Losing The Darkness by Moony1 | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

Chapter 73

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“You are finally awake.”

My eyes went wide open, seeing Skoll looking down at me near the flickering campfire. His wolf visage, the firelight dancing across his fur, I know the fact that I am awake in reality.

A cold wind blows in the night, causing the flames to dance wildly as I tried to stand up but fell back onto the ground from weakness. My body feel all weak and drained from the cold weather, not to mention that I was exhausted from the day’s events. All of these things combined together made it hard to move around, let alone walk.

Staring down at my chest, I had no clothes on, likely from my transformation I went through earlier. Not to mention that it is night and the feeling of the air appeared to went back to normalcy.

Opening my mouth, “where is Eve and Clover?” I looked around, but there is no sign of anyone else around, except me and Skoll alone in this snowy forest.

He sigh, turning backwards to the campfire as he sits near it, placing his hands over the burning lodge. “Eve and Clover are constantly hunting, searching for food, and keeping us warm with the warmth of this campfire to keep our spirits high and alive. They are both quite capable of surviving out there; we are lucky to be alive like this, though, with a bit of luck and a bit more time, we should be able to return to the city,” Skoll said with a hint of frustration.

“That is a relief,” I say.

Noticing the change in atmosphere of the calm area, I look out into the dark woods. The trees are all blackened from the cold weather that caused them to die. Even the leaves on the branches are frozen and dead. 

Common to see, since this damn planet is already frozen and cold in endless snow of the world. The only thing that is different from the usual scenery is the lack of birds. It is quiet, as if the world is holding its breath, waiting for something to happen. Something bad, maybe?

Nah, what am I kidding. Everything went to shit the moment we went in this forest. But at least, the job has been done and we are alive. Though, we were close to dying. We might have had end up dead if it was not for my…transformation.

Staring up the beautiful starry night, the glistering stars in the sky; it is almost like a painting or a photograph. If it wasn’t for the constant chill of the weather that constantly plague us in our daily lives, it would actually be more beautiful. 

“It’s beautiful, you know?” My tone was a whisper, but the words felt loud in my ears.

My voice was soft but full of emotion, and the sound echoed off the forest surrounding us. There were not many sounds here besides the crackle of the fire, which sounded distant now—it was only a few feet away from where we sat. The silence of the night seemed to magnify the noise of the flames, giving it a tranquil feeling.”What are you saying?” Asked the annoyed werewolf sitting across from me.

Shaking my head, “have you ever imagined of seeing something out of this world, like viewing a different hobby that you don’t usually get to witness? Like how a painter can paint a scene of the sunset or a musician can play a song that isn’t heard anywhere else; but never in your lifetime or in the history of the world, until the artist or the musician is born.”

Silence. A substantial amount of awkwardness between the two of us was happening. Then again, he is a stoic and merciless barbarian that enjoys killing off weaklings. That is why it was a bit hard to talk to him, although I believe it was necessary. After all, it was better to be safe than sorry.

“If that is so,” he finally spoke, “then the only thing that comes to my mind is slaughtering those who cannot help themselves; weaklings, women and children, the elderly, and the sickly. Those are the ones that deserve to be killed. They are the food of society. All they do is eat, sleep, and reproduce as the strong are forced to feed them. Only those that can fight back are given the chance to live. Everyone else is nothing but a burden. So if it is like that then yes, I have seen something else than my own, ” he said with a cold and ruthless look.

As the wind blew in the trees, the smell of the air was crisp and fresh.

His warped philosophy of life had been to be the strongest, to be the best, to be the most feared. To be the best, to be the strongest; to be the most powerful, to be the mightiest, to be the ultimate ruler of the world. Not that it is true, of course; humanity are mostly build and led around strong men or women. It is a fact that the more talented and stronger the person is, the more respected and loved they are. However, he still has an invalid take on the way he approach this.

“No, you are wrong,” I told him in a serious tone, grabbing his full attention of surprise, ” it is rather true that civilizations and societies are lead or built by strong, capable men and women. Yet, you forgot to acknowledge that the strong was once weak before. Instead of crushing and killing the weak as food or entertainment, you should help them become strong as you have,” the answer pierced into his heart.

He looked away from me with mixed emotions, unable to say or react back.

“I will think about that…” Skoll trailed off, standing up before quietly walking through the woods, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the sound of the cold breeze blowing through the flickering flames.

I probably should wait for Eve and Clover to come back…nah, I don’t think so. I am curious to know where and what Skoll is doing.

Standing up with all my strength, I took my first step forward, heading towards the direction of where he have went. Despite the high possibility of having frostbite, I endured onward with my two own legs; the only choice left for me.

Through the power of my human endurance and perseverance, I eventually came across Skoll, sitting at the tip of cliff, watching the illuminating moon that was shinning brightly above the horizon.This was not something new to me though. Ever since I was child, Benny and Alice hang out in our secret base, which is a place like this.

“Skoll? What are you doing out here?” I called him out. He did not reply, only turned to look back with a stern face. His eyes were cold and dead, yet somehow, there was a hint of a comforting yet sad smile. That was the only thing that gave him other than his desire to kill anyone that stands in his path.

“Took you long enough,” he stated as I approached and sit beside him, “I smelled you all the way from the campsite,” he added while turning back to the moon.

No shit sherlock, Skoll is mutant in the appearance of werewolf; of course he has supernatural senses like dogs and wolves do.

As the moonlight reflected from his calm demeanor, his blue fur shone with the light of the moon and stars, creating a beautiful sight that made it hard to believe that he is more than just a wild, killing machine.

“Why did you kill those children and the innocent teacher?” Straight to the point, I asked him with a soft voice that was not heard from before we had our conversation.

He was silent for a moment before answering with a bitter tone. Along the night wind rushing between us, it was easy to hear his words.

“It is my nature,” he replied, and continued, “I was raised and born as a mercenary, where killing is the only thing that gave me pleasure and happiness. If there is no target, then there is no purpose for me to live, ” his words were almost hollow. It was like a broken record playing on a loop.

Studying his body posture, the tone of his voice and words; I was capable of coming up with a conclusion in why he became the person he is now. He became a killer because of his environment.

“So that is your nature? To kill indiscriminately without mercy or remorse. Is that really how it is to be a lone wolf in the world, to be savage, uncaring, ruthless and violent?” My question was not a mere guess but a statement of fact.

Even if he is mutant; Skoll still has some remnants of humanity buried deep in his heart—a faint hope for the world that could never come true.

If only there was someone that can give a helping hand to this world.

“We are not so different,” Skoll said with a sigh, “All of humanity is like this, they have killers.” He spoke with a cold and emotionless tone. We both stared at the starlit sky and the blinking lights of the city. The air was still, and there wasn’t a sound that could be heard.

“All of the horrible things I have done, they mean nothing to me; they are nothing but insignificant compared to the death of a single human. They are nothing but a grain of sand on the beach, a drop of rain on the roof. There are no consequences, or if they exist, then it is nothing more than an inconvenience that is easily forgotten.”

I nodded quietly, taking account of his words, “while humanity is overpopulated even after the world became like this. But I believe you are underestimating about them,” as if trying to convince myself.

He grunted, glancing at me in disbelief, “underestimating them? Please tell, human.”

“It is fact that we are physically not that strong nor capable of living forever as one little step can destroy us. However, what drives us closer is living to the best of our ability. Even if we are tortured or injured severely and given up hope, most of us will continue to fight; to survive, to overcome. We are weak, although they are tenacious and adaptive. That is the most important trait of an individual human. But the most important of all is our individuality,” the insightful speech was like a breath of fresh air to my mind.

Skoll scratched his chin in contemplation, “if what you say is true, then what is so special about their personalities?” He asked curiously, as if seeking an answer to his own questions.

I let out a small smile, “humans and mutants; we all have this particularity personality that separates us from the rest. That is what make each of us unique and irreplaceable. Our differences are the only thing that can bring change and progress to this world and make it better or worse; this is our lives, our rules. No one can indicate that, not even a transcendental entity hovering above us.”

The werewolf lowered his head, “may I have some time alone? I need to ponder these words,” he said, looking away with a grim expression.

Before leaving after getting up, I turned back, “do you want anything else to say or comment? Because I can tell from the way you looking, you appeared to wanting to say something,” I spoke with a soft tone, loud enough to hear but gentle enough to convey the consideration and understanding in my voice.”No, but I want to thank you for having this conversation with me,” Skoll replied in his position, not turning his head to face me.

Nodding with a silent smile, I head back in the woods with new profound knowledge after having our little talk. Whether he will place his ideals over mine or vice versa is up to him-no one is forcing him to, it is his decision and choices only.

As I continue my walk to the campsite, from every step creating a crunching sound of snow underfoot, a curious thought strikes me. Even though I am naked in the middle of cold and snow, I felt cold but not severely to the point of suffering from hypothermia or frostbite.Guess I was correct, everyone has been adjusted in being with the cold and I appeared to be one that is more resistant to it.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read. Also, don't donate if you see the buttons, I couldn't remove them.

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