minutes of 02-04

minutes of 02-04

Minutes of February 16, 2004

Attendees: Jim Abbott, Herb Appelson, David Applebaum, Bryan Appleby-Wineberg, Lorin Arnold, Joe Bierman, Greg Biren, Lori Block, Carl Calliari, Bruce Caswell, Julia Chang, Jay Chaskes, Eric Constans, Steve Crites, Joanne Damminger, Gini Doolittle, John Gallagher, Kathy Ganske, Dorie Gilchrist, Jim Haugh, Gabriela Hristescu, Diane Hughes, Olcay Ilicasu, Martin Itzkowitz, Frances Johnson, David Klassen, Lee Kress, Kristyn Kuhlman, Denyse Lemaire, Phillip Lewis, Janet Lindman, Mary Marino, Mark Matalucci, Jeff Maxson, Stuart McGee, Eric Milou, Pat Mosto, Terry O’Brien, Julie Peterson, Anne Phillips, Robi Polikar, Karen Siefring, Sonia Spencer, Robert Sterner, Eileen Stutzbach, Skeff Thomas, Sandy Tweedie, Cindy Vitto, Barbara Williams, Tricia Yurak, Faye Zhu

Not in Attendance/Represented by Alternate: Joe Davey represented by Don Robinson, Judy Holmes represented by Phyllis Meredith, Robin McBee represented by Patrick Westcott, Janet Moss represented by Maria Sudeck Not in Attendance: Richard Earl, Tom Fusco, Karlton Hughes, Ellen Miller, Bela Mukhoti, Jim Newell, Joe Orlins, Charles Schultz, Edward Smith

Motion to approve minutes of December 1, 2003, seconded and carried.Motion to amend the agenda and hear new business first. Five opposed, majority seconded and carried.New Business:
Motion to approve Agenda: David Applebaum requested the agenda be amended to hear new business first, to discuss the adoption of a resolution regarding the Patriot Act. He spoke of the need to call for review of the Patriot Act as well as review of prior legislation and actions that undermine academic freedom by stifling free debate on our nation’s campuses. Motion to extend time allotted for this debate, seconded and carried.The resolution was discussed in sections. Motion to approve the revised resolution, seconded and carried.The following resolution will be submitted to President Farish for consideration.Resolution #040216-1
We applaud the members of the Drake University Community who set an example of courage and leadership in defense of academic freedom and democratic values.We call upon all members of the university community to join us in expressing solidarity and support for our colleagues in Iowa.We call for review of the Patriot Act as well as review of prior legislation and actions that may contradict basic principles of democracy and academic freedom as they affect our day-to-day life at É«ÀÇÉçÇø and our mission.We invite all to join us in the teach-in sponsored by Historians Against the War and Imagine É«ÀÇÉçÇø on March 10, 2004, as a way to translate a principle into practice and an opportunity to have free and open debate on our campus and discuss international and domestic policies and practices. We encourage ongoing discussion after the teach-in.
It was suggested that this resolution be sent to Drake University and also that, as it is disseminated on our campus, it be accompanied by a brief description of Historians Against the War and Imagine É«ÀÇÉçÇø.The planning session for the teach-in will be held on Tuesday, February 24, at 3:15. Interested senators are urged to attend.

Invited Guest: Nick DiObilda – AFT PresidentThe recently negotiated contract is currently being reviewed by state authorities, but everyone will receive a copy of the contract once it is printed.Nick reported that the local delegation was dissatisfied with the contract negotiations because the state insisted that some significant issues should be brought back for local negotiation. Stan Urban, chief negotiator for the AFT, distributed to senators a handout listing those issues currently under local negotiation: 
1. Redefinition of workload 
2. Tuition benefits for employee dependents
3. Accurate recording of compensatory time
4. Sabbatical leave proposal
5. Support for chairpersons
Nick reported that the AFT’s proposals on these issues were submitted in October 2003, but there was no response from administration until about three weeks ago, when he was told that there would be no negotiation. (The form for recording compensatory time will be changed, though.) Because other campuses have already negotiated for teaching reduction/alternate assignment and for tuition benefits for dependents, he believes we need to press forward on these issues. A specific negotiated agreement is required to enforce policy and to protect the program from whatever comes along. Nick urges senators to photocopy the handout distributed today, discuss the AFT’s proposals within their departments, and forward comments to himself or to Stan Urban. The union is already aware of the need for summer assistance and cash to support projects. Specific procedures can be negotiated, but we are firm on the principles of goal- oriented reductions, peer review, accountability, and individual choice. Those faculty who already have reassigned time may not see any additional benefit from this program. Nick reported that there are numerous inequities across campus regarding release time, and various practices and needs must be reviewed. The union does not want to see faculty lose what they have been given, but rather share what they have. The AFT’s proposal concentrates on procedure; the union does not want to interfere with academic issues and projects on campus. Listed below are the AFT’s proposed procedural guidelines for the redefinition of workload to reflect reduction of teaching/alternate assignment. (Note that the term “part-time” in the proposal equals half-time or more.)

A. Requests for a reduction of teaching duties in order to use reassigned time for a specific project may range from one to four semesters in length. One course reduction per semester is permissible.
B. Applicants for a reduction of teaching assignments/alternate assignment shall submit a proposal to a peer committee within the College. The peer committee will be representative of the constituents of the College. A member of each department within the college is preferred. Any faculty member who is not applying for a teaching reduction or who has already received one may serve on the committee.
C. The College Committee will review the proposal and either fully approve it, approve it with conditions, or reject it. Reasons for rejection must be given.
D. Proposal may be submitted to the College Committee in either the fall or spring semester, but the alternate assignment may not take effect until one year from the approval of the project.
E. Department chairs must be notified of the submission of the project, its length and expected start and ending dates.
F. No overload is allowed for faculty who have obtained a reduction of teaching load.
G. Projects may run into insurmountable difficulties. If a project must be abandoned, the faculty member will notify the Dean and the Chairperson so that a full teaching schedule can be restored the following semester.
H. A final report on the outcome of the project will be submitted to the Dean and to the College Committee.
I. Part-time faculty who have been recontracted after three years of continuous service shall be eligible for participation in this program.
J. This program replaces the programs formerly known as Separately Budgeted Research and Separately Budgeted Service.Chairs Council
-Cindy called for a vote to amend the Senate bylaws to include a Chairs Council as an all-University committee, to be effective immediately. The amendment was announced at the November 10, 2003 Senate meeting, where details were given.The Council will consist of chairs of academic departments or equivalent academic units (in the College of Engineering). A coordinator will be elected from among the chairs by nomination and majority vote. The Coordinator’s term will be for one year, with the possibility of a second year renewal. The Chairs Council will provide a channel through which department chairs may readily communicate with other chairs in order to share information and solve problems; enable junior chars to take advantage of the expertise of more experienced chairs; act as a clearinghouse to share information that individual Chairs obtain from their respective professional societies; participate in the formation of hiring committees for Deans and in the scheduling of interviews.Motion to approve the Chairs Council as an all-University Committee passed: 30 approved, 17 opposed, 7 abstained.

Open Period - Donald J. Farish – University President
- President Farish has already started discussion with Cindy Vitto and Nick DiObilda in regard to reduction of teaching/alternate assignment. Both he and the Provost are currently visiting all Colleges to broaden the discussion.-In reference to the resolution presented by David Applebaum, the President expressed the importance of protecting the privacy of the É«ÀÇÉçÇø community and reminded the Senate that the University last summer refused to turn over a student documentary tape.-In regard to a question regarding privacy of campus e-mail communication, President Farish indicated that we may indeed need a policy to address this issue. He also noted that a revision to the Interim Free Speech Policy should include the principle that we keep only necessary records. -The University is competing with several entities in regard to receiving its share of state funding. One example is that DYFS is slated to receive $125 million. If a bond referendum for higher education is placed on the November ballot, we have reason to believe that it would be passed by state voters. That money would then be dedicated to debt service, freeing up more of our operating budget.-The cost to repair the planetarium screen is estimated to be $100,000, but the University will not bear the burden of the expense since the damage was clearly caused by improper installation and should be covered by insurance.

Phillip Lewis, Chair of Curriculum Committee, announced the following curriculum proposal that was approved by the Senate Curriculum Committee: Process B: SCC#03-04-900
É«ÀÇÉçÇø Seminar Courses (Bildner Grant)
The Provost has approved this proposal only for the duration of the Grant (three years) because without funding, the nature of these courses would change.The Senate voted on the following curriculum proposal:
Process C: SCC#03-04-901
B.A. in Africana Studies
Motion to approve, seconded and carried with one abstention.
Committee Reports: submitted prior to meeting date.Student Relations Committee: Lorin Arnold, Chair
The committee will submit for approval at the next Senate meeting a revised É«ÀÇÉçÇø Policy to Assure Free Speech and Peaceful Assembly.Research & Technological Resources Committee: Gabriella Hristescu, Chair
Has made recommendations/suggestions regarding Web Policy.Promotion Committee: John Gallagher, Chair
College level committees should have received portfolios from promotion candidates and will complete their work by March 1st.Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee: Anne Phillips, Chair.  The LOAC met on January 28 and February 4 to prepare a resolution that establishes an on?going process of student learning outcome assessment. This proposal will be finalized at a meeting on March 3. It is hoped that the proposal will be discussed with the Senate Executive Committee and the Senate in March or April.

Awards Committee: Julie Peterson, Chair
Sponsors should submit their paperwork for this year’s medallion awards by February 20th.

Senate President Report:
-The Senate Executive Committee, President Farish and the Cabinet held a joint meeting on February 4th. Each Senate chair gave a brief presentation about the role and current work of his or her committee. President Farish and Cabinet members indicated that the meeting was extremely informative and beneficial.
Minutes for this joint meeting are attached.-The General Education Review Committee is being constituted and will be co-chaired by Phil Lewis, Chair of the Curriculum Committee and David Klassen.-A survey will be sent to all full-time faculty and professional staff to determine how well the institution is meeting our professional needs, and where we should encourage administration to focus energy and resources. We will be asking senators for help in ensuring a good response.Announcements:- Faculty are reminded that, for federal reporting purposes, it is essential to return to the Registrar’s Office the official 10-day class rolls.-Senators whose terms expire at the end of June 2004 have been notified. Departments should conduct elections and notify the Senate office of the election results by March 16th.-Elections of Department Chairs must be completed by secret ballot and reported to the appropriate Dean and the University Senate by April 30th.-Open Forums for candidates for Director of Government Grants & Sponsored Projects were scheduled as follows:
Thursday, February 12th –Library/126 from 3:00 to 4:00
Monday, February 16th – Libray/226 from 2:00 to 3:00
Tuesday, February 17th – canceled
Thursday, February 26th – Library/126 from 2:30 to 3:30
Friday, February 27th – Library/126 from 2:00 to 3:00The Senate Executive Committee is scheduled to meet with each candidate the hour preceding the open forum at the above locations.-Special work session for the Senate, Deans, Cabinet, and other selected administrators is scheduled for 11:00, Tuesday, February 24th, Room 221 in the Student Center.-The Senate will be soliciting nominations for the recipient of the Joseph Barnes Award for Outstanding Service to É«ÀÇÉçÇø.

Motion to adjourn, seconded and carried.