By: Amanda Ciavarella
Posted: November 11, 2019 12:00:00 AM EST
Category: Just For Fun
Smooth chocolate, with creamy peanut butter in the middle... An impressive 39% of you selected Reese's as your favorite Halloween candy. In addition, one colleague wrote in Reese's Peanut Butter SHAPES, noting that the shapes give a "much better ratio of chocolate to peanut butter." Clearly, we have some passionate chocolate & peanut butter lovers out there! Other write-ins included: Laffy Taffy, Twix, Candy Corn, Heath Bar, Peanut M&M's, Hot Tamales, Three Muskateers, and FOUR write-ins for Milky Way, with one specifically calling out Milky Way Midnight as the superior candy. In all, the votes fell overwhelmingly in favor of chocolate-based candy (89%). Congrats, Student Affairs - we have such good taste!
Check out this month's survey - Favorite Fall Flavors!