

Minutes of March 22, 2004

University Senate Meeting
Attendees: David Applebaum, Bryan Appleby-Wineberg, Lorin Arnold, Joe Bierman, Lori Block, Carl Calliari, Bruce Caswell, Jay Chaskes, Eric Constans, Steve Crites, Joanne Damminger, Joe Davey, Gini Doolittle, Tom Fusco, John Gallagher, Kathy Ganske, Jim Haugh, Judy Holmes, Gabriela Hristescu, Diane Hughes, Olcay Ilicasu, Martin Itzkowitz, Frances Johnson, David Klassen, Lee Kress, Kristyn Kuhlman, Phillip Lewis, Janet Lindman, Mary Marino, Mark Matalucci, Jeff Maxson, Stuart McGee, Ellen Miller, Eric Milou, Janet Moss, Pat Mosto, James Newell, Terry O’Brien, Joe Orlins, Julie Peterson, Anne Phillips, Robi Polikar, Karen Siefring, Edward Smith, Sonia Spencer, Robert Sterner, Eileen Stutzbach, Skeff Thomas, Sandy Tweedie, Cindy Vitto, Tricia Yurak, Faye Zhu

Not in Attendance/Represented by Alternate: Charles Schultz (out due to injury) represented by Bob Newland, Barbara Williams represented by Joy XinNot in Attendance: James Abbott, Herb Appelson, Greg Biren, Julia Chang, Richard Earl, Dorie Gilchrist, Karlton Hughes, Denyse Lemaire, Bela Mukhoti

Motion to approve the agenda, seconded and carried.Motion to approve minutes of February 16, 2004, seconded and carried.

Special Report: Ed Ziegler, University Marketing
This seems an appropriate time to consider whether we should change our logo. The current university logo was created quickly to serve after the institution was named a university; then we went into a capital campaign and did not want to change the logo during the campaign. Now that the capital campaign has been completed, it is time to examine whether our current logo represents us well. In addition, there are some problems with our logo. For example, the current logo makes it difficult for the university to sell clothing because students have expressed the fact that they do not care for the way it looks. It has also been found that it does not work well when sent electronically because of the detail of the cupola. The new logo will be designed on campus by Curt Kapus from University Publications, a professional designer and an alumnus. University colors, mascot, and seal will not change, but we are also considering changing our slogan.About two weeks ago a committee was set up to guide the process. The first step is to do some research to get an idea of what we believe are the strengths of the University. The logo should reflect the sense of descriptive words that have recurred during this initial stage, such as “dynamic,” “progressive,” “exciting.” The committee will then come back to various constituency groups, including the Senate, once there are drafts of a design. The process will continue until we have consensus on a logo design. We would like to have a new logo in place by the fall, but there is no deadline. The logo committee will also generate a graphic identity policy for consistent use of the university logo.It was suggested that a senator be added to this committee. 

Standing Committee Reports:
Student Relations: Lorin Arnold, Chair
Lorin reported a minor change in wording regarding amplification equipment (Principles, section 5) in the Suggested É«ÀÇÉçÇø Policy to Assure Free Speech and Peaceful Assembly. Other suggestions were made from the floor: -Principles, section 1 should read: No records regarding the purpose or participants in a protest will be maintained by the University. 
-Principles, section 4 should clarify the difference between posted materials (which must, in accord with Posting Policy, bear the name of the sponsoring organization or individuals) and distributed materials, which are expected but not required to list information on the sponsoring organization or individuals. 
-Disruptive Activity, pg 3, section b. regarding “Fighting Words” should possibly be reworded in order to more clearly define “fighting words” as “words designed to provoke an immediate retaliatory reaction” or should be dropped altogether.
-It was also suggested that the Academic Freedom clause of the AFT contract be integrated into the Overview.Lorin will follow-up with the suggested changes and investigate the legalities of some of the wording in the free speech policy. 
Motion to have policy discussed further at the next meeting approved by a vote of 30 “yes,” 6 “no,” and 3 abstentions.
Lorin will bring the policy back to the Student Relations Committee.

Campus Aesthetics & Environmental Concerns: Skeff Thomas, Chair
Motion to introduce a resolution regarding É«ÀÇÉçÇø Environment/Building Practices, seconded and carried.
The resolution is designed to ensure environmental responsibility and encourage a University-wide commitment to common environmental principles and practices. Over the past eight months many discussions have taken place with the Campus Master Plan Committee, and many principles within the environmental resolution have been incorporated into the guiding principles of the master plan. 
In response to a question, Skeff indicated that LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certification will not be possible with the new Education Building, although some LEED principles will be incorporated into the building. The new Fine & Performing Arts Center is the first building that could possibly obtain LEED certification. Discussions about West Campus have also been ongoing, and the first building of the South Jersey Tech Park will be moved to a better location (from an environmental standpoint).

-Suggested change for resolution paragraph three, second sentence to read: É«ÀÇÉçÇø will endeavor to follow the best current practices in our interaction with the natural environment.Motion to approve non-friendly amendment to change, seconded and carried.Motion to approve the resolution as amended, seconded and carried.A question from the floor about recycling led to the response that Facilities personnel would be coming to the next meeting of this committee. Concern was expressed about the fact that recyclables in Savitz are commingled.Learning Outcomes Assessment: Anne Phillips, Chair
Anne Phillips commended her committee for their work in putting together goals and recommendations, with special thanks to Roberta Harvey for having done the majority of the actual writing. The LOAC goals and recommendations have been discussed by the Senate Exec and revised accordingly. The document is now ready for Senate discussion.
Middle States now requires that learning outcomes assessments be an ongoing activity and be recorded. The committee is committed to a faculty-owned, faculty-controlled process of assessment. Results of assessment should not be held against those applying for recontracting, tenure, and promotion; rather, credit should be given for engaging in assessment activity. Assessment activities should be established, continuous, and embedded as part of the academic process; should contribute directly to student learning; should take full advantage of existing processes and offices; and should be driven at the programmatic level by the individuals working directly with students.

Suggestions were made to add some general language about funding in Recommendation 1 and also Recommendation 3. (Some departments need funding in order to use assessment instruments of choice.)
- Questions were raised about the six hours of reassigned time for the Coordinator of Assessment and how that would fit in the redefined workload that we expect to occur. It was also suggested that a stronger rationale be made for the reassigned time by adding information about the specific duties of the Coordinator of Assessment.
- It was suggested that, under “Goals,” the word “sustainability” be clarified and “in learning outcomes assessment” be added at the end of that sentence.
- Motion to approve LOAC Goals and Recommendations was withdrawn so that the document can be reviewed by the LOAC in light of the comments and suggestions made today.Curriculum: Phillip Lewis, Chair
The following curriculum proposals were announced:Process C:
Liberal Arts & Science: Math/Science
Certificate of Graduate Study: Secondary Math Education
-Graduate levelInterdisciplinary
Physics/Chemical Engineering/Electrical Engineering
Concentration in Materials Science
-Undergraduate levelProcess A: associated approved course proposals:Physics/Chemical Engineering/Electrical Engineering
Materials Science
-Undergraduate –level 400SCC#03-04-909
Materials Science
-Graduate –level 500Motion to approve, seconded and carried.Career Development: Sonia Spencer, Chair
The deadline for materials to be submitted is March 31st. It is believed that eleven copies are to be submitted, but Sonia will confirm that information.
There is $40,000 available for career development.

Academic Policies & Procedures: Martin Itzkowitz, Chair
Martin met with Ted Schoen and Mark Weaver of the College of Business to discuss AP&P concerns about a proposed MBA program to be set up in Greece. The committee is currently reviewing a proposed policy to enable students holding a É«ÀÇÉçÇø baccalaureate degree to return for a second baccalaureate degree.Sabbatical Leave: Janet Lindman, Chair
Sabbaticals will be funded at the contractual rate of three-quarter pay for the semester, one-half pay for the year. The University Budget & Planning Committee has recommended funding to cover replacement personnel for those who go on sabbatical from last year’s list (those who deferred) and those recommended this year. Those recommended for year-long sabbaticals will be approved. Those deferred from last year and those recommended this year for semester sabbaticals will be asked if they intend to take their sabbatical or defer. For those deferred, there is no guarantee 100% funding for semester sabbaticals will be restored.

Research & Technological Resources: Gabriela Hristescu, Chair
Committee meeting scheduled for Friday, March 26th, 10:50 am to 12:05 pm, in the Computer Science conference room.
Note: This meeting has been rescheduled for Friday, April 6th, 10:50 am to 12:05 pm, in the Computer Science conference room.

Promotion: John Gallagher, Chair. The committee is processing the portfolios of 38 applicants for promotion. Fifty-one originally signed up for promotion last fall. Thirteen applicants either did not submit their promotion materials, or withdrew from the process.
The committee had to assist in solving college level promotion committee membership problems. The College of Business needed to adjust its membership and the College of Communication reduced its membership to three.
The University committee will submit a number of recommendations to the AFT Bargaining Committee to refine the process and make responsibilities clear. The committee will recommend that due dates be stated clearly at each stage. The committee is using a new agreement compatible instrument to direct its work of certifying applicant portfolios and the promotion process.
The agreement states that the University committee must certify its findings to the Provost by April 2nd.Tenure & Recontracting: James Newell, Chair
The T&R Committee has completed all reviews for the 2003-2004 academic year, and has turned its attention to issues of process.Senate Constitution Committee: Plans are underway to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the Senate.General Education Review: The committee has formed and the first meetings have focused on philosophy of our general education models and models common at our peer/aspirant schools. Five meetings for the remainder of the spring semester have been planned to the committee will have a report and possibly a resolution for the end-of-the-year Senate meeting on May 12th.Campus Master Plan Committee: The committee will be taking up the issue of sequencing of construction projects. A number of issues need to be looked at in terms of funding and logistics. The committee has been invited to work with developers of É«ÀÇÉçÇø Boulevard and the hotel complex, which will be the anchor at this end of the boulevard. The developer and the boro are optimistic that construction could begin as early as this fall.

Senate President’s Report:
-The Senate held a special working session with President Farish, the Cabinet, the Academic Affairs Council, SGA officers, and selected administrators on February 24th. The next special working session will be held on Thursday, April 8th at 2:00 PM in room 126 of the Campbell Library.
-There has been an approximate 50% response to the Senate survey from full-time faculty and professional staff. The deadline for survey responses was March 12th.Announcements:
-The Provost has asked for volunteers to serve on a committee to evaluate applications and recommend awards for the new Separately Budgeted Service (SBS) Program.
-There is a need for one faculty and one professional staff member to volunteer for the selection committee for the Joseph Barnes A. Award for Outstanding Service to É«ÀÇÉçÇø. Nominations are due in the Senate office by April 12th.
-The Chairs Council conducted its first meeting on March 3rd. Pat Mosto was nominated as Coordinator, and elected by unanimous ballot. This is a one-year term, with a possibility of a second year renewal.
-Senators whose terms expire at the end of the 2003-2004 academic year have been notified. Departments with senators whose terms are expiring need to hold elections and notify the Senate with the results.
-Professional staff ballots will be going out next, and Senator-At-Large nominations will be sent when the professional staff election is complete.
-Carl Calliari has announced his retirement to be effective June 30, 2004, after thirty-nine years of service at Glassboro State College/É«ÀÇÉçÇø. In accordance with past practice, Kathie Small, who received the next highest number of votes in last year’s senator-at-large election, will fulfill the second year of Carl’s term.
-Richard Earl from Public Relations/Advertising will be completing Hal Vogel’s term as department senator.
-Department chair elections must be completed by secret ballot and reported to the appropriate Dean and the University Senate office by April 30th.
-Textbook orders for summer and fall are due at the Bookstore by April 15th.
-The next Academic Affairs Open Forum will take place at noon on April 15th in É«ÀÇÉçÇø Hall.
-The Senate Constitution Review Committee is planning a 35th Senate anniversary celebration in May.Open Period: George Brelsford
- A “Seeing-Eye Puppy Program” will begin this fall semester. Four groups of residential students will be hosting the seeing-eye puppies, with the object of training and socializing them in preparation for their becoming seeing-eye companions. The pups will accompany the students on and off campus, including the classroom. Each student will receive a card that identifies them as a participant in the program, and the puppies will also have tags. Students will ask permission to bring puppies to class. George stressed that it is appropriate to say “no” if faculty or any students in the class do not feel comfortable about bringing a puppy into the classroom, for whatever reason. 
-The townhouse permits have been received. We expect to have 160 beds by fall of 2004. Students will be given the option to move in mid-semester or spring for those units that come on line later. The parking garage will be the last building to be constructed and will provide parking for residential students, commuters, and faculty/staff. 
Student Affairs is currently advertising for an Assistant Dean of Students/ Director of Judicial Affairs. Meeting Adjourned
Senate Resolution #040322-1
A resolution regarding É«ÀÇÉçÇø and the EnvironmentThe University Senate adopts this resolution as a recommendation to the Campus Master Plan Committee, the University Administration, and the University Board of Trustees. The intent is to open a university-wide discussion about environmental responsibility, which will result in a university-wide commitment to sound environmental principles and practices. É«ÀÇÉçÇø’s commitment to promote such principles and practices will provide leadership in South Jersey and act as an example for state institutions of higher education to follow. While such a commitment could be made at any time, it is unlikely that the University will experience another such period of explosive growth any time in the near future. The decisions now being made will shape the course of the university over the next decades. We as educators, as consultants to business and industry, as a business incubator, as a community of citizens and scholars have the responsibility and the opportunity to assume the position of environmental leadership, both for the benefit of students, staff and faculty, and for the community and the region. Resolution on 
Environmental Responsibility, Smart Growth and Building PracticesWhereas: Preservation of the natural environment is essential to the health of life on Earth, including our own life and that of our descendants, and
Whereas: É«ÀÇÉçÇø has the duty and opportunity to educate and influence its faculty, staff and students and benefit the community by teaching and modeling environmental values, and
Whereas: É«ÀÇÉçÇø’s proposed expansion, including new campuses and new buildings, presents an opportunity to assume a position of environmental leadership in South Jersey in its use of energy and resources, in the way it locates and constructs its buildings and in the way it uses its land, and 
Whereas: Nationally and locally recognized standards exist by which sound environmental practices regarding the sustainability and environmental impact of new buildings, land use, and institutional life and growth can be measured, and
Whereas: Fundamental decisions about the future of the university should be made with the knowledge, consultation, and participation of the whole university community, and
Whereas: The university community, building on the work of the master planning committee, should encourage campus-wide dialog about environmental values that will guide the forthcoming growth and development of the main campus, the Camden campus, and the proposed development of the west campus, recognizing that this discussion be sustained and expanded,Therefore be it resolved thatIn all current operations and future growth, É«ÀÇÉçÇø will adhere to sound environmental principles and practices, and will be a leader in South Jersey in promoting such principles and practices. É«ÀÇÉçÇø will make care for the environment a part of its daily life and image, in such a way that students, staff, faculty, and members of the larger community will be inspired to do likewise. The University commits itself to a continuing, full, and open public discussion of university policy in these areas. Within the constraints of responsible fiscal stewardship and the academic mission of the school, É«ÀÇÉçÇø will endeavor to follow the best current practices in our interaction with the natural environment.Addendum:
At present we understand the best current practices to include:Global/national level- New Jersey Higher Education Partnership on Sustainability
(http://www NJHEPS.org) 
Goals of NJHEPS:
1.Create knowledge, attitudes, skills and practices on each campus that support environmental sustainability.

2. Support Campus Teams consisting of faculty, administrators, staff and students committed to: 
1)Carry out specific projects to make the campus more sustainable through innovations in curriculum, research, campus facilities management and public policy outreach that might be replicated on other campuses 
2)Undertake a campus environmental inventory 
3)Develop a campus environmental action plan 
4)Communicate the message of sustainability to the campus

3.Partner with other stakeholders in sustainability efforts including government, public schools, businesses, not-for-profit organizations and community groups.

4.Encourage other institutions to pursue these goals by modeling "best practices" and disseminating the results. Program The Sustainable Campus Initiative is a comprehensive, Five-Year Plan (2001-2005) to change curriculum, research, campus facility operations and community outreach that focuses initially on reducing campus impact on global climate change. The SCI utilizes six consonant, interrelated strategies:
1.Education for Sustainability- the expansion of sustainability-related instruction in the curriculum 2.Energy efficiency and conservation measures aimed at climate change and allied with the DEP's New Jersey Sustainability Greenhouse Gas Action Plan to reduce both energy costs & emissions3.High performance "green design" at a time of major spending for construction & renovation in education ($550 million in bond money for higher education, $8.3 billion for K-12) which can greatly reduce total life-cycle energy costs & emissions 4.Sustainable materials use and "green" procurement 5.Student activism in promoting this agenda 6.Media campaign aimed at the education sector and the public.2) Regional Level-New Jersey Office of Smart Growth
What is Smart Growth?Smart Growth is the term used to describe well-planned, well-managed growth that adds new homes and creates new jobs, while preserving open space, farmland, and environmental resources. Smart Growth supports livable neighborhoods with a variety of housing types, price ranges and multi-modal forms of transportation. Smart Growth is an approach to land-use planning that targets the State’s resources and funding in ways that enhance the quality of life for residents in New Jersey. Smart Growth principles include mixed-use development, walkable town centers and neighborhoods, mass transit accessibility, sustainable economic and social development and preserved green space. Smart Growth can be seen all around us: it is evident in larger cities such as Elizabeth and Jersey City; in smaller towns like Red Bank and Hoboken, and in the rural communities like Chesterfield and Hope.In New Jersey, Smart Growth supports development and redevelopment in recognized Centers—a compact form of development—as outlined in the State Development and Redevelopment Plan, with existing infrastructure that serves the economy, the community and the environment.3) Local level- U.S. Green Building Council (http://www.usgbc.org).The U.S. Green Building Council has designed for new construction and renovation of existing buildings. These standards are known as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Standards. LEED standards are the nationally recognized standard for environmentally sound construction. They are rigorous and comprehensive, and they are clearly the standard to meet. Following them has not proved to be significantly more costly at the outset, and in the long run it is often less expensive due to savings in energy, water use, waste disposal and the like.