University Senate Meeting Attendees: Jim Abbott, Herb Appelson, Lorin Arnold, Greg Biren, Lori Block, Carl Calliari, Bruce Caswell, Steve Crites, Joanne Damminger, Joe Davey, Gini Doolittle, Richard Earl, Tom Fusco, John Gallagher, Kathy Ganske, Dorie Gilchrist, Judy Holmes, Gabriela Hristescu, Diane Hughes, Karlton Hughes, Olcay Ilicasu, Martin Itzkowitz, Frances Johnson, David Klassen, Lee Kress, Denyse Lemaire, Phillip Lewis, Janet Lindman, Mary Marino, Jeff Maxson, Robin McBee, Ellen Miller, Eric Milou, Janet Moss, Pat Mosto, James Newell, Terry O’Brien, Julie Peterson, Anne Phillips, Robi Polikar, Karen Siefring, Edward Smith, Sonia Spencer, Robert Sterner, Eileen Stutzbach, Skeff Thomas, Sandy Tweedie, Cindy Vitto, Barbara Williams, Tricia Yurak, Faye ZhuNot in Attendance/Represented by Alternate: Mark Matalucci represented by Bonnie Wilson, Charles Schultz (due to injury) represented by Bob Newland
Not in Attendance: David Applebaum, Bryan Appleby-Wineberg, Joe Bierman, Julia Chang, Jay Chaskes (hospitalized w/serious illness), Eric Constans, Jim Haugh, Kristyn Kuhlman, Stuart McGee, Bela Mukhoti, Joe Orlins
Motion to approve the agenda, seconded and carried.Motion to approve minutes of March 22, 2004, seconded and carried.Cindy announced the results of the Professional Staff election: Lori Block, Esther Mummert and Pat Alexy-Stoll. Because there was a run-off for the third professional staff slot, nomination forms for senator-at-large were distributed later than anticipated and must be returned to the Senate Office by Tuesday, April 20. Special Report: Short Report from Ray Cibo, President of Local 195 Ray addressed the issue of deficient background checks, particularly in the area of custodial staff. The previous vendor, Golden Eagle, did occasional background checks through the campus Public Safety office. During Golden Eagle’s contract, 270 of their employees were terminated, and others were found to be unsuitable to work on campus. Pritchard Industries is the current vendor on campus that supplies custodial staff. The Public Safety office did provide the background checks for their employees in the past, which revealed many to have outstanding arrest warrants. During the past year Pritchard has been conducting its own background checks. It has recently been revealed that Pritchard has not submitted a list of employees to Public Safety for over a year, even though the contract specifies that a list of employees and social security numbers must be provided to Public Safety and the Director of Facilities. About a month ago, Ray asked why this practice was stopped, but he has not yet received an answer. Although the contract has been put out to bid and we may have a new vendor on July 1, the concern is that many Pritchard employees will be retained; in addition, Pritchard employees may also be applying for jobs with Sodexho or with other areas of the University. Given the possible level of credit card theft, identity theft, and theft of cash and tangible goods on campus, it is imperative that we conduct timely background checks, both on Pritchard employees and our own staff. Ray explained that some of our buildings are maintained by É«ÀÇÉçÇø employees, while custodial services in other buildings are contracted out to Pritchard. Ray discovered that Pritchard had also broken the contract by paying its workers less than the stipulated hourly wage and suggested that we consider the consequences of such action on employee morale. Hiring more É«ÀÇÉçÇø employees rather than relying on employees of an outside contractor brings us better loyalty from custodial staff.In response to a question, Ray indicated that there are no fines imposed for breaking the contract by not conducting background checks or submitting employee names to Public Safety. A suggestion was made that we check with É«ÀÇÉçÇø’s risk manager about the potential liability of our current situation.A resolution was proposed from the floor of the Senate in order to register the Senate’s concern about the information Ray brought to our attention. The resolution was seconded and passed, and is to be read by the Senate President at the April 28 Board of Trustees meeting:RESOLUTION #040419-1 – To ensure the safety and security of our faculty, staff, students, parents, and visitors, the É«ÀÇÉçÇø Senate urges administration (1) to enforce the contract with Pritchard Industries, especially in regard to conducting background checks on employees and immediately communicating the results of those checks to Public Safety; (2) to include in future contracts a penalty clause when the contract is not fulfilled in every respect; (3) to continue our efforts to hire more of our own employees rather than outsourcing custodial services. Standing Committee Reports: Student Relations – Lorin Arnold The Student Relations Committee met on March 24th to consider the recommendations of the full Senate regarding the Free Speech Policy. After addressing the changes requested, using case law and other information gathered by committee members, the committee unanimously approved the changes in the revised É«ÀÇÉçÇø Policy to Assure Free Speech and Peaceful Assembly. The Senate approved this policy (Resolution #040419-2, attached) with a vote of 49 in favor, 2 opposed, and no abstentions.Tenure and Recontracting – Jim Newell The committee is discussing the advisability of asking that the process be changed somewhat so that untenured faculty would submit their materials in the spring of the third year (for fifth-year recontracting) for Senate review. This would provide for Senate review in the fall of year two, spring of year three, and fall of year five for tenure. The additional review (for the Tenure and Recontracting Committee, not an additional review for the candidate), eighteen months after the first Senate review and eighteen months before the tenure review, would give candidates time to show improvement in any areas of concern from the first review and time for feedback and further improvement before the tenure decision. Jim has met with Stan Urban (AFT negotiator), Bob Zazzali, and the Senate Exec to discuss this suggestion, which originated with recontracting candidates because if research directions change after the initial review, it would be helpful to receive guidance from an intermediate review before the tenure decision. A straw poll of senators indicated that the majority (all but one, who indicated “unsure”) was in favor of this additional Senate review. Jim was asked to bring forward a proposed resolution for the AFT Bargaining Committee at the May 12 Senate meeting.Academic Policies and Procedures – Martin Itzkowitz Senators discussed the P/NC grading option in terms of its current lack of enforcement (because the student must declare that option to the faculty member by the end of the drop/add period), whether faculty might evaluate students differently if they elect the P/NC option, and whether or when the Registrar should notify faculty of those students taking a course on a P/NC basis. Some concern was expressed that the end of the drop/add period is not sufficient time for a student to make this decision. It was suggested that we vote on the resolution and adjust the time frame later if necessary. The following resolution passed with 29 in favor, 7 opposed, and 12 abstaining:RESOLUTION #040419-3Students enrolled in courses with a P/NC grading option must declare their choice of this option by the end of the drop/add period and make this declaration to the registrar rather than the instructor. The registrar shall designate those students who take the P/NC option on all rosters generated after the ten-day period.Senators also discussed the following proposal:Faculty will record the conventional grade earned and the registrar will convert it to P/NC. -The grade N/A (never attended) shall be awarded to any student enrolled in a course who has not attended by the end of the first third of the semester. Option A: For purposes of computing GPA, the N/A grade will have the effect of an F. Option B: The N/A grade will be recorded as N/A but will not be calculated into the GPA. (Option B was proposed by the Senate Exec following discussion of this topic.) Note: The "first third" complies with federal standards for reimbursement. At this point in the semester there is no refund. The rationale for the proposal is that it would reduce the last day of attendance problem and help prevent abuse of the financial aid system. The Registrar does have the software to handle this proposal and also to implement the P/NC resolution above.)It was suggested from the floor that the committee consider whether the situation of students who never attend a course could be better handled through a system of administrative withdrawal. Also, concern was expressed that students new to É«ÀÇÉçÇø may not be aware that it is their responsibility to withdraw officially from a course they never attended (and, in the case of freshmen, may not have signed up for on their own). Concern was also expressed that allowing students to remain on the roster takes up seats that could be filled by others. The Academic Policies and Procedures Committee will look into the viability of administrative withdrawal. Curriculum – Phil Lewis The following curriculum proposal was announced and is being sent to the Provost: Process B Interdisciplinary: SCC#03-04-900 – TEAM TAUGHT COURSES FOR ROWAN SEMINAR UndergraduateTwo Process C proposals were discussed and approved by majority vote: Process C College of Education: Special Education Services / Psychology SCC#03-04-305 – SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY: MA Program -Major changes to degree program -Nine changes to directed course selections, course titles -Graduate ProgramCollege of Communication: Journalism and Creative Writing SCC#03-04-214 – CREATIVE WRITING PROGRAM JOINED WITH DEPARTMENT OF COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC -Quasi-curricular change -Moving Creative Writing from Journalism to Composition and Rhetoric -Change name of Department of Journalism and Creative Writing to Department of JournalismCurriculum Update: the following curriculum proposals have been delivered to the Provost: Process A Business Management/MIS SCC#03-04-100 BUSINESS FORECASTING – G Accounting/Finance SCC#03-04-101 INDIVIDUAL TAXATION – U SCC#03-04-102 TAXATION OF BUSINESS ENTITIES - U SCC#03-04-103 INVESTMENT/PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS – U Marketing SCC#03-04-105 SUPERVISED INTERN/ MARKETING - U SCC#03-04-106 PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION – U SCC#03-04-107 BUSINESS/INDUSTRIAL MARKET –U SCC#03-04-108 MARKETING SPECIALIZATION – U Communication Communication Studies SCC#03-04-200 POLITICAL COMMUNICATION – U Composition/Rhetoric SCC#03-04-201 INTRO TO TECHNICAL WRITING - U Education Secondary Education SCC#03-04-300 TEACHING:INTRO TO PROFESSION – U SCC#03-04-301 MST PROGRAM – G Educational Leadership SCC#03-04-302 THE ADULT LEARNER – G SCC#03-04-303 ED LEADERSHIP ELECTIVES – GLAS: Humanities Hisotry SCC#03-04-605 FOREIGN LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS for HISTORY MAJORS - ULAS: Social Behavior Psychology SCC#03-04-700 SPEC BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE FOR CHILDREN/FAMILY – U SCC#03-04-701 BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT & MEASUREMENT – U SCC#03-04-702 CAREER & LIFESTYLE – G SCC#03-04-703 LEGAL & ETHICAL ISSUES IN COUNSELING – G SCC#03-04-704 MASTERS THESIS-PSYCHOLOGY – G SCC#03-04-705 GROUP COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY – G SCC#03-04-706 INTERVENTION APPROACHES-PSYCH/ HUMAN SERVICES – G SCC#03-04-707 PRACTICUM IN COUNSELING – G SCC#03-04-708 COUNSELING & PSYCHOTHERAPY - G Law/Justice SCC#03-04-714 POLICE & SOCIETY – G SCC#03-04-715 COURTS & RELATED AGENCIES – G LAS: Math/Science Chem/Bio Chem SCC#03-04-807 BS BIOCHMEISTRY DEGREE – U Mathematics SCC#03-04-827 SCHOOL MATH/ADVANCED STANDPOINT – G SCC#03-04-828 PROCESSES/PRINCIPLES OF SCHOOL MATH – G Computer Science SCC#03-04-801 COMPUTER SCIENCE SPECIALIZATION REQUIREMENTS - U SCC#03-04-802 DISTRUBUTED SYSTEMS – U SCC#03-04-803 CONCURRENT PROGRAMMING – U Biological Science SCC#03-04-804 COMPARATIVE EMBROLOGY - U SCC#03-04-805 COMPARATIVE EMBRYOLOGY - GProcess B LAS: Math/Science Mathematics SCC#03-04-806 COGS IN SECONDARY MATH ED
– Learning Outcomes Assessment – Anne Phillips The LOAC will present its Goals and Recommendations document for approval at the May 12 meeting. The document is currently being revised to incorporate suggestions from the Provost.
-Campus Aesthetics and Environmental Concerns – Skeff Thomas On April 5, the CAEC held a joint meeting with the Landscape and Campus Image subcommittee of the Campus Master Plan Committee. Director of Landscaping Ed Thompson was introduced; the Campus Art Review subcommittee reported on its visit of the works of artists Saganic and Machinsky; Terry O’Brien submitted a draft of proposed labels for campus trees; Russ Seagren announced a forthcoming request for proposals for campus signage; Jacquelynn Bayard and Rich Gray provided an update on campus recycling efforts.
-Budget and Planning Committee – Sandy Tweedie The committee met on April 1st. Invited guest President Farish discussed his view of the budget process he proposes to use for making decisions about budget requests for the FY 05 budget. The challenge is to find the right balance between giving adequate weight to the recommendations of the committee while fulfilling his responsibility for making final decisions. Farish proposed the following approach, with which the committee agreed: -Committee’s recommendations have been made and will be given serious consideration. -Division heads can ask (and have asked) the committee to reconsider the priorities that it assigned to a few of their requests. -After reconsideration, if there is still a disagreement between the division head and the committee, the division head can make her or his case to the president. -If the president finds the division head’s argument persuasive, he will review that argument with the committee and ask for the committee’s reaction. -Once the committee has reacted to the division head’s argument as presented by the president, the president will make the final decision.The committee also reviewed and discussed several new requests and some that were submitted for reconsideration in terms of priority. Members had numerous questions about some of the requests and so decided to convene another meeting as soon as possible, this time with brief presentations by division heads in order to make more informed decisions. The committee will meet again on April 20 to discuss these requests.The committee will also be revising the five-year strategic plan. You can access the draft of the plan by going to and looking under downloads for April. The campus community is invited to send comments about the plan to one or both of the Committee's co-chairs (Sandy Tweedie,, and Bob D'Augustine, Research and Technological Resources – Gabriela Hristescu The committee is discussing a proposed resolution calling for additional staff for the office of Web Development. In addition, the committee has discussed problems that students encounter when lab computers do not have USB or floppy disk drive capability, ongoing problems with GroupWise, and the need for weekend support. (Such support may not be possible from current staff, who are already going beyond expected duties in order to keep the campus operational throughout the five-day work week.) The committee has received a final draft of the Web Policy revised according to RTR recommendations and the Web Oversight Committee. In response to a recommendation from RTR, the University is purchasing the Google search appliance for use on the University website.Promotion – John Gallagher The committee completed its work on Monday, March 29 with all 38 files reviewed, discussed, and voted upon. The committee either “certified” or “did not certify” the portfolio of each candidate. In some cases, “certified” portfolios were reported with qualifications where we found minor technical deficiencies. We did this to protect candidates during the next level of review at the Provost level. Letters were sent to the Provost on April 2 with copies to college committees, department committees, and to the candidates.The committee is currently discussing recommended revisions to the agreement to be made to the AFT for negotiations. Because the agreement is vague in certain areas, it creates confusion for candidates and committees. This makes the All-University Committee’s work more difficult in assessing whether the process was followed and whether there is a level field for candidates from the various colleges.
-Career Development – Sonia Spencer The committee has scheduled meetings to review career development applications.Recruitment, Admissions, and Retention – Jay Chaskes For medical reasons, Jay Chaskes will not be returning to É«ÀÇÉçÇø for the remainder of the semester. We have asked Joanne Damminger to convene the committee in his absence so that an interim chair may be selected.
Other Reports: Campus Master Plan Committee – Joe Orlins The Guiding Principles document can be downloaded in PDF format from the Campus Master Plan web site at Comments on the draft Guiding Principles will be received until April 30, 2004. The Master Plan Committee will incorporate suggestions as appropriate, and then forward the Guiding Principles to the President's Cabinet and Board of Trustees. Comments should be addressed to the Master Plan Committee co-chairs, Christy Faison, at, and Joe Orlins, at Constitution Committee – Bruce Caswell, Karen Siefring Plans are underway to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the University Senate on Monday, May 17, in the atrium of É«ÀÇÉçÇø Hall. The tentative program is as follows: -Informal reception beginning at 10:00 AM -Short presentations by former Senate presidents -Hot buffet lunch (probably about $15) including an address from President Farish and awarding of certificates to past presidents, past officers, and those with ten or more years of Senate service -Breakout sessions on topics related to the future of the SenateAd Hoc Schedule Committee – Bruce Caswell The committee is recommending that a second open period, Wednesday 10:50-12:05, be implemented.General Education Review Committee – Phil Lewis, Co-Chair The committee has two meetings planned for the rest of the semester, with the intention of having a report for the end-of-year Senate meeting on May 12. Open hearings will be held in May and June, with a proposal presented for review by the Senate Exec in September.Announcements -At 2:00 Monday, April 26, in Campbell Library 326, the current Senate officers will meet with anyone interested in running for Senate office or being elected chair of a Senate committee in order to answer questions about those responsibilities. -At 2:00 on Wednesday, April 21, there will be a joint meeting of Senate officers and selected committee chairs with President Farish and the Cabinet. -University Assembled is scheduled for 10:50 Monday, April 26, in Tohill Auditorium.-Sodexho would like to give a free lunch immediately after University Assembled to ten faculty and professional staff members in return for your ideas about how to improve dining services on campus. -Textbook orders were due to the Bookstore April 15. Remember that the Bookstore needs your orders before the “buyback” period in order to help students save money and in order to save unnecessary shipping costs. It is especially important to notify the Bookstore if you plan to use the same texts in the fall that you have used this spring.-Grades will be due in the Registrar’s Office May 19.-Please contact Dorie Gilchrist with suggestions on how to improve the scheduling grid for summer courses.-Remember that your feedback is also encouraged by the following: University Budget and Planning Committee (five-year strategic plan and also final report on budget priorities) (look under downloads for April)
Campus Master Plan Committee (guiding principles) – Committee (possible new logo design and slogan) your calendar: May 12 - end-of-year Senate meeting, beginning at 9:00; morning refreshments and hot lunch will be provided May 17 - Senate anniversary celebration May 18 – 2004-05 committee chairs will meet at 10:00 to select committee members and are invited to join new senators for lunch at 12:15; afternoon orientation session for new senators at 1:00