race, creed, color, national origin, religion, nationality, age, sex/gender, sexual orientation, or disability.-Promotion - Motion to accept report moved, seconded, and carried.Suggestions:
- Carefully monitor and work with the AFT as they rework changes in a proposal for dramatic changes in the promotion process. They are recommending the elimination of the Senate Promotion Committee.
- Elections of departmental committees and College committees need to be held during the fall semester.
- Make sure the negotiated procedural supplement is included in the revised 2003 Memorandum of Agreement.
- The Senate Promotion Committee should, during the fall semester, go over the Memorandum of Agreement and identify any procedural ambiguities that exist in the document.
- The College Committee should provide an opportunity to meet with the department committee if the College Committee’s recommendation is different from the department committee’s recommendation.
- The College Dean must provide an opportunity to meet with the College Committee if the Dean’s recommendation for an applicant differs from a College Committee’s recommendation.
-Recruitment, Admissions & Retention - Motion to accept report moved, seconded, and carried.-Concerns expressed regarding the use of web-page information vs information in the University catalog, which is considered the official course reference.Motion to approve the following, seconded and carried with one abstention:Resolution#020515-12Freshman Seminar Coordinator should be made ex-officio member of this committee.Motion to approve the following two resolutions, seconded and carried:Resolution#020515-13The RAR Committee recommends that the admissions process for transfer students be adjusted so that they can register at the same time as continuing students. Recognizing that this entails several steps, including establishing enrollment goals well in advance of the admissions decision, starting the application process earlier, evaluating transfer credits earlier, and allowing earlier registration of students committed to attending É«ÀÇÉçÇø, we recommend setting up a Task Force to implement an adjusted timeline to encourage and permit earlier registration. Issues to be addressed should include (but not be limited to): setting enrollment targets at an earlier date, earlier application process, the possibility of greater automation of transfer credits to majors (as opposed to general education requirements) to speed up the departmental evaluation turn-around time, aiming for allowing transfer registration at or around the same time as continuing students register. This Task Force should include representatives of all of the parties related to implementing an adjusted process (Admissions, Registrar, Bursar, CAP Center, Dean of Students, "transfer liaisons" from each College, departmental advisors, and transfer students). While it is too late to impact Fall 2002 registration, if the Task Force works over the summer, Spring 2003 registration could be a trial implementation of the new plan, which would be fully implemented for Fall 2003. The RAR committee recommends that the above-suggested "Transfer Task Force" also be charged with developing concrete plans to implement more appropriate and varied orientations for multiple types and needs of transfer students.Resolution#020515-14The RAR committee recommends that additional resources for recruiting international students be allocated, including but not limited to resources for developing promotional materials directly targeted at international students. The committee also recommends that admissions procedures and policies regarding international students be reviewed.Referred for consideration by next year’s committee: -Policies regarding the rules of each major for accepting/not accepting transfer credits should be clarified so that the Registrar can apply them, and the policies should be clearly posted on the web for potential students. It is suggested that departments/majors include in their catalogue description at least a reference to a website where a clear transfer policy is posted and updated; and whether their major can be completed in evening courses. -The RAR committee recommends serious exploration of the possibility of making Secondary Education recognized as a major (or minor) to be taken in coordination with another major. This exploration should be undertaken in conjunction with the Curriculum and Academic Policies and Procedures Committees.Research & Technological Resources Committee:Motionto approve the report and the following resolutions, seconded and carried:Resolution #020515-3RESOLVED that the University Senate recommends that:
- The midnight to 8:00 AM Computer Lab Pilot Project be converted to a permanent 24 hour Computer Lab;
- The 24 hour Computer Lab be located in a central, more accessible location and;
- The permanent 24 hour Computer Lab is implemented prior to the beginning of the Fall Semester 2002.
Resolution #020515-4RESOLVED that the University Senate recommend that Information Resources should maintain a page on their web site with a description of major projects that are underway, and a timeline of changes that are projected, as well as who to contact for more information about various technology issues.Resolution #020515-5RESOLVED that the University Senate strongly recommends to the Provost that the following measures be taken with regards to the SBR program:
- Continue to increase the SBR budget in order to meet the increasing demand for SBR funds.
- Make the following changes to the SBR process:
- Increase the number of hours of release time that may be requested from 3 to 6 per year. The current guidelines do not allow faculty members to request sufficient release to achieve a "9/9" load.
- Identify "summer release time" as summer salary or a summer stipend. "Summer release time" does not actually reduce a faculty member's teaching load.
- Allow for multiyear awards, reflecting the fact that many, if not most, research-active faculty need support for ongoing research programs rather than single year projects. This would also increase the number of research-active faculty not applying for SBR funds, thus increasing the pool of research-active faculty available for SBR committees.
- Stipulate that progress on scholarship based on an award from the previous year's proposal is not a valid basis for an award decision. Most recipients of an award will not have sufficient time to make significant progress on a project before the next deadline for proposals.
- Adjust the reporting schedule so that award recipients are expected to present their scholarship to the É«ÀÇÉçÇø community during the year after their award. Currently, recipients are expected to present on their scholarship during the same year that they receive the award.
- Allow for alternative presentation forums, such as departmentally sanctioned lecture series, for the expected presentation of SBR research to the university community. Currently, only the É«ÀÇÉçÇø Professional Conference is identified as a forum for SBR research presentations to fulfill this requirement.
- Allow colleges with a wide diversity of disciplines (such as Liberal Arts and Sciences) the option to create multiple review committees that will each evaluate particular disciplines, so that committee members will not have to evaluate proposals in disciplines far removed from their own.
Resolution #020515-6 RESOLVED that the University Senate strongly recommends to the Provost that the following measures be taken with regards to computer technical support:
- Create a support function for computer lecture labs and "smart" classrooms that is qualified to resolve computer/network issues and that is available during teaching hours/days.
- This technical support for teaching is to be accessible through a special phone number where:
- It is restricted to those problems associated with computer lecture labs and "smart" classrooms.
- It is staffed continuously during the normal teaching day (8 AM to 10 PM) and Saturday mornings as required.
-Sabbatical Leave - Motion to approve the report and the following resolutions, seconded and carried:Resolution #020515-7RESOLVED that Applications for one-semester and full-year sabbatical would be scored per the existing collective bargaining agreement. In awarding sabbaticals, sabbatical leave applications for full-year sabbaticals at 50% of salary should not count against the total of sabbatical semesters available. The administration would be free to place a limit on the number of full-year sabbaticals so offered.Resolution #020515-8RESOLVED that on June 1 of each year, the University will notify every faculty, librarian, and professional staff employee in writing of the following:
- If applicable, the status of the employee’s recontracting and tenure, as well as the next upcoming deadline if the employee is not tenured.
- The year of the employee’s next A-328 Career Development Review, as well as the next deadline for submitting a folder if the deadline occurs within the upcoming academic year.
- The year of the employee’s last sabbatical, as well as the employee’s eligibility for sabbatical in the upcoming academic year.
-Student Relations - Motion to accept the report and recommendations moved, seconded, and carried:
- The committee recommends that next year's committee review all policies and procedures pertaining to the student advisor role. Pertinent issues to be considered include:
- Availability of a policy manual
- Information dissemination
- Liability and institutional role in that
- Accountability/chain of command
- Process of selecting advisors
- Advisor orientation
- The committee would benefit from a clearer articulation of the relationship between its mission and that of the Office of the VP for Student Affairs. Minimally, a regular meeting each semester with Mr. Calandrella is recommended.
- The Committee recommends that, in consultation with Mr. Calandrella, the variations in application of the leave of absence policy be reviewed for possible policy.
-Tenure & Recontracting - Motion to accept the report moved, seconded, and carried.-University Budget & Planning - Note that the University Budget and Planning Committee will present a final report in September because the committee’s work will continue this summer. Both outgoing and incoming committee members will be involved in transitional meetings this June.The following recommendations have been submitted to administration for consideration:-Exercise Stewardship in Non-Salary Spending: Encourage all É«ÀÇÉçÇø employees to more closely scrutinize all non-salary expenditures, including travel, telephone and duplicating, as a cost containment measure.-Summer Flex-Staffing: Investigate the feasibility of voluntary furlough, ten-month salaries, and departmental closings or staff reductions during the summer months in order to decrease operating expenses.-Expansion of Summer School Offerings: Support the expansion plan for summer school offerings being developed by the Summer School Task Force as a strategy for increasing revenue generation.-Defer Promotions to Super-Full Professor: Consider not implementing additional promotions to the Super-Full Professor rank for the duration of the budget problems as a cost containment measure.-Nontraditional Compensation: Review existing compensation practices with respect to nontraditional teaching, including independent studies, supervised teaching tutorials, internships, and field experience in the interest of reducing operating expenses.-Financial Analysis of Graduate Programs: Implement a financial review of revenues and expenses associated with each graduate program as part of the established periodic program reviews in order to evaluate the financial impact of each graduate program.-Released/Reassigned Time: Review the current and planned future allocations of released/reassigned time throughout the University in the interest of ensuring cost effectiveness.-Review of Administrative Positions:Conduct a comprehensive review of current administrative positions, particularly those that are presently vacant, or become vacant, in the interest of determining staffing strategies that could result in reductions in operating expenses.-Costs of Telephone Service: Review the costs associated with existing telephone services in the interest of containing costs and reducing operating expenses.-Rightsizing Classes: Support enrollment management initiatives designed to ensure that classes are offered in a manner than enhances revenues while containing costs associated with class offerings.-Facility Rentals: Investigate the feasibility of a proactive approach to the rental of campus facilities to outside groups in order to enhance revenue generation.-Elderhostel Program: Investigate the merits of participating in the Elderhostel Program as a strategy to enhance summer revenue generation and spread fixed costs of summer operations.-Postpone Capital Projects: Where feasible, seriously consider postponing on-campus and off-campus capital projects.-Acquisition of the Crossings Apartments: Ensure that the acquisition and operation of The Crossings is managed in a manner that ensures a financial breakeven or surplus situation.-Custodial Services: Review and aggressively pursue cost-effective initiatives to increase the number of campus buildings serviced by É«ÀÇÉçÇø facilities employees, rather than by outside contractors, in the interest of reducing operating expenses. If cost effectiveness can be demonstrated, a plan should be developed and phased in to return to the provision of custodial services for all campus buildings by É«ÀÇÉçÇø employees.-Parking Fees/Fines: Increase parking fees and fines to enhance revenue stream associated with parking services operations and to ensure that revenues cover and exceed costs.-Speaker Series: Postpone President’s speaker series and review the cost effectiveness of other speaker series funded by unrestricted funds in the interest of reducing operating expenses.-Campus Landscaping: Review and reconsider planned landscaping initiatives in the interest of cost containment, especially in light of the current drought situation.-Food at University Functions:Eliminate the provision of food at all university, college, or department functions attended exclusively by É«ÀÇÉçÇø employees.-Faculty Deployment: Review all non-teaching assignments of faculty in the interest of cost-effective utilization of faculty resources through returning qualified faculty to the classroom.-Off-Campus Receptions and Retreats: Demonstrate business necessity for all off-campus receptions, meetings and retreats in the interest of reducing operating expenses.-Policies & Procedures: Review and revise policies and procedures regarding off-campus receptions, meetings, and retreats in the interest of future cost containment and stewardship of scarce resources.-Holiday Receptions: Enforce policy of not funding college and departmental holiday parties and receptions, and defer university holiday reception for the duration of the budget crisis in the interest of reducing operating expenses and as tangible reminder of the importance of fiscal responsibility and stewardship.-Managerial Salaries: Limit managerial salary increases so as not to exceed that of negotiated wage increases for in-unit personnel as a cost containment measure.-Energy Conservation: Encourage every member of the É«ÀÇÉçÇø community to engage in appropriate energy conservation measures in the interest of reducing operating expenses.-Purchase of Caps & Gowns: Eliminate purchasing of caps and gowns for all É«ÀÇÉçÇø employees and members of the Board of Trustees in the interest of reducing operating costs.-In-House Competitive Bids:Secure and review in-house competitive bids before privatizing any service that could be performed by É«ÀÇÉçÇø employees in the interest of cost containment and compliance with state requirements.-Professional Development Seminars & Workshops: Aggressively pursue offering professional development and continuing education seminars as a revenue generation strategy.-Opportunities Associated with Early Retirement Program: In implementing the upcoming employee retirement program, seize the opportunity to re-examine whether given positions should be 10-month, 11-month, or 12-month assignments in the interest of cost containment. Employees in less than 12-month assignments who desire to work year-round could be deployed for alternate summer assignments further reducing operating expenses.-Offer Internet-Based Intersession Courses: Utilize the Internet to deliver courses during the intersession between the Fall and Spring semesters in the interest of generating revenues through the delivery of courses that would not involve significant overhead.The following suggestions were made to the Budget Committee, but not considered to yield measurable results, and are thus not recommended at this time:-Eliminate graduation flowers-Defer Senior Administration salary increases-Eliminate super-full professors-Charge market-value rent for É«ÀÇÉçÇø properties-Reduce Sabbatical compensation-Institute student-run "Architectural Salvage" recycling program-Eliminate Institutional Work Study-Sell off-campus properties not currently being used-Layoff managers as good-faith gesture-Issue more parking tickets-Require students to buy blue books-Cancel Convocation-Reduce number of recruitment open houses-Eliminate mail delivery to administrative offices-Freeze all administrative salaries- Cut academic department budgets by ten percentMotion to accept the report moved, seconded and carried.New Business:Dorie Gilchrist introduced the following motion, which was seconded and carried:Resolution #020515-2Whereas, Lauretta Reeves has chosen to leave the green pastures of New Jersey for the brown pastures of Texas;Whereas Lauretta Reeves has served as an outstanding chairperson of the Curriculum Committee for many years;Whereas Lauretta Reeves has led the effort to trim curricular review procedures to a more manageable process on behalf of É«ÀÇÉçÇø and its Senate;RESOLVED that the Senate commends Lauretta Reeves’ leadership as an example to us all to follow the difficult path and to do what is best for the University and that the Senate wishes her the best in her new life in Texas.Motion to adjourn at 1:50 PM, seconded and carried.-see listing of resolutions below SUMMARY LISTING OF RESOLUTIONS: 5/15/02Resolution #020515-1RESOLVED that the University Senate supports President Farish in his efforts to improve our system of shared governance, to restore communication campus-wide, and to restore employment to individuals who have received notification that their positions are being eliminated. We look forward to working with him and his Cabinet in these and other initiatives.Resolution #020515-2Whereas, Lauretta Reeves has chosen to leave the green pastures of New Jersey for the brown pastures of Texas;Whereas Lauretta Reeves has served as an outstanding chairperson of the Curriculum Committee for many years;Whereas Lauretta Reeves has led the effort to trim curricular review procedures to a more manageable process on behalf of É«ÀÇÉçÇø and its Senate;RESOLVED that the Senate commends Lauretta Reeves’ leadership as an example to us all to follow the difficult path and to do what is best for the University and that the Senate wishes her the best in her new life in Texas.Resolution #020515-3RESOLVED that the University Senate recommends that:
- The midnight to 8:00 AM Computer Lab Pilot Project be converted to a permanent 24 hour Computer Lab;
- The 24 hour Computer Lab be located in a central, more accessible location and;
- The permanent 24 hour Computer Lab is implemented prior to the beginning of the Fall Semester 2002.
Resolution #020515-4 RESOLVED that the University Senate recommend that Information Resources should maintain a page on their web site with a description of major projects that are underway, and a timeline of changes that are projected, as well as who to contact for more information about various technology issues.Resolution #020515-5RESOLVED that the University Senate strongly recommends to the Provost that the following measures be taken with regards to the SBR program:
- Continue to increase the SBR budget in order to meet the increasing demand for SBR funds.
- Make the following changes to the SBR process:
- Increase the number of hours of release time that may be requested from 3 to 6 per year. The current guidelines do not allow faculty members to request sufficient release to achieve a "9/9" load.
- Identify "summer release time" as summer salary or a summer stipend. "Summer release time" does not actually reduce a faculty member's teaching load.
- Allow for multiyear awards, reflecting the fact that many, if not most, research-active faculty need support for ongoing research programs rather than single year projects. This would also increase the number of research-active faculty not applying for SBR funds, thus increasing the pool of research-active faculty available for SBR committees.
- Stipulate that progress on scholarship based on an award from the previous year's proposal is not a valid basis for an award decision. Most recipients of an award will not have sufficient time to make significant progress on a project before the next deadline for proposals.
- Adjust the reporting schedule so that award recipients are expected to present their scholarship to the É«ÀÇÉçÇø community during the year after their award. Currently, recipients are expected to present on their scholarship during the same year that they receive the award.
- Allow for alternative presentation forums, such as departmentally sanctioned lecture series, for the expected presentation of SBR research to the university community. Currently, only the É«ÀÇÉçÇø Professional Conference is identified as a forum for SBR research presentations to fulfill this requirement.
- Allow colleges with a wide diversity of disciplines (such as Liberal Arts and Sciences) the option to create multiple review committees that will each evaluate particular disciplines, so that committee members will not have to evaluate proposals in disciplines far removed from their own.
Resolution #020515-6 RESOLVED that the University Senate strongly recommends to the Provost that the following measures be taken with regards to computer technical support:
- Create a support function for computer lecture labs and "smart" classrooms that is qualified to resolve computer/network issues and that is available during teaching hours/days.
- This technical support for teaching is to be accessible through a special phone number where:
- It is restricted to those problems associated with computer lecture labs and "smart" classrooms.
- It is staffed continuously during the normal teaching day (8 AM to 10 PM) and Saturday mornings as required.
Resolution #020515-7RESOLVED that Applications for one-semester and full-year sabbatical would be scored per the existing collective bargaining agreement. In awarding sabbaticals, sabbatical leave applications for full-year sabbaticals at 50% of salary should not count against the total of sabbatical semesters available. The administration would be free to place a limit on the number of full-year sabbaticals so offered. Resolution #020515-8RESOLVED that on June 1 of each year, the University will notify every faculty, librarian, and professional staff employee in writing of the following:
- If applicable, the status of the employee’s recontracting and tenure, as well as the next upcoming deadline if the employee is not tenured.
- The year of the employee’s next A-328 Career Development Review, as well as the next deadline for submitting a folder if the deadline occurs within the upcoming academic year.
- The year of the employee’s last sabbatical, as well as the employee’s eligibility for sabbatical in the upcoming academic year.
Resolution #020515-9 Revisions to Degree RequirementsIt is hereby proposed that the current model of General Education/Degree Requirements be made more flexible for INTERDISCIPLINARY Bachelor of Arts degrees. The current requirement is a range of 30-39 semester hours; we propose that this range be expanded from 30-45 semester hours for Interdisciplinary programs only at this time. Resolution #020515-10Restructuring:It is hereby proposed that all curriculum business (EXCEPT New Degree Programs) be conducted electronically. Sponsors of a proposal will obtain all Departmental and Deans Signatures prior to submission to the Senate office; a Word file will then be sent to curriculum@rowan.edu. All Open Hearing materials (except New Degree Proposals) will be distributed electronically, beginning Fall 2003.All sponsors should be informed of the importance of obtaining Letters of Consultation at the beginning of, or prior to, the submission process. Resolution#020515-11RESOLVED :Revise I-G. and III-J. of code of ethics to read: does not engage in harassment based on race, creed, color, national origin, religion, nationality, age, sex/gender, sexual orientation or disability.Resolution#020515-12Freshman Seminar Coordinator should be made ex-officio member of the Recruitment, Admissions, and Retention Committee.Resolution#020515-13The RAR Committee recommends that the admissions process for transfer students be adjusted so that they can register at the same time as continuing students. Recognizing that this entails several steps, including establishing enrollment goals well in advance of the admissions decision, starting the application process earlier, evaluating transfer credits earlier, and allowing earlier registration of students committed to attending É«ÀÇÉçÇø, we recommend setting up a Task Force to implement an adjusted timeline to encourage and permit earlier registration. Issues to be addressed should include (but not be limited to): setting enrollment targets at an earlier date, earlier application process, the possibility of greater automation of transfer credits to majors (as opposed to general education requirements) to speed up the departmental evaluation turn-around time, aiming for allowing transfer registration at or around the same time as continuing students register. This Task Force should include representatives of all of the parties related to implementing an adjusted process (Admissions, Registrar, Bursar, CAP Center, Dean of Students, "transfer liaisons" from each College, departmental advisors, and transfer students). While it is too late to impact Fall 2002 registration, if the Task Force works over the summer, Spring 2003 registration could be a trial implementation of the new plan, which would be fully implemented for Fall 2003. The RAR Committee recommends that the above-suggested "Transfer Task Force" also be charged with developing concrete plans to implement more appropriate and varied orientations for multiple types and needs of transfer students.Resolution#020515-14The RAR Committee recommends that additional resources for recruiting international students be allocated, including but not limited to resources for developing promotional materials directly targeted at international students. The committee also recommends that admissions procedures and policies regarding international students be reviewed. |