ProfLink - Tutorials

ProfLink - Tutorials

ProfLink Tutorials

Exploring ProfLink

See .

Event Approval Process & Event Consultants

Once an event is submitted on ProfLink, an Event Consultant will review your request. Most events open to all students or the general public require an event planning session with your Event Consultant. All events held on campus must have an .

You must be the event host to list an event on your organization's ProfLink page. If you are assisting with an event, use the News feature or share the original event host's event to promote the event to members of your organization. If you are a co-sponsor, the event host can add your organization to the event page.

Creating Events in ProfLink

You can .

Attendance Tracking

There are . We strongly encourage all event hosts to report attendance at all campus events. This ensures that students receive the appropriate credit on their for participating in your event.

You may track attendance from the ProfLink website, using a roster of invited guests, with a card reader, or the Event Check-in App.

See the for more information!

Mobile Check-in App

Event hosts can download the Event Check-in mobile app:


Then . Students attending an event do not need the Event Check-in mobile app, they just need to display an Event Pass.

How to access your Event Pass

Students can . This can be saved to Apple Wallet.

Event Resource Guides

Check out Student Organization Services' ProfLink page for helpful Event Resource Guides: