Student Support

Student Support

Student Programming

Academic Options that may be of interest to Neurodivergent Students 

Public Speaking for the Reticent Student

The Communication Studies Department is offering a special section of public speaking during the fall semester that is designed for students with extremely high levels of communication anxiety.  Most students are nervous when speaking; however, some students’ reactions go beyond basic nervousness. 

If you advise or know a student that you believe has extreme physical and psychological reactions to public speaking, has put off taking this class for several semesters because of fear, or has previously dropped public speaking because the student was too afraid to complete the assignments, this special section of public speaking may be perfect for him/her.

The Public Speaking for Reticent Students section is being offered on (dates vary).  Students in the class will learn techniques to decrease communication apprehension while also completing the same speaking assignments as a standard public speaking class.  This class will not be less work than other public speaking classes (in fact, it may be more) but should be highly beneficial to students with a high degree of apprehension.

If you feel this situation applies to you or a student you know, please have that student contact Prof. Pam Marshall (256-4394, or marshallp@rowan.edu) immediately for information about the screening process.  The screening process will involve a written assessment of communication apprehension, and an interview.  Please note that this special section of public speaking is only offered once each year during the fall semester.

Screening for fall will be held as soon as possible. After the second week of the semester, I will not be able to add students due to the nature of the course.

I appreciate your help in letting our students know about this section of public speaking. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you so much for your help,

Pam Marshall
Director of Public Speaking
Director of Digital Presentations
Adjunct Coordinator
