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Jinx | Member Since 15 Aug, 2018
0 Followers 13442 Page views 132 Likes

I am a creative at heart whether that is in writing, in painting, or inventing. I love to make something from nothing. Sci-fi could probably be classified as my favorite genre, but I am just as happy with classic fantasy and regularly draw inspiration from things like D&D. One day I hope to be known for some of my work.

Interests & Hobbies

World Building, Art, Design, Reading, Cats, Cthulhu, Astronomy, Deep Sea

Favorite Movies

Angel-A, Big Hero 6, Wreck-it Ralph, Avatar, The 5th Element, Wall-E, V for Vendetta, Aliens, The Martian, Jurassic Park (all of them)... omg this list may never end.....

Favorite TV Series

Sense 8, Star Trek, Stranger Things, Arrested Development, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Supernatural, Game of Thrones... I know I am missing some and still have so many more to watch...

Favorite Books

The Android's Dream, Old Man's War, Redshirts, The Aurian saga, The Kushiel series, Ender's Game, Song of Ice & Fire series, Uprooted, His Majesty's Dragon

Favorite Writers

John Scalzi, HP Lovecraft, Maggie Furey, Jacqueline Carey, Orson Scott Card, George RR Martin, Naomi Novik, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett

Favorite Games

Overwatch, World of Warcraft, Minecraft, Dead Space, Hearthstone, FTL: Faster Than Light, Ori and the Blind Forest, Skyrim, Borderlands, D&D