By: Amanda Ciavarella
Posted: March 22, 2020 3:00:00 PM EDT
Category: Division News, Just For Fun
As we all try to adjust to working remotely, one tool offered is the Cisco Jabber chat platform. Read more about the tool and get started below!
Thanks to IRT, the entire University has access to a FREE chat platform! The Division of Student Affairs is onboard! Are you? Become an even stronger Ally in Success by using this tool to improve communication across departments, get to know your colleagues, eliminate unnecessary emails and meetings, and be more productive. Are you ready to give it a try? Submit your email address below and click "Download Jabber Now" to get started!
It's not email. Email is an essential workplace communication tool, but sometimes it can be cumbersome to use. Instant messaging can be used, along side email, to help facilitate internal communication and collaboration. While email is great for documenting projects and trading long messages, here are a few scenarios in which instant messaging might be a better option:
It's not a meeting. Meetings are crucial to the organization and are a function of our workplace, but sometimes our schedules get overloaded with back-to-back meetings that don't seem to produce any results. Group instant messaging is an option for those who work off-site, or just need to gather input for a project. Here are a few scenarios in which a virtual Jabber meeting might make more sense:
It breaks down barriers. Who has felt the satisfaction of finally connecting a name with a face after months, or even years, of emailing? Jabber puts colleagues from across the Division right in front of you!
Ready to give it a try? Submit your email address below and click "Download Jabber Now" to get started!