
Well-Being Tips with Katie Huber

By: Michele Gallagher

Posted: June 19, 2019 12:00:00 AM EDT

Category: Well-Being, Lifestyle, Division News

Katie Huber

walklikeaprof-2.jpgOur first Walk Like a PROF event is in the books! Twenty five colleagues from Student Affairs - and beyond - joined us for a friendly, fun-paced, one-mile walk through campus. Katie Huber, Assistant Director of Fitness and Wellness at the Rec Center happily led the walk and shared some fitness and well-being tips throughout our trip.

Katie, who leads group fitness and student wellness programs at the Rec Center, sees great benefits in exercising with peers and friends. After all, Katie notes, "Well-being doesn't belong to any one person. It belongs to everybody. 

"Well-being doesn't belong to any one person. It belongs to everybody."

"Physical wellness and social wellness can really impact overall emotional health and well-being. The social connectedness you get from events like this (Walk Like a Prof) can hold people accountable, but it can also truly make it an enjoyable experience - and people want to do things that are enjoyable."

As we walked and talked, Katie shared insight into creating and following a well-being plan that can be customized for each individual.

Katie's Top Tips for Starting a Well-Being Plan:
  • Start small. Make an achievable goal that fits within your lifestyle.
  • Be specific. If your goal is too broad, you won't have a quantifiable result.
  • Do something you like. Get to know yourself and discover what you really enjoy - you're more likely to keep at it!

If you missed our first walk, don’t worry - there will be more! Our second Walk Like a PROF walking break will be Thursday, July 25. This time, we have mapped out two overlapping routes where everyone can join us, duck out for their next meeting, or continue if they have the time. We hope this gives more people an opportunity to join us for some fresh air and great conversation!

Several folks had questions about plants and flowers (and animals... check out the curious raccoon we spotted on our last walk!) that we saw along the way, so on an upcoming walk we hope to have a member of the faculty join us to discuss the different plant species we see while we walk throughout campus. Check future editions of OurVoice for more information!

We’ll see you on July 25 for Walk Like a PROF! Learn more here.
