How do I report....?

How do I report....?

Submitting Reports

É«ÀÇÉçÇø is committed to gathering information and providing individuals with opportunities to share information, concerns, perspectives, and thoughts. Although we attempt to implement mechanisms to make such communication accessible to all, we know there can be unintentional confusion regarding how to submit information. The following is intended to help provide clarification:

If you have immediate concerns for the safety of a student or others please call University Police at 856-256-4911. 


Student of Concern/CARES:

É«ÀÇÉçÇø is a University that cares about students and strives to implement early interventions to promote the success and well-being. As a result, individuals who may report concerns about students they know to be experiencing difficulties with classes, personal matters, coping with their environment or life circumstances, etc. If you have immediate concerns for the safety of a student or others please call University Police at 856-256-4911. 


Community Standards Referral: 

Individuals who believe they have either witnessed or been impacted by a violation of the Code of Conduct can report that violation using the informaiton on the following page. If you have immediate concerns for the safety of a student or others please call University Police at 856-256-4911. 


General Concerns or Information:

In an effort to best assist students, faculty, staff, parents, and other University partners, the following form has been created to allow for the expression of a complaint, concern, and/or request for assistance without having to conduct research on which report is correct. This "one-stop" model will allow you to share information that will be referred to appropriate University personnel for follow-up.