Losing The Darkness by Moony1 | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

Chapter 67

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Walking through the snowy night of these streets were tiresome, but when with someone like Eve at my side, the peaceful and cold atmosphere became more tolerable. Together we wandered through the quiet streets as the flakes of snow gracefully fall from the skies.

The bitter cold was biting at our cheeks, but it was never enough to stop us from walking forward. Ignoring the vandalism of our vehicle and stupidity forget to borrowing one of the police vehicles, the house is not too far away as we are taking shortcuts through the streets.

Together hand in hand, admiring the calm snowy night with no moving cars at sight in this neighborhood we landed ourselves into. Were holding our hands with one another, completely confident that we will make it out of here without harm or trouble.

That was a grave mistake to consider when I immediately sense a projectile speeding from behind, forcing myself to drag Eve along with me onto the ground. As the mysterious projectile glides past us, we quickly stood up and turn to met our assailant.

Standing a couple of miles away from us is a strong, tall and muscular humanoid man, who is a furry wolf-like mutant. He bears the resembles of an adult man with blue fur. Wearing pants with visible scars all around his shirtless body.

He menacingly stood there with his glistering icy axes that had seemingly appeared in his hands out of nowhere, glaring furiously as his blue eyes gleam through the night and snow. “Impressive, you manage to survive my attack,” he said in a cold voice, “you are truly a rare breed.”

What stands out the most is not his appearance, but his killing aura that was pouring from him as if we were about to be attacked by some savage beast. This mutant must be some sort of mercenary and warrior judging from his attire.

Not like that is going to help us at all though.

“Who.Are.You.” Eve coldly demanded from each word, bringing out her knives simultaneously, her expression changed to scowling with malice in her eyes, staring at the person who tried to murder us. “I am a new type of warrior,” He answered while grinning viciously, “a mutant mercenary who goes by the name ‘The Big Bad Wolf,’ although, you can simply call me Skoll.”

“What an interesting name,” I said while staring at him. Skoll smirked at me, amused by my statement, “Does it matter? I was specifically sent to kill Eve but I would like to kill the weakling first. If you mind, that is.” He then raised his axes in a threatening manner, showing off his strength.

“Over my dead body,” she said with confidence in her voice, ready to face him head on. “Let’s just do it then!” Skoll said. He began to charge towards us, no doubt wanting to finish us off.

Eve quickly glance at me and with a yell, “Adam! Run and hide!” She instructed me to comply, pushing me away as she jump in the air when he strike his axe at her, missing her by an inch as one of the axes pierced at the ground, creating a loud thud and crater.

“That is more like it!” Skoll sadistically yelled before Eve landed behind his back and slicing his neck, expecting a decapitated head rolling on the floor. Instead, her knife broke from impact of his skin. “What…how?” Eve was flabbergasted, she already made up the likely scenario and it worked but this person did not get injured or even a scratch from her now broken knife, “How are you still alive?”

Skoll turned to her, grinning with his teeth bared in a wicked smile. “I forgot that part, yeah. You see, little Eve. I cannot be hurt or even injured, my skin itself is like a indestructible armor.” He slowly grinned at her while chuckling, “That is why I am here to kill you and the weakling…but not in that order.”

Eve was stunned, staring at him with her eyes wide open.

Both of us realized that we are fucked, if what he says is true then nothing around us, even her knives can damage or even kill him without any form of bullshit magic or what not. But that is not stopping me from preventing Eve’s death.

“Hey Eve!” I yell at Skoll, causing their attention towards me, “I will deal with this, head back home!” Eve was shocked by my words, “No Adam, it is not going to happen. He is here to kill us and I don’t want you to get hurt for my sake.”

Despite his threatening aura, he was amused from this turn of events, “talking?! Why are we talking?! I am here to kill both of you!” Skoll replied with a sly grin, “I can’t let either of you escape before I get to kill both of you at the same time!”

“Eve, please! Just do what I say, it is my plan!” I yelled, hoping she would listen. “Adam…fine,” Eve replied with her sorrowful face, sprinting towards my direction, “don’t get yourself, my love.” She softly said near my shoulder before disappearing into the unknown.

Skoll grew much more vicious and angrier than before, “why you?! YOU DISTRACTED ME JUST TO LET MY TARGET ESCAPE, YOU CLEVER BASTARD! I WILL KILL YOU HUMAN!” He then lunged towards me, resulting in my adrenaline be pumping through my veins.

I ran through the streets despite him being fast as Eve, swinging madly with his axes at me but thanks to my instincts and gut feelings, I manage to dodge them all. “GIVE UP NOW!” Skoll yelled madly, he was now charging towards me with his axes like a madman. “I AM SO CLOSE TO KILLING YOU! GIVE UP AND FACE YOUR DEATH LIKE A MAN!”

He continuously swing his axes but to no avail, I keep dodging them as I flee concurrently. “Why are you running?!” He yelled in frustration, “I AM COMING FOR YOU! STOP RUNNING OR I WILL CUT YOU UP INTO PIECES!”

This guy is fucking insane and pissed at the same time! No wonder he is a mad dog, this bastard won’t stop until I am torn to shreds like a piece of meat in a butcher shop! Shit, I cannot keep dodging and running away from him forever!

“I AM GONNA KILL YOU IN A SECOND!” He shouted at me, still behind me.

This is fucking dangerous! If he catches up with me again, he might just cut me to pieces right here and now! I have to think fast! I had to stay ahead of him while also finding a place where I can hide from this lunatic bastard!

Then out of nowhere, a tank truck struck him from behind, allowing myself to dodge just in time as he was slammed against the ground. After picking himself up, he saw the truck that slammed into him and lifted it with his hands.

“Oh shit…” That was my only words before he grinned at me and threw it in my direction as I desperately try to run away but to no avail, causing it to explode near me; releasing large area of smoke and fire. “Where the hell are you!?” Skoll asked angrily, entering in the cloud of smoke with his senses caught off from his surroundings.

“Come out! Face me like a fighter!” Skoll madly swing his axes around him in this thick smoke of cloud, hoping to hit something but to no avail. After a minute passed and the cloud of smoke rapidly dissipates in the air, he was greeted with no one but the debris of the tank truck that he destroyed.

However, that did not stop his hunt. No, not quite. When the smoke finally cleared, his superhuman senses came back; allowing him to smell the scent of where I ran into as a grin crept on his face. He knew my scent and location is at.

“That is where you are.”


“Shit…what have I landed myself into?”

I entered what to appears to be a small building of elementary school with one classroom on its only floor. This is just like those old horror films where all the children get killed by some unknown maniac. Despite the children and teacher looking at me in shock and fear, the said teacher walked up to me with caution, “can I help you with something?” The tied braid woman with purple dress asked.

“I have been here for a while now and I found myself lost,” I lied to her, hoping she could help me in some, “do you know where the nearest cleaning closest room is by any chance?” When I said that, the door behind exploded as we were thrown off from the force while the children were forced to held their ground.

As I got up and look at my supposed guy who was non-stop chasing me, the smoke around him slowly cleared, revealing Skoll himself but this time his face was more widen and excited than ever before when he not only see me, but also the children and teacher altogether.

“Weaklings! I WILL ENJOY KILLING YOU ALL!” He roared, swinging his two axes as he ran to my direction, causing the teacher to die before the rest of the children scream in fear. Skoll then looked at me, remorselessly cutting and slicing through every kid around him like a butcher going madly on slaughtering his pigs.

“I will take you back with me, it will be so much fun killing you and all of these sitting ducks that were trying to protect you!” He roared as from every swing he decapitates a student, the blood splatter all over him and me, the smell of death and gore was everywhere in this room of dying and screaming children.

I can only stand and watch in pure horror from the end of the corner, my body trembling and shaking from fear as he roared and laughed like a demon. Even though I should be trying to run away from him, I could feel my legs going heavy.

The hardest part was trying to endure the screams and cries of them. They remind me of my childhood; it was always hard for me to endure these horrors, even now. At this point, I don’t know if I could tell the difference between the children screaming and dying from fear, pain, or the fear of being brutally killed like that.

I just vomited on the damn floor, getting my hands over my mouth in a fit of disgust as I tried to keep myself together. I knew that I could not stay in this state, there was no telling what Skoll would do to me. However, the thought was too late when all the screaming and cries was quickly silenced when a shadow loomed over me, forcing me to rise my head up to see him grinning sadistically with the blood covered all over his body, including his axes.

“Any last words?”

I clenched my fists, I cannot die here. I cannot let Eve suffer from my death; I have to live for her and myself. I do not want to die, I refuse to.

Pulling out my cigar and lighting it up, I took a puff of smoke and exhaled while staring at him dead in his face. “Go ahead and kill me, see what happens then.” I said as I exhaled a cloud of smoke from my mouth. He smiled wickedly, pointing his axes at me, “oh I will, please scream and cry all you want just like the weak little sheep these children are; it will make this so much more pleasurable.”

“Hah!” I laughed, causing him to frown from my sudden burst of laughter. I think he was taken aback by my strange reaction. I am not worried or afraid, I know that I am going to die here, yet not the way I want to. “You really are stupid, do you doggy?”

He retreated his axes, amused and confused at my questioning and sudden odd behavior. “What are you talking about?” Skoll asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

“You are stupid, aren’t you? You think I am afraid of dying?” I said as I took another puff from my cigar. “I have done much worse in my life than what you are going to do to me. So go ahead and kill me, hell; I’ll do it myself if that is what you wanted,” I grab his axe, staring down at me unexpectedly before placing it at my neck, “it is easy to do it, just one large cut on my neck and I die from blood loss, you don’t want that, do you?”

He took a step back, frown in concern from the strange change of events, “what the hell are you doing?” Skoll asked, “have you gone insane?” I laughed as I continued to hold his axe at my neck, “insane?! Yes, I have. You wanted to kill me while making me think that this was the easy way out? Why would I want to do such a thing when there is another choice? A much more interesting option.”

Skoll laughed manically, “I like you! I never expected such an act from a human! You must be the most foolish person I have ever met!” He took a step back, “then why don’t you do it? Why don’t you cut your damn throat and kill yourself for my pleasure!”

“Pleasure? Seeing me kill myself is enjoyable for you, Skoll? There is something more pleasure than killing left and right. What if I show you a better way other than the desire to killing weaklings? How about you join me and I would give you so much more than that?”

“What?” Skoll asked with a puzzled expression on his face, “what could be better than killing people of all ages?”

I throw the axe towards him, catching it just in time, “killing weaklings is always boring, isn’t it not? They are the same, run and hide is what they all do. But if you join me…then I will help you not only hunt those who are weak but also strong. Will you not enjoy that? Fighting both the strong and weak? It is always boring for your superiors to keep sending you on missions like this. You won’t be bored anymore, right?”

Skoll appeared to ponder my words for a while, crossing his arms in wonder as I remain in my position despite having blood being on my clothes and accidentally pissing my pants from the pure dread of being close to death itself.

As the dreadful minutes passed, he looked and smiled in agreement, “I would like to try that. I am tired of the easy kill missions that are given to me. I have gone through numerous of those, but never have I ever had a challenge that is more than just killing.” He grinned, “then we will do it together. You and I, we shall be like two brothers that are searching for more glory and fame that plague this world.”

Only a sigh of relief came out of my warily mouth, disbelief and glad of successfully persuading a bloodthirsty mutant and mercenary to join me. I hope that I could be as good of a boss or ally as Skoll expected me to be.

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