
Tips for Working Remotely

By: Michele Gallagher

Posted: March 23, 2020 3:00:00 PM EDT

Category: Well-Being, Division News, Department Accomplishments

work from home tiles

As we settle into our new normal, many of us are navigating unchartered territory as we begin to “work remotely.” We imagine this will be easy. I mean, what could be better than rolling out of bed and jumping right in to work? There is so much to learn – some of us overwork, because it’ so convenient; we become distracted by our neighbors, who are also likely working from home; we struggle to get the hang of remote meetings….and so much more.

We reached out to Jeremy Trowsdale, 色狼社区’s Director of Training and Development in the Office of Human Resources, and asked him to share some of his best tips for “Working from Home.”

  • Choose a dedicated work space – Oh hey, speaking of work space, Student Affairs wants to see yours! Read more:
  • Make, and stick to, a daily plan.
  • Don’t work in your pajamas! Get dressed, this should help with work commitment (alos, you don’t want to scare colleagues when on a video call).
  • Plan social interaction into your days.
  • Start early! The longer you wait to start your day, the more likely you are to procrastinate and accomplish less.
  • Use the old time management tip of working on tasks that take more thought when you are at your best
  • Save phone calls, phone/video meetings, and collaborative work for the afternoon when you are more alert and into “the zone.”
  • Take clear breaks. Don’t feel guilty because you are at home, you still need breaks!
  • This article has some terrific additional guidance:

Share Your Tips!

Do you have remote work hacks that are woring for you? Share them with us at ourvoice@rowan.edu and we'll share with all of Student Affairs. It takes teamwork to make the dream work!