

Minutes of January 29, 2002

Bozorth Hall Auditorium Attendance: H. Appelson, L. Arnold, J. Benevento, G. Biren, B. Caswell, E. Chaloupka, J. Chang, J. Chaskes, C. Clark, S. Clough, J. Gallagher, D. Gilchrist, E. Guerra, B. Habte-Giorgis, T. Hamer, H. Hartman, C. Hasit, J. Heinzen [alt. For L. Kress], L. Holbrook, M. Itzkowitz, J. Kay, P. Laumakis, D. Lemaire, M. Li, J. Mallory, B. Marlin, J. Maxson, S. McHenry, J. Moss, P. Mosto, J. Newell, O. Ojewuyi, J. Orlins, J. Peterson, R. Polikar, J. Rada, L. Reeves, E. Rusch, N. Schmelz, K. Siefring, K. Small, S. Spencer, L. Stephans, M. Stieber, W. Still, S. Taber, S. Thomas, M. Vigorita, C. Vitto, H. Vogel, P. von Lockette, J. Xin, T. Yurak Not in attendance: C. Calliari, D. Hathaway, M. Marino, D. Miller, D. Mirchandani, T. Wade, S. Weidman, P. Mosto Sabbatical Leave: L. Hohwald, E. Streb Leave: T. Lehr Call to Order: Meeting convened by Acting Senate President Cindy Vitto at 11:10 AM. Approve Agenda: Motion to approve, seconded and carried. Approve Minutes of December 4, 2001: Motion approved, seconded, and carried. Cindy Vitto requested a motion to extend the open period from 15 to 30 minutes. Motion approved, seconded, and carried. Open Period:
Robert D’Augustine, Executive Director of Budget and Planning
John Finan, Vice President, Administration & Finance
Helen Giles-Gee, Provost, É«ÀÇÉçÇø
• Dr. Helen Giles-Gee thanked the Senate for the opportunity to discuss the budget issues. She reiterated that the administration will continue to work with all constituents to help us continue to meet our agreed- upon, long-term goals, and that the integrity of our academic programs must not be jeopardized. • Robert D’Augustine spoke about the 5% required cut in budget for state colleges and universities. In actuality, the cut will be larger than 5% due to the state’s freezing of Blee Bill appropriations and third- and fourth-quarter salary funding that would normally be forthcoming from the state budget. • Robert D’Augustine read a memo from Dr. Farish concerning the expenditure review process. Highlights include:
• Gov. McGreevey’s announcement of cuts in the state’s higher education budget has a direct and immediate effect on É«ÀÇÉçÇø’s budget this year and next year. In the short term, steps will be taken to avoid deficits. Consultations have taken place with the Deans and leaders of the Senate and unions. • All planned hires will be reviewed to see if any can be temporarily deferred with minimal programmatic harm. A hiring review committee is being formed that will make recommend-ations to Dr. Farish. No offers of employment should be made, no further steps be taken regarding any search until authorized by the committee and Dr. Farish. Committee will move quickly with deliberations, so searches authorized to continue will not be delayed. • Review processes regarding non-salary expenditures will be implemented. Purchases will be reviewed and opportunities for financial savings looked into. Department heads are asked to explore areas for savings. The Budget and Planning Committee, co-chaired by Bob D’Augustine and Nick Schmelz, will also seek avenues for lowering expenditures, and suggestions from the campus community in this regard are welcome. • It is emphasized that we remain committed to the strategic objectives that were carefully developed and stated in the five-year plan. The short-term budget difficulties we face will not deter us from achieving our objective of enhancing the quality of academic and student support programs of the university. Administration appreciates the cooperation and support of cost-saving measures on the part of faculty and professional staff.
A question and answer period followed:
• Status of Equipment Leasing Fund is on hold. • The adjunct overload budgets will not be cut. • Protecting academic quality, determining particular needs for positions, and considering the department complement of full-time faculty and the impact of not filling positions are all part of the criteria in considering budget issues. • Voluntary 10-month positions for professional staff will be taken under consideration. • Concerns for interdisciplinary and SBR monies were addressed. • Career Development money is a small amount with a high priority and will probably not be cut. • Tuition increase might be considered for next year. SGA leadership is being consulted.
John Finan thanked the Senate and their colleagues for bookstore support; the fact that a large majority of faculty returned textbook adoption forms before the buyback period saved the bookstore and the students a great deal of money during the Fall 2001 semester. President’s Report: Cindy Vitto was welcomed as the new acting Senate President.
• President Vitto informed the Senate that the Budget and Planning Committee had requested the appointment of a Senate representative or observer to the committee reviewing budget cuts/searches. • For her first official act as President, Cindy Vitto is to be arrested tomorrow for ‘Jail & Bail’ to raise funds for the Big Event, the annual community cleanup sponsored by the Office of Service Learning and Volunteerism. • A Senate representative is needed for the search committee for the Director of Public Safety. Applications are in; the search committee will begin meeting next week and should have its work completed by spring break. • The Senate was instrumental in changing the process of appointment to the Advisory Board of the Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Formerly, members were appointed by Deans, but now current members review application letters to select new members. (Sixteen letters were received for ten positions, and so the new process is working successfully.) • President Vitto read a note of thanks and appreciation from Rosemarie Wiest for being honored at the holiday reception and for receiving a gift to acknowledge her seventeen years of service to the Senate Office. Lauretta Reeves was thanked for doing an excellent job of selecting presents for the Senate secretaries. • The Senate received statistics from Eileen Morrow, bookstore director, stating how well the bookstore has done due to faculty cooperation in returning textbook adoption forms on time or, at the latest, by the beginning of the textbook buyback period. Last fall students saved at least $250,000 thanks to faculty compliance with the bookstore deadline. • The Senate Executive committee will meet with academic Deans to discuss Senate function, better communication, etc. Luncheon meeting will be held February 26 in Library 126. • The Doo Wop party will be held February 9th. Senate is involved in hosting this event, so come out and retreat to the 50’s for a night! • A copy of “Robert’s Rules at a Glance” was distributed. Kathie Small was introduced as Parliamentarian. • There is an automatic open period of 30 minutes when Dr. Farish attends a Senate meeting; otherwise, it is a 15 minute open period. There is a 10-minute discussion limit on any motion, but it can be extended by 5 or 10 minutes, if necessary. Other parliamentary issues, as they come up, can be referred to Kathie.
Standing Committees:
• Promotion: Elections of college-level promotion committees are underway and should be finished by February 8. Those committees will conclude work by March 1. The negotiated promotion document needs various clarifications relating to procedures. Donna Hathaway and Cindy Vitto have drawn up a “Promotion Procedures” document spelling out the promotion process in detail and are waiting for Bob Zazzali and Stan Urban to sign off on this document.The AFT has proposed several changes to the promotion process. These proposals will be discussed at next Exec. meeting with invited guests Stan Urban (chief negotiator for local AFT) and Nick DiObilda (local AFT president).• Recruitment, Admissions & Retention: Committee has surveyed all departments and administrative offices regarding pre-major and transfer issues they might have. Comm. will meet with the Provost, VP for Student Affairs, Bursar, and Registrar to reach some policy recommendation on the two issues. If anyone has concerns on these two subjects, which they are not sure have been voiced, they should contact Chairperson Hartman [hartman@rowan.edu, ext. 3787].• Research & Technological Resources: Reviewing work from last year and making sure it was implemented. Investigating how SBR’s are currently implemented and hopes to make a recommendation on how to improve them. Investigating possibility of opening a 24-hour computer lab for students and hopes to make a recommendation on the subject.• Sabbatical Leave: Letters are in the mail for 24 semesters available. 33 people applied for 40 semesters. 26 had a minimum score of 4 on the quality of their sabbatical project; a “4” is necessary in order to apply the longevity formula for sabbatical applicants. In all, 22 (2/3 of the applicants) were recommended. The committee will meet one more time discuss procedural issues and may have to confer with Bob Zazzali about a three-way tie that occurred as well.• Student Relations: Met last Thursday and revisited the issue of informal gathering places for students on campus, like the Student Center, because there are so few places available. The SGA has discussed this and is concerned about the usage of the Student Center. Their decision-making power has been taken away in relationship to how that space is being used, renovations, etc. Student concerns include usage, debt, reduction of hours, public safety, and board composition. A fee schedule for use of the newly renovated ballroom has been distributed by Tina Pinocci.• Tenure & Recontracting: Only a handful of candidates are to be reviewed this semester. Deliberations begin April 5.• University Budget & Planning: Part of the committee report was heard at the beginning of the meeting. Also, the committee met with the Provost to discuss enrollment management issues. Nick Schmelz and several members of the Recruitment, Admissions, and Retention Committee (including the chair, Harriet Hartman) will serve on the newly formed Enrollment Management Committee, co-chaired by the Provost and Drew Calandrella, Vice President for Student Affairs.• Academic Policies & Procedures: After discussion, the motion to adopt the policy on Designation of New Faculty as Graduate Faculty was approved, seconded, and carried.• Campus Aesthetics & Environmental Concerns: Met before the spring term started and have an update from Facilities regarding the recycling project. Contact Edie Rusch to request additional recycling containers; also, be aware that any trash deposited in a container designated for paper, aluminum, etc., “contaminates” that container. We need more publicity about recycling in general.• Career Development: No report.• Committee on Committees: Committee approvals needed to add the following individuals to the designated committees:
Academic Policies and Procedures: Greg Biren, HES
Promotion: Dan Chard, Art
All-University Library: John Gallagher, Sec. Ed.
Ad Hoc Bookstore: Susan Taber, Elem. Ed.
Motion approved, seconded, and carried. One faculty member is still needed for the Bookstore Comm. and four members are needed on the Committee on Committees. Contact Dorie Gilchrist if you are interested in serving.• Curriculum: There were 4 college-level committee meetings in December, and 43 curriculum proposals were passed. There is also a proposal for action: In October 2001, the Senate approved reorganizing the Bachelor of Music Degree. Previously, the Music Dept. had three separate degrees: Performance, Theory/Composition, and Jazz Studies. The department wishes to add two more degrees—Music Education and Jazz Education-- under the same framework. Motion to approve curriculum proposals was presented, seconded, and carried.• Intercollegiate Athletics: No report.• Learning Outcomes Assessment: Four members of this committee have been appointed to the Provost’s Task Force on Assessing General Education. The task force has had three meetings and will report to the Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee in two weeks.• Professional Ethics & Welfare: No report. Special Committees:• Scheduling Committee: Has completed its report, which will be submitted to the Senate Executive Committee on February 5th and most likely presented to the Senate at the February 12th meeting. The comments, suggestions, and questions that were given to this committee were very helpful.
Unfinished Business: Cindy Vitto reported that the Senate needs to have guidelines as to the final results of resolutions once they are passed by the Senate, then passed on to the President. Currently there is no logical system of monitoring where these recommendations are in the approval process. She asked for suggestions to be submitted to her so this process can be improved. New Business: The Space and Facilities Advisory Committee has commissioned an inventory of space on campus and is developing policy about the use of space. A report should be complete in approximately five weeks. Any suggestions or questions regarding this matter should be submitted to Bob D’Augustine. Cindy Vitto informed the Senate that a request has been made to Bob D’Augustine for policy decisions to have input from each college. Motion to adjourn, seconded and carried.