Rune Engineer by Jakman217 | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil


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-- Nadezhda: The King is Dead--

Nadezhda didn't believe Undyine, she couldn't but there was no reason to doubt her. She had to see for herself, and she wish she hadn't. Her father's body was the easiest to look at. His face was peaceful, at rest. But the shroud that covered him hid the grieveous wounds that covered his body. One which had torn open his chest. Nikalai was in pieces, his head and a part of his torso the only remaining parts to find. Cherim wasn't shown. She was told that he had been burned to death, the fire had melted most of his body, and what remained had been cremated so as to maintain his honor. Stalm, her nearest brother wasn't there. They couldn't find his body, only the remains of his sword and shield which were twisted and shattered. No matter how much she wanted to she couldn't cry. She couldn't scream. She just felt a cold empty feeling in her chest.

Undyine and Amar were there to watch over her, and once she had seen them, rushed her out and back to her room.  Once there she simply crouched, hugging her knees and letting her sadness wash off of herself. They didn't know what to say. Or how to say it. But they felt their hearts break with with hers.

Undyine fell back on her skills as a maid and gathered clothes for Nadia, ones which would be comfortable. Amar knelt beside her and put his hand on her back. "My Queen, we-". Nadia interrupted him to stand and push him back.

"I'm Not your Queen! I-I'm your Princess. The- The King's Daughter. I'm n-not ready for this. I didn't ask for this. J-just don't-" Amar was shocked by her outburst and watch as she continued. "I wasn't-was Never supposed to be the Queen! My father was to rule, then Nikalai. He was ready, he was trained. I'm- I'm just a girl, playing at royalty compared to them. I-" Amar approached quickly and wrapped his arms around her it a strong hug. "N-no. Let me go Amar! I- Iiieee. I don't want to be Queen. It's not my place. It-it's not." She let herself go limp then grabbed hold of Amar as strong as she could as her tears fell. She wailed into his chest, quickly soaking it in tears and asked questions no one could understand, and no one could answer.

Undyine approached as well, slowly and wrapper her arms around the both of them. Undyine and Amar had joined her in crying. Amar patted her on the head and slowly went to the ground so Nadia's knees wouldn't give out from her shaking. He didn't know what to do. He had never had a child, and he could never have prepared for this.

Undyine rubbed her back and cooed to her slightly, comforting her like a child as she shared her pain with both of them. King Nikodim was closer to her then many would've thought. She was there for his coronation, became the caretaker for all of his children, and was even a wet nurse for Nadia as her mother withered from illness. She wished there was more she could do.

"Nade-. Nadia, I'm sorry this has happened. But remember, while you lost your family, the people lost their King. They need someone to guide them through these troubled times. If I could give this to one of your brothers I would, but it falls to you." She looked up at him, her tears still falling. "Remember though, you are not alone. You have Undyine, and myself, and everyone in the palace to help you."

He waited for her to respond but she didn't, simply burying her face into his chest again. He couldn't say anymore, so Undyine did instead. "Nadia, take a few days to rest. We'll handle things in the palace and city for a few days. What I want you to do is to prepare a eulogy for your father and brothers. If you need anything we'll be here for you. Amar, do you think we could hold a funeral for them the day after tomorrow?" Amar nodded, having already planned that. "Nadia, let's get you something to eat, then why don't we go see Dante. Would you like to see him?"

Nadia turned to look at Undyine, her head still against Amar's chest and tears slipping from her eyes. "He, he's alive? Dante is?"

Undyine nodded. "Yes, and I think even injured he'd like to see you too. Come on, let's get up now." Undyine helped her up, then shooed Amar out so she could get cleaned up. It took a while, as she kept crying, but there was nothing to be done about it. Undyine didn't chide her for it this time, it was too soon for that.

Eventually, Nadia was ready to leave and see Dante. Dante was in one of the halls which had been converted into a makeshift hospital. The young man's serious face was strained a bit more by pain, but did little to alleviate his expression. He was pale, and looked sickly, but was chatting amicably with another patient, a knight from the looks of it. He was older then her at twenty four, and she had always been interested in him, but few understood why.

As she approached, she saw what was wrong. There was only one leg visible under the sheets. She wanted to cry again, but held back. He was alive, that was something and she didn't want to cry again. Not yet. "Dante." She spoke softly as she approached his bedside.

He turned to look at her and smiled, his strained, serious face melting away. "Na-" He stopped himself short. It was improper for him to speak to her so lightly. "Princess. Thank you for visiting me while I'm recuperating."

Nadia laughed. "Even injured you remember your manners. How are you Dante?" Undyine had slipped away and returned with a chair for her to sit in. She understood his position, and what he thought. He wanted her to act properly, at least in front of the others.

"I-. I'm fine. I'm afraid I won't be able to be a knight anymore, but I don't intend on falling yet." He seemed sad, but steeled himself. "And you Princess? Are you well after your father and brothers passing?"

The question caught her off guard. She should've seen it coming, but still. She felt another wave of tears welling up, but stopped when she felt his hand on hers. She shifted her other hand to hold his. She felt the calluses and rough spots of skin from where he'd held his spear. But even with the rough skin, the touch was soft. "I'm well, though my heart aches. I'm just glad you're still alive. If I had lost one more person I loved-" She stopped for a moment, embarrassed by what she had let slip, but continued quickly. "I don't know what I would've done. Thank you for staying with me." She squeezed his hand.

He squeezed it back reassuringly. "If I had, I would've chosen to say behind to watch over you." Her breath caught.

"Yes, you would've. Thank you." She bends over as though to kiss him, the eyes of everyone were on them. She stopped, feeling a teardrop fall, then shifted to kiss his forehead. She was not quite that ready, and she knew he would be embarrassed also. "Please Dante. Rest well, and get better. The people may need your strength for these trying times."

He pulled her hand over, and kissed it on the wrist. A proper action. Then turned it over to kiss her palm. Improper, perhaps, but it meant a lot to Nadia. "I will rest easy knowing that you are here for everyone. Thank you for giving us all strength." He said that last part for the sake of everyone listening in, but did mean what he said.

Nadia stood and left, offering a bow, and many thanks to other knights as she left. For a long while, Dante looked happy, much to the chagrin of everyone around him. Nadia returned to her room to begin writing the eulogy. She made no progress this day though.

-- Gwenifreya: A Message --

Gwen didn't cry upon hearing her father's death. She didn't feel anything. It was like she had been hollowed out. Saphira saw how it crushed her and invited her away. Hoping to help her Saphira took her to the baths, hoping the clean water, and fresh clothes would help her. They did wash the blood out of their hair, and and it did help Gwen feel better, but it didn't solve the problem. They stayed together for a while longer before separating. Saphira needed to get back to healing, and Gwen wanted to sleep.

Gwen wandered back to the Sazanovs and told them the bad news. They comforted her, but it did little for her. It simply passed through her, without leaving an impact. She was tired from the day. Thankfully, Mrs. Havgon was willing to give her a spare bed since the Sazanov's house was destroyed and she slept.

The next day was no better, she stayed in bed for far longer then she needed. Then after getting up she ate, then helped around the city, doing just whatever she was told. She didn't care, she just wanted to forget everything and throw herself into work to distract herself. Unfortunately, that dream was shattered.

"I'm looking for a Gwenifreya Leanne! Does anyone know where she is? I have a Delivery!" A young man ran down one of the roads and kept yelling. Gwen called out for his attention and approach him. He moved to her with a burst of speed, then stopped in a moment. "Delivery from the Martenik Parcel and Delivery Service. Who are your Mother and Father?"

"Maeve Leanne and Jochim Creuze."

"Alright. Identity confirmed. Here's your message. Have a g- Thank you for your patronage." He changed his parting words suddenly, then left with all haste.

She looked at the message, just a single sealed envelope. "For Delivery to Gwenifreya Leanne, Highest Priority." was written across the plain face in clean, unadorned Zemlyan script. Something about it scared her. Why would the Marteniks be delivering right now? This is abnormal, and didn't make any sense to her.

She found a place to sit on the side of the road and opened it. The letter came out and it was light. The paper was sturdy parchment and folded with precision. She opened it.

To Gwenifreya Leanne,

Eldest daughter and only child of Maeve Leanne, Runecarver, Head Professor of Runology, and Head of the Public Rune Magic Committee.

We regret to inform you that your mother has passed. She has left all of her worldly belongings, after any outstanding debts have been paid. This includes her land within the city of Arcana, as well as any tools, books, or other items contained therein, and her monetary accounts at the Arcana Crystal Vault and Bank. We request that you come to our office on the Arcana Campus or send a message to us within three years time, else the land and items will be reclaimed.


Avera Sojourn

She was running before she knew what she was doing. Tears were streaming down her face, but she couldn't stop running. She knew if she did she may not get back up.

She wanted to do something, anything. First she ran away to the edge of the city and found herself by the docks overlooking the sea. She couldn't swim, but she contemplated going out to sea. Letting herself sink beneath the waves. Before she could do it though, her legs carried her away. She couldn't stop running even though her lungs burned. She thought that maybe she'd run herself to death.

But no, she kept moving until her legs carried herself to the palace. She wanted to talk to Saphira, even though they barely knew each other, Gwen felt like she was her first friend in forever. Saphira was nice, and knew magic, and understood what she was going through. But as she approached the gate still her legs carried her away. She ran by Pyoter and Katarine, by workers, by the walls, by the graves. On and on and on and on and on and

By the time she had stopped running it had gone from afternoon to night. She could feel the blisters on her feet, the deep ache of her legs, and the burning in her lungs and chest. She wanted to just collapse, to fall over dead and end it right here. She didn't even know where she was.

She didn't care. The doors next to her were large and imposing, but she didn't care where they went, only that they went somewhere where she could cry. She crawled into the large room on the other side and stopped holding back her tears.

-- Nadezhda: A Day of Mourning --

It had been a full day since she began writing the eulogy. She had made progress, not much, but some. But she couldn't think of the words. Despite herself nothing came forth. It was getting late but she was restless. She needed to think.

She left her room and wandered about for a bit in the evening light. There was nothing to do. She needed to find something, or someone. She thought of Dante, but decided against it. He was probably resting and didn't need to be disturbed. She avoided the palace chapel. It was being used for the injured still. The main hall was a makeshift barracks, mostly housing those who had no where else they could go. The library was inviting, but all that would do is distract her. The servant's quarters came to her mind, talk with them, but it didn't seem right.

Eventually, she let herself wander outside of the Palace, down the eastern thoroughfare. The people were wrapping up their work for the day, and the roads were already relatively clear, though scorch marks and stains still remained. They would probably be washed away in the next storm. Even with all of the horror that remained, she could see what was underneath. As she walked further down the road she eventually came to the Cathedral. The Cathedral had been relatively unharmed since it was on the far side of the city from the main force of Demons. Still, chunks of the stone dome, and towers had been broken off, and much of the art built into it was damaged or destroyed. She walked in, maybe talking to one of the priests would help her. The priest of Azrael would certainly have something to say about it.

She reached the front door and found it slightly ajar. Then a few steps closer she could hear the wailing. Someone was already inside it seemed. Nadia was about to turn back when she stopped. Why would someone be crying so sadly? Having lost her family she could imagine, maybe they could help her, or maybe Nadia could help them. She took a deep breath and walked in.

A long way from the door, near the main altars was a young girl, perhaps near her own age. She could see drops of blood staining the ground which lead to her feet. Her long white hair was wild and dirty. She couldn't make out what the girl was saying, but periodically she could hear a 'Why' and 'mom' through her sobbing.

She approached, and as she got closer the girl turned back to look at her. Her face was a mess, snot and tears covered her face. Gwen saw Nadia, but didn't recognize her through the tears. She wiped her face a bit, trying to clean herself up, but only succeeding in smearing it further across her face. Gwen thought she would get scolded for acting to childishly and crying on the ground in front of the altar's statues. Nadia didn't however, she just sat down beside her in a slightly more lady-like fashion.

They sat there quietly, looking each other over for a long moment. As Nadia saw the tips of Gwen's pointed ears grow red with embarrassment, she finally broke the silence. "It's alright. A lot of us lost someone. All of us could use some time to grieve." She smoothed out the wrinkles on her skirt idly, trying to hid her trembling hands, as her own tears welled up. "Who did you lose?"

Gwen leaned away from Nadia, wanting to get away. She had never been good with other people or girls her own age and worse, she started recognizing the Princess. "I--Eh, *sniff* um..." She wanted to retreat, to run away again. But her bleeding feet and trembling legs would probably not support her. Worse, Nadia had reached out and grabbed her hand, locking her firmly in place with the weight of a feather. Nadia's hand was soft, and small, smaller then Gwen's hand. As Gwen looked back at the princess, Nadia's green eyes looked into hers and Gwen could see a desire to help, and her own sadness reflected back at her. Gwen moved back closer to the Princess. Her response was blubbery. "I... I losht my fader. Den, today I was t-tod my m-mom died, too." Gwen felt herself empty out on saying that. It was the first time she said it, and it felt more real when she did. Then, she was filled with horror as her mother's face wouldn't come to her mind. She couldn't remember what she looked like.

Princess Nadia put an arm around her, and gave her a loose hug. Gwen wanted to hug back, but couldn't. "Tell me about them. I want to hear about the ones you love. Maybe I can tell you about my family also." Princess Nadia's eyes were watering, just shy of tears.

Gwen nodded and began. "My mom, she was witty, dedicated, and always cheerful. Dad could be a bit cold, but he cared for me. I remember when he rescued me from a hole I fell into and scraped my legs on as a child. He carried me home and bandaged me up. He spent the rest of the evening hugging me. My mom, she would always take my birthday off, she would play with me for the entire day playing the most ridiculous games. One time she dressed up as a fairy and danced with me through the streets. Then there was the time we were kicked out of the public baths because we were having too much fun. Dad scolded both of us then, but he laughed all the same when we told him." She paused for a moment to catch her breath, and wipe her eyes, and realized she couldn't remember her mother's face. She cursed herself for forgetting and curled up into a ball. "I want to go home to them. I-I don't remember my mom's face. Why? I want to see her again. It's been so long. Why did she have to leave me, too. Why?" Her tears came back in full force. She wanted to go to sleep and never wake up. Maybe then she'd see them.

Princess Nadia just pulled her in tighter. Letting Gwen's head rest on her chest. "It's alright. It's okay." Her own tears came up as well, dampening Gwen's hair. "I never knew my mother. She died before I could remember from illness. So I'm happy to hear you talk of your mother. Maybe I could've had that too. My father was always busy, but he always had time for me. I would interrupt his meetings and he would just pick me up and continue on with me in his arms. When I painted on one of his robes, he saved it, and wore it around the palace when it was just us. He was proud of it.

"Nikalai, my eldest brother was always a bit distant, but he was nice. When he was reading he would let me listen in and read over his shoulders. He always had a stack of books close at hand. Cherim was cool, he always knew how to look good, and was always willing to give a loud speech, often just to see me laugh. Stalm, was my youngest brother, older than me by only three years. He was always happy to play with me. When everyone else would tell me to go away, that they couldn't play with me, Stalm would arrive. He could be bossy, but he was always fun. I miss them all. I want to go home to them too." Princess Nadia put her head against Gwen and began crying in ernest. "They left me and, I don't know what to do. I just wanted to get married to Dante. Help where I could. I didn't want to rule. I didn't want this!" Gwen for her part, hugged her back. "Dad. Please come back. Please." They sat there and cried for a long time. Occasionally, they would tell another small story, but always they just sat there. Crying and hugging each other.

They didn't notice the priests returning from the Palace, nor when they tried to talk to them. The priests for their part realized they wouldn't budge them and left. They returned with Saphira, Brandr, and a group of guards. Saphira figured out what was going on immediately and asked everyone else to wait outside. This wasn't something soldiers should see, particularly of their new Queen, and she knew Brandr would probably end up bowling her over in his clumsy attempts to comfort her. She walked into the Cathedral quickly, but only noticed Gwen halfway there then sighed. She had to ask herself whether the Angels led them here or not, but would save that for the priests.

They didn't react as she came close, seemingly too busy crying into each other to notice. But putting her hand on their backs gently brought them back. "S-Saphira?" Gwen was the first to respond.

"What are you doing here?" Princess Nadia asked immediately after.

Saphira smiled sadly. "What do you think I'm here for? The Queen goes missing and we're just supposed to sit on our hands?"

Gwen and Nadia separate from their hug. "What do you mean I wasn't gone that long."

"It's nearly midnight now Nadia. You've been gone for hours." Both of them sit up and look around a bit. They didn't even notice it had gotten so dark.

"So we've just been sitting here, hugging, and crying for hours?" Gwen responded.

"Yes, and both of you look like it. Come on. Let's go back get you two cleaned up." Nadia stands up quickly, but Gwen stays.

"I don't know. My feet hurt and-"

Saphira looks at Gwen's feet and fully realizes what's wrong with them. "Of course your feet hurt, you've got popped blisters." She gives a scathing look to Gwen then scoops her up. "Now your coming with us, whether you like it or not. Come on your majesty. Let's head back." Gwen shifts in her grasp, but is too embarrassed to say anything about it.

"Y-you're stronger then you look." Saphira laughed a bit. Walking back to the doors she quickly turns to Brandr.

"Could you carry this young lady for me. I don't think I'd make it back the whole way." She smiles at him mischievously.

"Not a chance. If Maria saw me carrying a girl around she'd have my hide. Yarrik, you carry the young lady." The guard who seemed to be the youngest amongst them. Steps forward and gives an embarrassed affirmation to them. He turns around and offers his back to Gwen. After a bit of awkward shuffling, she's put onto his back. The other guards do their best to not laugh at Yarrik. Yarrik, for his part, takes the quiet cajoling with steadfast stoicism. Gwen was less pleased, idly wishing to be back with the unarmored Saphira, and doing her best to not be uncomfortable with her bottom on his hands. Regardless, she wrapped her arms around his neck and let herself be carried.

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