ࡱ> TVSq` K!bjbjqPqP 4D::K$\D,$:||||||||+:-:-:-:-:-:-:$;h>Q:B||BBQ:||f:222B^||+:2B+:22nk69|p Ps%fs7 +:|:0:7>">@9>9|Z@24J|||Q:Q:( |||:BBBB$$$ $$$$$$  University Senate Minutes Science Lecture Hall December 12, 2005 In Attendance: David Applebaum, Greg Biren, Lori Block, Luis Brunstein, Larry Butler, Bruce Caswell (very late,) Jay Chaskes, Joe Coulombe, Kevin Dahm, Roberta DiHoff, Richard Earl, Carol Eigenbrot, Robert Fleming, John Gallagher, Kathy Ganske, Dorie Gilchrist, John Hasse, Karen Heinz, Vasil Hnatyshin, Judy Holmes, Elisabeth Hostetter, Cristina Iftode, Frances Johnson, Candace Kelley, David Klassen, Lee Kress, Christopher Lacke, Phillip Lewis, Yuhui Li, Mary Marino, Brenda Marlin, Mark Matalucci, Yusuf Mehta, Ellen Miller, Eric Milou, Esther Mummert, Bob Newland, Robi Polikar, Tanya Santangelo, Dan Schowalter, Karen Siefring, Kathleen Small, Edward Smith, Rob Sterner, Don Stoll, Pat Alexy-Stoll, Eileen Stutzbach, Maria Sudeck, Susan Taber, Skeff Thomas, Sandy Tweedie, Mary Beth Walpole, Michael Weiss, Barbara Williams, Cathy Yang, Tricia Yurak, Hong Zhang Not in Attendance/Represented by Alternate: William Carrigan represented by Scott Morschauser Not in Attendance: Herb Appelson, Joe Bierman, Ihsan Isik, John Pastin, Anne Phillips, Marian Stieber (emergency department meeting) Agenda approved II. Request for Announcement of Guests. No guests were announced. III. Approval of Minutes of University Senate of November 28, 2005 postponed to 1/30/06. IV. Presidents Report, Reported by the Vice president, Phil Lewis The full Presidents Report appears on a separate page. Most items are informational, but the Stop Gap Honesty Policy may require a two-thirds vote for suspension of the rules under New Business. The plan for the Academic Freedom Task Force will also be listed under New Business to be voted upon at the January meeting. V. Committee Reports A. Academic Policies and Procedures, Susan Taber reported that a meeting of three Senate Committees will take place in order to work on The Academic Honesty Policy and the Academic Dismissal Policy. Campus Aesthetics/Environmental Concerns, Skeffington N. Thomas, no report. Career Development, Lee B. Kress, no report. Committee on Committees, Frances S. Johnson, reported that the committee is narrowing the search for a Professional staff member for the Institutional Research Committee. E. Curriculum, Eric Milou, (see separate report,) two Business specializations and four Communication majors were approved. The Public Affairs Masters proposal previously tabled, was approved with revisions. F. Intercollegiate Athletics, Christopher J. Lacke, no report. Learning Outcomes and Assessment, Donald Stoll, no report. Professional Ethics and Welfare, Barbara Bole Williams, no report. Promotion, Sanford M. Tweedie, all the college committees have been elected. Recruitment, Admissions, and Retention, MaryBeth Walpole, submitted a written report. K. Research, Robi Polikar, spoke to Senators about the NSFSG proposal (separate file.) Technological Resources, Vasil Hnatyshin, reported that the Provost has approved computer literacy test software, which will be piloted in the Spring and ready for use in June. The committee will provide support to Tony Mordosky, Director of Information Resources, to expedite purchasing and configuration of the new software. Sabbatical Leave, John Gallagher, no report. N. Student Relations, Lori A. Block, no report. O. Tenure and Recontracting, Tricia J. Yurak, no report. University Budget and Planning, Robert S. Fleming, submitted a written report. Q. Ad Hoc Constitution Committee, Karen T. Siefring, affirmed that after one more review over the holiday break, the final draft will be placed on the web site for feedback in January before coming to the Senate for ratification. R. Academic Planning Subcommittee of Master Planning Committee, Sanford Tweedie, no report. IV. Old Business A. Research Committee Resolution on NSFSG Proposal Guidelines presented by Robi Polikar. Proposal approved as amended (amended version, separate file.) V. New Business Sense of the Senate on the Stop Gap Honesty Policy. Because of concerns regarding the stop gap policy presented by the administration, the Senate adopted the wording of Bruce Caswells Presidents Report as follows We see no choice but to accept the Provosts Policy, but object to the manner in which this stop gap policy was developed. There was adequate time to consult with the Senate APP Committee in this process. We would ask for assurance that this is not to be used as a precedent for future policy changes. 35 Yeas, 15 Nays, 4 Abstentions. VI. Open Period (11:45 AM) Pres. Farish The diversity in hiring issue has been discussed with Dick Williams. Departments are permitted to invite desirable candidates to campus in order to build relationships within a department. This may be used to broaden the applicant pool. The Emergency Response Plan concern has been discussed with T. Michener who has developed a four level plan. 1. Testing emergency communication systems. 2. Bringing together key decision makers together. 3. Piloting the system in the Fall. 4. Full scale exercise to test all components. The President announced a reduced tuition plan for family and staff. He had a problem with a tuition waiver program since full freight students would be subsidizing tuition expenses. The Endowment has been doing well and would help offset the tuition expenses of $200 to 250,000.00 that a waiver program would incur. Starting this fall, students who are dependents of full time staff will be eligible. There are no special admissions requirements. Seven of twelve proposed Senate nominees for the Arming of the Campus Police Oversight Committee were accepted. President Farish noted his concerns with the current Student Honesty Policy and Code of Conduct. He said that faculty are sometimes not following the current policy. He is currently looking into the possibility of separating the grading issues from the punitive issues and cited the need for there to be a record of student cheating so that appropriate steps can be taken in each instance of dishonesty. Senators requested that the President look into: Parking issues following the completion of the Education Building. The change in the cost of medallions. President Farish stated it was not his intention to destroy the Medallion program, and he would look into this. VII. Motion to adjourn approved. DSJ V   P Z ] r | ڶڥڥڃڶڶڔڔrڃa h%FhE26CJOJQJ^JaJ h%FhI!CJOJQJ^JaJ h%Fh1oCJOJQJ^JaJ h%FhCJOJQJ^JaJ h%Fh|ECJOJQJ^JaJ#h%FhT5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h%FhT8CJOJQJ^JaJ h%FhTCJOJQJ^JaJ h%FhsCJOJQJ^JaJhs1CD   : } ~   & F^gdE26  ^gdE26  gdT & F 8`gd%FgdTgdT$a$gdTgdTgdTK! 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