Registration Periods and Registration-Related Dates and Deadlines
Registration Periods and Registration-Related Dates and Deadlines
Registration Periods and Registration-Related Dates and Deadlines
Dates & Deadlines ChartsÂ
Registration Periods
Once it opens for your particular student classification, registration remains open until the end of the Regular Drop/Add period for the session in which the course(s) appears. Please see the appropriate "Registration-related Dates” document from the options above for specific registration adjustment dates.
You can proactively prepare for course registration by "shopping" for courses using the Plan Ahead feature in Self Service Banner:
Note about student classification hours: When performing future registration, the system assumes you have earned all credits for the current semester in courses you are currently attending. Ex. 110 earned hours + 15 enrolled = 125 total hours.
Registration for Summer 2025 opens for ALL students on Tuesday, February 11, 2025.
Graduate registration (for both matriculated and non-matriculated students) begins Tuesday, March 25, 2025.
Undergraduate registration begins Tuesday, March 25, 2025 for students according to the registration schedule below. Once it opens for your particular student classification, registration remains open until the end of the Regular Drop/Add period for the session in which the course(s) appears.
- Tuesday, March 25: all Seniors (90 credits and above)
- Monday, March 31: all Juniors (58-89.99 credits), and Seniors
- Monday, April 7: all Sophomores (24-57.99 credits), Juniors, and Seniors
- Monday, April 14: all First-years (0-23.99 credits), Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors
Non-matriculated undergraduate registration begins Monday, April 21, 2025.