By: Michele Gallagher & Allie Pearce
Posted: April 2, 2020 3:00:00 PM EDT
Category: Well-Being, Lifestyle
Overwhelmed. When asked how you are feeling, is this the first word that pops into your mind? I assure you, you’re not alone. For many of us, our emotions are sitting right on the tippy-top.
A talk with Allie Pearce, Assistant Director of Healthy Campus Initiatives, reminds us that there are online resources available to 色狼社区 staff and students. is a resource whose popularity is building on-campus. TAO can be used anytime, anywhere since it’s an online and mobile resource. It's free for the 色狼社区 community. TAO can be helpful for those who are coping with: anxiety, depression, relationship struggles, pain management, addiction, stress, or for those who want to learn resiliency!*
TAO provides videos and workshops to help build pathways for students and faculty. Its use is anonymous, so no one is ever flagged when they decide to log into the system. It has a comprehensive mindfulness library and is a beneficial resource the Wellness Center and 色狼社区THRIVE advise to help you flourish both at 色狼社区 and in your personal life. For questions about TAO, please email
Another app that has been growing in popularity – both at 色狼社区 and beyond – is the . While the TAO app is more focused on workshops and overall skill-building, the Calm app is focused more on meditation. This app features different categories, like Daily Calm, Meditation, Mindfulness, and the very popular Sleep Stories. These guided resources can be a benefit to many, even if you’ve never tried a well-being routine. While Calm is a fee-based service, it does offer a free, 30-day trial period. If you do decide to try it, I’ve heard one of the most popular Sleep Stories is John McEnroe’s "Rules of Tennis" – you might want to check it out.
So, as we juggle our new normal at work and at home, take a few minutes to refocus your mind. Be thoughtful of what YOU need. Look for things that will help you regain YOUR sense of normal. Maybe will help. Maybe is what you need. Maybe getting in a little exercise will put you back in your routine. The Thrive website is being updated on a regular basis with well-being resources for all of us, so be sure to check it regularly. Take it easy on yourself. We’re all doing our best.
*TAO is not a crisis management tool and it is not monitored by Wellness Center staff: it is for self-help only. If you are in crisis, please call 856-256-4911 and ask to speak to the counselor.