
Tell Us Your Resolution!

By: Gianna Risica

Posted: January 23, 2020 12:00:00 AM EST

Category: Lifestyle, Just For Fun

new year photo

“Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one” - Brad Paisley 

A fresh start with a new year is always exciting. We all love to make a list of our New Year’s Resolutions with hopes of sustaining some new, positive life changes. So, what is your New Year’s Resolution for 2020? Maybe, now that we're almost one month in, this poll can act as your reminder to check in and see how you're doing!

Share with us the New Year’s Resolution you are most focused on for the upcoming year. If your goal is worthy (hint - they all are worthy!), but not listed, make sure to write in your New Year’s Resolution at the bottom of the survey!