Orikrin1998 Author's page | World Anvil

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Ywan Cooper | Member Since 1 Feb, 2019
0 Followers 6570 Page views 26 Likes

Hello! I'm French, I was born in 1998 and I was homeschooled. Yeah, my education was special, kind of. I got to foster my passions, which happened to be movies, writing, and worldbuilding. I've mostly been conlanging but I have a whole project for a planet now!   I'm trying to be a polyglot. French is my only native language, but I speak English fluently, and German and Spanish conversationnally. I also know bits of Esperanto, Italian, Russian, Greek, Turkish and Swedish.   The rest of my activities mostly revolve around blogging and writing.

Interests & Hobbies

Writing, blogging, watching movies, conlanging.

Favorite Movies

Interstellar Arrival The Martian

Favorite Books


Favorite Writers

Stephen King, Douglas Adams

Favorite Games

League of Legends, Crusader Kings 2