Chronicles of Mann - Book One: Year 9,305 by Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

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Table of Contents

Preface Chapter 1 - Blair 1 Chapter 2 - Hakon 1 Chapter 3 - Hakon 1.1 Chapter 4 - Magnus 1 Chapter 5 - Harald 1 Chapter 6 - Elinor 1 Chapter 7 - Cassandra 1 Chapter 8 - Warin 1 Chapter 9 - Hilda 1 Chapter 10 - Magnus 2 Chapter 11 - William 1 Chapter 12 - Galen 1 Chapter 13 - Hakon 2 Chapter 14 - William 2 Chapter 15 - Galen 2 Chapter 16 - Warin 2 Chapter 17 - Warin 2.1 Chapter 18 - Warin 2.2 Chapter 19 - Magnus 3 Chapter 20 - Warin 3 Chapter 21 - Harald 2 Chapter 22 - Galen 3 Chapter 23 - Hakon 3 Chapter 24 - Elinor 2 Chapter 25 - Blair 2 Chapter 26 - Galen 4 Chapter 27 - Elinor 2.1 Chapter 28 - Cassandra 2 Chapter 29 - Hilda 2 Chapter 30 - Hakon 4 Chapter 31 - Cassandra 3 Chapter 32 - Elinor 3 Chapter 33 - Galen 5 Chapter 34 - Hakon 5 Chapter 35 - Blair 3 Chapter 36 - Hilda 3 Chapter 37 - Warin 4 Chapter 38 - Galen 6 Chapter 39 - Elinor 4 Chapter 40 - Harald 3 Chapter 41 - William 3 Chapter 42 - Hilda 4 Chapter 43 - Hakon 6 Chapter 44 - Hilda 5 Chapter 45 - Galen 7 Chapter 46 - Magnus 4 Chapter 47 - Cassandra 4 Chapter 48 - Hilda 6 Chapter 49 - Blair 4 Hilda 6.1 Galen 8 Cassandra 5 Hakon 7 Hilda 7 William 4 Galen 9 Cassandra 6 Warin 5 Harald 4 Elinor 5 Hilda 8 Galen 10 Blair 5 Warin 6 Cassandra 7 Hilda 9 Warin 7 Hilda 10 Magnus 5 Harald 5 Warin 8 Galen 11 Hilda 11 Harald 6 Hilda 12 Warin 9 Elinor 6 Galen 12 Warin 10 Hilda 13 Cassandra 8 William 5 Warin 11 Elinor 7 Galen 13 Warin 12 Hakon 8 Cassandra 9 Elinor 7.1 Magnus 6 Blair 6 Magnus 7 Blair 7 Galen 14 Cassandra 10 Hakon 9 Hilda 14 Blair 8 Warin 13 Elinor 8 Magnus 8 Hakon 10 Cassandra 11 Warin 14 Elinor 9 Blair 9 Hilda 15 Magnus 9 Hilda 16 Blair 10 Magnus 10 Hakon 11 Galen 15 Elinor 10 Blair 11 Elinor 11 Blair 12 William 6 Harald 7 Magnus 11 Blair 13 Elinor 12 Hakon 12 Blair 14 Magnus 12 Cassandra 12 Harald 8 Elinor 13 Hakon 13 Blair 15 Magnus 13 Elinor 14 Hilda 17 Hakon 14 Magnus 14 Cassandra 13 Blair 16 Warin 15 Hakon 15 Magnus 15 Blair 17 Elinor 15 William 7 Hakon 16 Warin 16 Hilda 18 Blair 18 Harald 9 Galen 16 Hakon 17 Warin 17 Magnus 16 Cassandra 14 Blair 19 Hilda 19 Harald 10 Warin 18 William 8 Hakon 18 Warin 19 Elinor 16 Magnus 17 Warin 20 Hakon 19 Galen 17 Warin 21 Blair 20 Hilda 20 Harald 11 Cassandra 15 Galen 18 Warin 22 Blair 21 William 9 Blair 22 Elinor 17 Hakon 20 Magnus 18 Blair 23 William 10 Elinor 18 Magnus 19 Hilda 21 Blair 24 Hakon 21 Harald 12 Cassandra 16 Warin 23 Harald 12.1 Blair 25 Galen 19 Elinor 19 Cassandra 17 Hilda 22 William 11 Warin 24 William 12 Warin 25 Harald 13 William 13 Hilda 23 Harald 14 William 14 Hilda 24 William 15 Harald 15 Hilda 25 William 16 Harald 16 Elinor 20 William 17 William 18 Galen 20 Hakon 22 William 19 Cassandra 18 Magnus 20 William 20 Harald 17 William 21 Harald 18 Cassandra 19 Harald 19 Harald 20 Hakon 23 William 22 Cassandra 20 Galen 21 William 23 Galen 22 William 24 Harald 21 Hakon 24

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Chapter 49 - Blair 4

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The Commonwealth of Drala made a grand show, and display when the ‘Longsword’, and it’s support starships arrived in the Bastion star system. Space fireworks went off as fast light craft performed daring maneuvers. The display continued in the lower atmosphere of the world as the shuttle carried Blair, her family, and staff to the surface. She watched from the window as the grand spectacle went off. It was a sight which Blair had never seen before, and took her breath away.

The sight of Bastion reminded her of her own homeworld of Goldenfield, which was of no surprise to her. They had both been worlds settled by the vast Fabian Dominion, star systems both abandoned by the dominion during their slow fall in the west, although Goldenfield had reminded part of the Dominion for much longer. They were also both star systems settled by the Furse after the Fabians had abandoned them, although Goldenfield had been settled by the Furse first. First thousands of years ago, and then again when her own ancestors were granted the star system to defend against Furse raids which laid waste to much of the former Fabian star systems of the north west, among other worlds.

Bastion, and Goldenfield also shared in common their large populations, something rare in the Commonwealth, although not as rare in the Kingdom of Salians, but neither was it common. More than twenty billion called both worlds home, although Blair knew from all she had read on the Commonwealth that Bastion had at least another five billion than Goldenfield. The structures of Bastion, even before they had landed, looked to be in much worse condition than that of Goldenfield though, or rebuilt with a design, and style which did not match that of the original Fabian builders.

The shuttle landed, and Blair looked out the window at the thousands upon thousands surrounding the landing craft, and the large finely dressed party that stood gathered inside the rows of finally decorated, ornate, and ceremonial armor of the King of the Commonwealth’s personal guard. The thirteen members of his King’s Guard stood nearby him in their red, and white armor trimmed with gold, and flowing capes made them stick out from the other members of the King’s Guard Forces, and they surrounded their king, and his family like armored statues.

Even from the shuttle Blair could see the king stand out among the large gathering of people, his tall stance towered over much of those around him, but the simple, yet gold circlet around his head marked him out as the king, clear as day for anyone to see.

Blair stood from her seat with her family, and made her way off the shuttle as the main hatch was opened, and ramp lowered to the landing pad below. “Have you ever seen such a sight?” she asked her elder brother in a whisper as they walked down the ramp side by side, and took in the cheering crowd, fireworks in the sky, and sky-craft buzzing above them.

Duncan laughed gently as they made their way together with the gathered people below. “Kings enjoy such displays. King Cerwyn is no different, although I do believe that this may even have him beat.” He let out a large smile as he looked at his sister. “So I guess the answer is no, and nor do I think I will ever see such a sight again. Gods only know how much this display cost.”

Blair nodded. “By the gods is it beautiful though,” she said as he took in the thousands who cheered, and shouted. “I could get used to such a thing though.”

The man with the circle upon his head stepped forward, and raised a hand. The crowd stopped it’s chanting, and cheered, but one could not say it went quiet. “Welcome to Bastion!” he said with open arms. “Welcome to the Commonwealth of Drala, it is an honor to meet you once again, the both of you,” King Oswald said as his eyes moved from Duncan, to Blair.

“Thank you lord king,” Duncan replied, and bowed his head down respectful to the king, who little more than three years ago were at war, and was defeated at the Battle of Redoubt. She had met the King shortly after that defeat when he, and her brother had made peace, and her hand had been promised to seal the peace agreement to a member of the royal house. She could never forget what the king had whispered to her during that meeting, and the thought brought a smile to her face as her brother, and the king exchanged pleasantries.

Blair had to admit that for a man seventy three year old, he looked good. He was five years younger than her own brother, and fifty three years younger than herself, but he looked no more than forty. He looked better in person than in the holos. It shouldn’t have surprised her. The Commonwealth of Drala has always been more advanced than the Kingdom of Salians in anti-age technology. In truth it was more advanced in most areas.

“May I present my sister,” Blair heard her brother state as he gestured towards her. She looked at the tall king, his shoulder length curly dark golden blond hair blowing lightly in the breeze of the air.

“Lord King,” Blair said respectfully, and bowed down, with her arms spread wide.

Welcome,” King Oswald said as he reached out, and lightly took hold of Blair’s hand, and bent down low as he brought her hand to his lips, and kissed it gently. “You are more beautiful than the last time I set eyes upon you.”

Blair could feel herself blushing as the king dropped her hand. “You are too kind, lord king,” she said with a broad smile. “And this!” She continued. “It is just amazing.”

“Non-sense, it was the least we could do to welcome you so far from home,” the king replied, and then waved his hand. “News of the marriage has been met with great enthusiasm throughout the Commonwealth, but none more than here on Bastion. Please, let me introduce you to the rest of the royal family.” He stopped, and looked at with his azure eyes, and large smile. “In time your own family.”

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