Bozorth Hall Auditorium Attendance: H. Appelson, S. Thomas, M. Marino, L. Holbrook, J. Newell, E. Guerra, J. Orlins, L. Arnold, M. Itzkowitz, J. Maxson, J. Kay, T. Hamer, E. Rusch, R. Polikar, J. Moss, S. Taber, C. Vitto, E. Chaloupka, G. Biren, C. Clark, B. Habte-Giorgis, M. Li, P. Laumakis, T. Wade, S. Clough, B. Caswell, L. Reeves, J. Rada, C. Hasit, J. Benevento, J. Gallagher, J. Xin, S. McHenry, C. Calliari, J. Chaskes, D. Hathaway, P. Mosto, S. Spencer, D. Gilchrist, S. Killeen, J. Mallory-Church, B. Marlin, J. Peterson, N. Schmelz, K. Small Not in attendance: S. Weidman, L. Stephens, D. Lemaire, J. Heinzen, J. Chang, M. Vigorita, D. Mirchandani, P. von Lockette, M. Stieber, H. Vogel, T. Yurak, O. Ojewuyi, D. Miller, J. Mallory, K. Siefring, W. Still Sabbatical Leave: L. Hohwald, L. Kress, E. Streb Leave: T. Lehr Call to Order: Meeting convened by Acting Senate President Cindy Vitto. Approve Agenda: Motion to approve, seconded and carried. Approve Minutes of January 29, 2002: Motion approved, seconded, and carried. Open Period: President Farish reported on the State budget issue. The impact of budget cuts will be more serious than the $2.7 million originally projected by the recently mandated 5% cut, for various reasons: The last two installments of salary increase funding due from the State will not be paid this year. The Blee Bill funds (matching funds from the State for donations of more than $1 million) are currently frozen. The State is taking 5% from the employee benefits package, money which É«ÀÇÉçÇø must replace from its own funds. Altogether, É«ÀÇÉçÇø is facing a likely $6.5 million shortfall in this year’s academic budget, with a projected $11.8 million shortfall for next year. Because Blee Bill funds have been frozen, É«ÀÇÉçÇø is more severely affected by budget cuts than most of the other state universities, and we will press the Governor on this point since the consequences of budget cuts were intended to be equal. The Governor believes that the budget crisis will be short-lived, perhaps 18 months in duration, and therefore has asked the state universities to refrain from taking actions that would fundamentally alter their academic mission. President Farish will meet with the Board of Trustees on February 13, 2002, regarding budget issues. At this point Administration is taking several measures, including the following: As much as possible, the academic affairs budget will be sheltered. Some small capital projects have been deferred, and others will be funded through bond issues as a short-term solution. Although 30 academic searches were postponed, 15 received approval to proceed. Reduction in force is not anticipated. Administrative re-organizations to increase efficiency may be in order; in addition, each vacancy that occurs is being scrutinized before hiring for that position. A tuition increase is certain, although the amount of that increase has not been determined and we must ensure that the quality of the academic program improves. The five-year plan will remain intact, although various elements may have to be postponed. Question & Answer Period:
- Status of the ELF (Equipment Leasing Fund): The bond was not issued for the ELF funding, but there has been no word that the bond will not be issued in the future.
- Status of grants from the State, particularly teaching programs: It is believed that these funds are still available.
- Separation Incentives for faculty and staff: This subject is under discussion, but no decisions have been made.
- Short-term enrollment tuition increases: This is not an option for this university.
- State bond rating affecting the university: There is no reason to believe the university will be affected.
Senate President Report:
- The AFT has proposed several changes to the current promotion process. Stan Urban and Nick DiObilda attended the most recent Senate Executive Committee meeting to discuss the proposed changes. Consensus was reached only on the following, with follow-up action already taken as indicated below:
- Departments need to review and, if necessary, revise their current criteria for promotion. The Senate has already submitted a written request to the Provost asking her to initiate this process.
- The AFT’s proposed changes need to be disseminated to and discussed by the wider campus community. The proposed changes will be in the hands of every Senator and every AFT representative so that department members can review them. Comments can be directed or, with a copy to
- The Senate Executive Committee has scheduled a luncheon meeting with professional staff senators for February 15, 2002, to discuss issues specific to professional staff.
- The Senate Executive Committee is seeking to increase communication with the academic Deans. A luncheon meeting is scheduled for February 26, 2002.
- Karen Siefring has scheduled informal, Dutch treat luncheons with Senate Executive members and AFT Executive members. These luncheons will be held in the Owl’s Nest. The next meeting will be March 1, 2002, at 12:30 PM.
- The Senate co-hosted the Doo-Wop party, and $1000 was transferred from the Senate budget toward this function.
- Cindy Vitto thanked everyone for “getting her out of jail” in record time. The Jail and Bail event, sponsored by the Office of Service Learning and Volunteerism, raised more than $2000 for this spring’s Big Event.
- Departmental elections need to be concluded by March 15, 2002 so professional staff and senator-at-large elections can be conducted in early April.
- An inquiry will be made regarding funding for T&R and promotion material duplication.
Standing Committees:
- Academic Policies & Procedures: Approximately two years ago the grade grievance procedure was reviewed; the only remaining change the committee believes is necessary is to reword the policy and procedures so that any areas indicating “Dean of Students” will now read “Associate Provost for Academic Affairs.” There are no changes to the procedures themselves.
Motion to approve, seconded and carried.
- Campus Aesthetics & Environmental Concerns: Report update was distributed.
- Career Development: No report
- Committee on Committees: Approval needed for standing committee appointees.
Motion to approve, seconded and carried.
- Curriculum: Approval needed for curriculum proposal for M.A. in Educational Technology.
Motion to approve, seconded and carried with one abstention.
- Intercollegiate Athletics: No report
- Learning Outcomes Assessment: No report
- Professional Ethics & Welfare: As committee chair, Cindi Hasit was asked to represent the Senate on a University Task Force charged with revising the code of ethics regarding outside income to be in compliance with the New Jersey Code. The Code covers all employees and requires reporting of work that is compensated by any entity other than É«ÀÇÉçÇø. Guidelines for this Code will be sent in the near future.
- Promotion: Clarifications to the promotion process will be disseminated as soon as college-level promotion committee chairs are selected. Candidates will ensure that their promotion portfolios are in the hands of the college-level promotion committee chairs.
- Recruitment, Admissions & Retention: No report.
- Sabbatical Leave: Letters announcing recommendation decisions about sabbatical leaves have been mailed to all candidates and department chairs. Concern regarding replacements while faculty are on sabbatical will have to be addressed by the Deans, and we need to devise a way of ensuring that department chairs are notified in a timely manner of faculty who are applying for sabbatical leave.
- Motion to change order of business due to time constraints, seconded and carried -Ad Hoc Committee/Scheduling: A proposed new academic class schedule for implementation in September 2003 has been disseminated. Call for an amendment regarding two open periods to be held early afternoon on Tuesday/Thursday or Monday/Wednesday due to class load in morning hours was opposed. Motion to table the issue of the proposed schedule was seconded and carried. Motion to adjourn, seconded and carried. |