Chronicles of Mann - Book One: Year 9,305 by Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

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Table of Contents

Preface Chapter 1 - Blair 1 Chapter 2 - Hakon 1 Chapter 3 - Hakon 1.1 Chapter 4 - Magnus 1 Chapter 5 - Harald 1 Chapter 6 - Elinor 1 Chapter 7 - Cassandra 1 Chapter 8 - Warin 1 Chapter 9 - Hilda 1 Chapter 10 - Magnus 2 Chapter 11 - William 1 Chapter 12 - Galen 1 Chapter 13 - Hakon 2 Chapter 14 - William 2 Chapter 15 - Galen 2 Chapter 16 - Warin 2 Chapter 17 - Warin 2.1 Chapter 18 - Warin 2.2 Chapter 19 - Magnus 3 Chapter 20 - Warin 3 Chapter 21 - Harald 2 Chapter 22 - Galen 3 Chapter 23 - Hakon 3 Chapter 24 - Elinor 2 Chapter 25 - Blair 2 Chapter 26 - Galen 4 Chapter 27 - Elinor 2.1 Chapter 28 - Cassandra 2 Chapter 29 - Hilda 2 Chapter 30 - Hakon 4 Chapter 31 - Cassandra 3 Chapter 32 - Elinor 3 Chapter 33 - Galen 5 Chapter 34 - Hakon 5 Chapter 35 - Blair 3 Chapter 36 - Hilda 3 Chapter 37 - Warin 4 Chapter 38 - Galen 6 Chapter 39 - Elinor 4 Chapter 40 - Harald 3 Chapter 41 - William 3 Chapter 42 - Hilda 4 Chapter 43 - Hakon 6 Chapter 44 - Hilda 5 Chapter 45 - Galen 7 Chapter 46 - Magnus 4 Chapter 47 - Cassandra 4 Chapter 48 - Hilda 6 Chapter 49 - Blair 4 Hilda 6.1 Galen 8 Cassandra 5 Hakon 7 Hilda 7 William 4 Galen 9 Cassandra 6 Warin 5 Harald 4 Elinor 5 Hilda 8 Galen 10 Blair 5 Warin 6 Cassandra 7 Hilda 9 Warin 7 Hilda 10 Magnus 5 Harald 5 Warin 8 Galen 11 Hilda 11 Harald 6 Hilda 12 Warin 9 Elinor 6 Galen 12 Warin 10 Hilda 13 Cassandra 8 William 5 Warin 11 Elinor 7 Galen 13 Warin 12 Hakon 8 Cassandra 9 Elinor 7.1 Magnus 6 Blair 6 Magnus 7 Blair 7 Galen 14 Cassandra 10 Hakon 9 Hilda 14 Blair 8 Warin 13 Elinor 8 Magnus 8 Hakon 10 Cassandra 11 Warin 14 Elinor 9 Blair 9 Hilda 15 Magnus 9 Hilda 16 Blair 10 Magnus 10 Hakon 11 Galen 15 Elinor 10 Blair 11 Elinor 11 Blair 12 William 6 Harald 7 Magnus 11 Blair 13 Elinor 12 Hakon 12 Blair 14 Magnus 12 Cassandra 12 Harald 8 Elinor 13 Hakon 13 Blair 15 Magnus 13 Elinor 14 Hilda 17 Hakon 14 Magnus 14 Cassandra 13 Blair 16 Warin 15 Hakon 15 Magnus 15 Blair 17 Elinor 15 William 7 Hakon 16 Warin 16 Hilda 18 Blair 18 Harald 9 Galen 16 Hakon 17 Warin 17 Magnus 16 Cassandra 14 Blair 19 Hilda 19 Harald 10 Warin 18 William 8 Hakon 18 Warin 19 Elinor 16 Magnus 17 Warin 20 Hakon 19 Galen 17 Warin 21 Blair 20 Hilda 20 Harald 11 Cassandra 15 Galen 18 Warin 22 Blair 21 William 9 Blair 22 Elinor 17 Hakon 20 Magnus 18 Blair 23 William 10 Elinor 18 Magnus 19 Hilda 21 Blair 24 Hakon 21 Harald 12 Cassandra 16 Warin 23 Harald 12.1 Blair 25 Galen 19 Elinor 19 Cassandra 17 Hilda 22 William 11 Warin 24 William 12 Warin 25 Harald 13 William 13 Hilda 23 Harald 14 William 14 Hilda 24 William 15 Harald 15 Hilda 25 William 16 Harald 16 Elinor 20 William 17 William 18 Galen 20 Hakon 22 William 19 Cassandra 18 Magnus 20 William 20 Harald 17 William 21 Harald 18 Cassandra 19 Harald 19 Harald 20 Hakon 23 William 22 Cassandra 20 Galen 21 William 23 Galen 22 William 24 Harald 21 Hakon 24

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Harald 21

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Harald brought the fish to the main building of the estate. He, and Brock were often up early to check the traps in the slow moving waters of the creek which flowed through the lands of Woodhearth. He enjoyed it, enjoyed the peace of the early morning, and the slight coolness of the air. He also enjoyed spending time with Brock, and the two would sometimes use fishing poles, and waste their morning doing nothing at all.

Lady Woodsmith would use their catch in one of their meals. If not it would be turned into feed for one of the many livestocks that they, and the rest of the kids would care for. There was a simple peace in doing the tasks that were normally left to bots. It also kept their minds busy, and Harald could see the kids begin to smile, and even laugh again.

Four weeks of peace, and not looking over their shoulder had done wonders for them. Most of them. Hyrum never let his guard down, even Iris, and Nena were guarded. Nena tried to pretend she were calm, ad relaxed, for the sake of the kids. That her ancient home was safe from the dangers they fled, but Harald knew she thought otherwise, and he knew why. Where could be safe from the forces of the Commonwealth Forces when they controlled the whole world. How could they know that they weren’t placing the Woodsmiths in greater danger.

Harald tried to play his part, some days were easier than others, and Brock was good company. There were other kids on the estates, cousins, and the like. Older, and younger, but Brock, and his sister Rosaleen were the only one other than his friends of the same age.

Echo was seen less, and less. Harald knew that he was out there. Saw him most nights in his room when the others were asleep. The Bot would roam the country side, and surrounding areas, but Harald knew he was always close. He thought that the Bot could feel how uncomfortable he made the others, but Harald missed him.

They all had chores on the estate that kept them busy though. When Harald wasn’t at the creek checking the traps, they were feeding, and taking care of the livestocks. Out in the fields tending to the corps, vegetables, or berries. They would clean, and they would take turns with one of the training pods to conduct their schooling.

Most days Harald found that he hardly had time to think, and he found that everyone was settling into their spots at Woodhearth. Quincey was at home in the kitchen with Lady Woodsmith, while Hyrum, and Iris fell into service with the local guards of Woodhearth. Harald could almost always find Nena with her uncle.

Nena, like the rest of them trued to keep Harald out of the loop of what was happening as much as possible. If not for Echo he might never know what the King’s Guard Hilda Grip, and other Commonwealth Forces were up to.

Harald learned of the battle in the Isca system, and the capture of the ‘The Frostfang’, and the destruction of the ‘Frost Dragon’. Most of the Isca fleet had already been captured, and those few that could fight, either fought, and were destroyed, or were able to escape the system like the flagship of his father, ‘The Frost’ itself.

Harald didn’t know how many starships from the fleet escaped, but he knew enough to understand what that meant. It meant that the Commonwealth Forces controlled the system itself, even if they didn’t have full control of the world of Isca, or the other worlds, and structures of the system. King’s Guard Hilda Grip had the only fleet in system, and that fleet had thirty three Ships of the Line, almost five hundred capital starships, and more than thirty five thousand support starships under her command. She had called in the whole Commonwealth Sector Fleet.

Hilda Grip’s forces outnumbered her father five to one in capital, and support starships even before the battle. With the fall of the system fleet, the sector fleet stood no chance, not that it had anyone to lead it, nor that Harald could confirm it to had not fallen as starships from the sector fleet had often made Isca it’s home. Harald tried to push the thoughts out of his mind. There was nothing he could do about that. He couldn’t change who commanded space above Isca. All he could do now was enjoy the peace and quiet, savory the safety of his people, and hope that he could find a way to keep them safe.

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