Accessible Accommodations

Accessible Accommodations

Accessible Accommodations

The distance between parking lots and ceremony locations can be long and strenuous for elderly or mobility-impaired guests. Please review the information below and make the necessary arrangements to ensure a safe and memorable Commencement Day.

Accessible accommodations are available for individuals with ANY of the following:

  • Wheelchair, walker, powered device, cane, crutches
  • Unable to step on/off a bus or van
  • Needs assistance; unsteady on feet
  • Cannot use stairs
  • Needs portable oxygen
  • Unable to walk more than 100 feet unassisted
  • Hearing or visually impaired

If your needs are not described above, please contact the Academic Success Center at (856) 256-4259 to request accommodations.


Graduates and guests requiring accessible parking must submit a request for a permit to parking@rowan.edu. Requests may be submitted between March 24 – April 25, 2025

  • Accessible parking for all ceremonies in Richard Wackar Stadium - Lot C
  • Accessible parking for all ceremonies in Esbjornson Gymnasium - Lot W

Space in each lot is limited. Accessible parking passes are available on a first come, first served basis as space is available. They will be emailed to the requestor starting the week of April 28, 2025.

Golf carts will continuously loop through these parking areas to bring guests directly to the ceremony’s accessible seating area. Accessible seating is for the ticketed guest needing accessible seating and one ticketed companion.  No special ticketing is required.

American Sign Language interpreters

If a sign language interpreter is needed for college ceremonies, please contact the Academic Success Center at (856) 256-4259.

Wheelchair rental

É«ÀÇÉçÇø does not provide wheelchairs for the Commencement ceremonies. If you need a wheelchair, please make your own arrangements prior to the ceremony. Wheelchair rental is available through Delcrest Medical Supplies at (856) 665-7676 or Mr. Wheelchair at (215) 333-7303.